Speech Techniques 2700-M-WAR-D3TEMO
Activities aimed at improving voice and speech technique, especially in reading.
Aims of the course are:
- Awareness, what is good to talk (posture, breath, voice, diction)
- To familiarize the participants with exercises consolidating properly speaking habits
- Improving the skills of reading aloud (useful in radio and television)
- Developing the skills of speaking into the microphone of radio and in television in front of the camera.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, student:
1. Sees differences between spelling and pronunciation of words, verbal combinations
2. knows the rules of Polish correct pronunciation
3. knows the types of breathing (including breath most beneficial for the hygienic handling with voice)
4. knows the exercises to improve the speech organs
5. knows how to accentuate the Polish words
6. knows the correct sentence melody of Polish language (variety of tempo, pitch of the voice, the voice intensity)
1. knows how to consciously breathe using the diaphragm
2. relaxation exercises and speech warming
3. acquires self-consciousness over the work of the speech organs
4. enhances clarity of speech
5. knows how to properly accentuate the words (for accent verbal and propositional)
6. able to read declarative sentences deliberately closing coda (dot) in accordance with the principles of Polish sentences correct melodies.
Assessment criteria
Active participation, term papers
Practical placement
Lack of
1. Bednarek D., Ćwiczenia wyrazistości mowy, Wrocław 2005
2. Gorzechowski K., Rehabilitacja stomatologiczna, Białystok 2016
3. Karczmarczuk B., Wymowa polska z ćwiczeniami, Lublin 2012
4. Kotlarczyk M., Sztuka żywego słowa, Lublin 2010
5. Lewis D., Spokojny oddech, sposób na stres, tł. M. Czekański, Warszawa 2003
6. Logopedia artystyczna, red. Kamińska B., Milewski S., Gdańsk 2016
7. Łastik A., Poznaj swój głos… twoje najważniejsze narzędzie pracy, Warszawa 2007
8. Ostaszewska D., Tambor J., Fonetyka i fonologia współczesnego języka polskiego, Warszawa 2004
9. Szkiełkowska A., Kazanecka E., Emisja głosu. Wskazówki metodyczne, Warszawa 2011
10. Tenner J., Technika żywego słowa, Lwów 1904
11. Toczyska B., Głośno i wyraźnie. 9 lekcji dobrego mówienia, Gdańsk 2007 (i inne pozycje autorki)
12. Walczak-Deleżyńska M., Aby język giętki… Wybór ćwiczeń artykulacyjnych od J. Tennera do B. Toczyskiej, Wrocław 2001
13. Wieczorkiewicz B., Sztuka mówienia, Warszawa 1980
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: