Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
- The Central and East European Perspective on Russia 2100-ERASMUS-CEUE
- The Church and man, politics, war and power 2100-MON-KACZ-OG
- The comparative method in the social sciences 1600-SZD-WM-MPNS
- The conflicts of the modern world 2102-L-D4KWSW-HiP
- The constitutional basis for safety 2102-BW-L-D3KPBE
- The constitutional basis for security 2102-BW-L-Z3KPBE
- The emergency medical system 2102-BW-L-Z4SRME
- The ethics of public sphere (Internet course) 2100-MON-ESPU-OG
- The EU - Latin America relations 2100-MON-REUE-OG
- The EU in a system of international security 2105-M-D1UEBM
- The foreign policy of Poland 2102-M-D2PZRP
- The foreign policy of Poland 2102-M-Z2PZRP
- The functioning of the Eurozone: Maastricht criteria and economic implications 2105-EPE-L-D4EUZO
- The fundamentals of law 2104-L-D1POPR
- The Future of Warfare: AI, Drones, Robotics, and Space in Contemporary and Future Conflicts 2100-ERASMUS-TFOW
- The history of international political and economic thoughts on international relations 2104-L-D6HMPE
- The History of Slavery 2100-ERASMUS-SLAV
- The history of social questions and social policy 2103-L-D1HKSPS
- The history of social questions and social policy 2103-L-D2HKSP
- The Middle East Conflicts 2102-L-Z4KOBL-OG-Z
- The Middle East Conflicts 2102-BW-L-Z4KB-OG-Z
- The Polish parliamentary election of 2023: a Polish-German analysis from a student perspective 2100-MON-PW23
- The Polish system of law 2102-L-D2SPRR
- The political system of the Republic of Poland 2104-L-D3SPRP
- The prison system 2102-BW-L-D5SYPE-ZK
- The prison system 2102-BW-L-Z5SYPE-ZK
- The Study of International Relations - Introduction and Methodology 2104-UPIR-D1TSIR
- The World of Space Exploration - Political, legal and international considerations 2100-ERASMUS-TWSE
- Theoretical and Methodological Approaches in the Study of Democratization and De-democratization 1600-SZD-SPEC-PTM-PA
- Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Research on Political and National Security Institutions 1600-SZD-TAB
- Theoretical currents of the sub-disciplines of political science and administration 1600-SZD-N-NTS-PA
- Theoretical Paradigms of the Political Sciences 1600-SZD-N-PTNP-PA
- Theoretical Paradigms of the Social Sciences 1600-SZD-WM-PTNS
- Theories of Capitalist Imperialism 2102-ERASMUS-TOCI
- Theories of Democracy 2102-ANG-M-D1TODE
- Theories of international relations and its application 1600-SZD-N-T-SM
- Theories of politics 2102-M-Z1TEPO
- Theory and practice of democracy 2102-L-D6TPDE-HP
- Theory and Practice of European Democracy 2105-M-D1TPDEU
- Theory and Practice of Public Policy 2100-PP-M-D1TPPP
- Theory of international division of labor 2104-M-D2TMPP-MPH
- Theory of International Relations 2104-UPIR-D5TEIR
- Theory of international relations 2104-L-D6TESM
- Theory of Politics 2102-M-D1TEPO
- Think Tanks in Poland and globaly 2102-M-D2TTPS-ADP
- Third sector in social policy 2103-L-D4TSPS
- Transatlantic Relations 2104-M-D3STTR-SRG
- Transatlantic Relations 2100-MON-STTR-OG
- Transnational actors and movements 2104-GPIR-D2TRAP
- Transnational processes and governance 2102-ERASMUS-TPGO
- Turkish Faces of Islam - Religion, Politics, Freedom of Worship 2102-BW-L-Z3TIS-OG-Z
- U.S. National Security Policy 2104-ERASMUS-USSE
- U.S. Presidential Elections: Workshop 2100-MON-USPE-OG
- U.S. Presidential Elections: Workshop 2100-ERASMUS-USPE
- Ukraine and the EU in the 21st century 2100-ERASMUS-UKEU
- Ukraine: Culture and Identity 2100-ERASMUS-UKCI
- Understanding Equality Course 2100-KNR-OG
- Unemployment as a social problem (qestion) 2103-ORP-L-D2BKS
- US Foreign Policy 2104-M-D2PUSA-SRG
- US Foreign Policy 2104-GPIR-D3USFP
- US Foreign Policy 2104-MON-PUSA-OG
- US Trade Policy 2104-M-D3POHA-MPH
- US-China Rivalry in Indo-Pacific Region 2100-ERASMUS-USCH
- Use of foreign funds in building civil society in the post-Soviet area 2102-SEA-M-D4WFUZ
- War and International Relations: A Military-Historical Perspective 2100-ERASMUS-WIRP
- Web development and security technologies 2100-CB-M-D2TBSI
- Welfare mix 2100-SPP-L-D4WMIX
- Who runs the world? Girls? Gender & World Politics 2100-ERASMUS-WHRU
- Women, peace and security 2100-MON-KPBE-OG
- Work and Organizational Psychology 2103-ORP-L-D3PPIO
- Work organization and techniques of public institutions officers 2102-BW-L-Z6OTPF
- Workplace health and safety - additional course 2102-BW-L-Z1PWIN
- Workplace health and safety - additional course 2102-BW-L-D1PWIN
- Workplace health and safety - additional course 2100-BW-L-D1PWIN
- Workplace health and safety - additional course 2100-BW-L-Z1PWIN
- World and Polish Economic History 2104-M-D2HGPL-MPH
- World Social and Politcal Conflicts 2102-BW-L-D1KSPS
- World Social and Politcal Conflicts 2102-BW-L-Z1KSPS
- World Social and Politcal Conflicts 2100-BW-L-D1KSPS
- World Social and Politcal Conflicts 2100-BW-L-Z1KSPS
- World's civilisations 2102-L-D5CYSW