Celem studiów jest pogłębienie wiedzy z zakresu współczesnej fizyki oraz specjalizacja w wybranej dziedzinie, związana z poszerzaniem znajomości jej aparatu pojęciowego oraz stosowanych metod teoretycznych i doświadczalnych.
Program studiów
dyscyplina wiodąca: nauki fizyczne
specjalności do wyboru: fizyka jądrowa i cząstek elementarnych, fizyka materii skondensowanej i nanostruktur półprzewodnikowych, metody jądrowe fizyki ciała stałego, fotonika, metody fizyki w ekonomii (ekonofizyka), nauczanie i popularyzacja fizyki,
wybór specjalności pod koniec pierwszego semestru studiów
kształcenie w ramach specjalności od drugiego semestru studiów
kształcenie w zakresie fizyki oparte na światowej klasy badaniach naukowych prowadzonych na Wydziale Fizyki UW
kształcenie w na podstawie indywidualnego planu studiów przygotowywanego przez studenta zgodnie z jego zainteresowaniami, wspólnie z opiekunem kierunku
szeroki zakres zajęć laboratoryjnych
dostęp do pracowni komputerowych i bogato wyposażonych bibliotek specjalistycznych
możliwość wykonywania własnych projektów i prototypów w pracowni Makerspace@UW
możliwość uczestniczenia w pracach naukowych prowadzonych przez grupy badawcze na Wydziale Fizyki
praktyki zawodowe w ramach studiów
uzyskanie uprawnień nauczycielskich w ramach specjalności nauczanie i popularyzacja fizyki lub w ramach zajęć ponadplanowych
zajęcia na Wydziale Fizyki UW (ul. Pasteura 5)
Charakterystyka specjalności:
Fizyka jądrowa i cząstek elementarnych: Celem specjalności fizyka jądrowa i cząstek elementarnych jest kształcenie fizyków w jednej z następujących specjalizacji: fizyka jądrowa i fizyka cząstek elementarnych. Celem kształcenia jest przekazanie wiedzy o oddziaływaniach fundamentalnych i własnościach jąder atomowych. Oprócz przekazanej wiedzy teoretycznej w ramach szeregu pracowni absolwent zdobędzie umiejętności prowadzenia badań naukowych – od planowania i przeprowadzenia eksperymentów, opracowania uzyskanych danych do przedstawienia wyników i wniosków w naukowej publikacji. Ponadto absolwent będzie miał wiedzę dotyczącą możliwości zastosowań metod fizyki jądrowej w różnych dziedzinach życia.
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwent będzie posiadał głęboką wiedzę w swojej specjalizacji oraz szeroką znajomość specjalizacji wchodzącej w tworzoną specjalność. Absolwent specjalności fizyka jądrowa i cząstek elementarnych posiada poszerzoną wiedzę ogólną z zakresu nauk fizycznych oraz wiedzę specjalistyczną w wybranej specjalności. Absolwent potrafi definiować i rozwiązywać problemy fizyczne – zarówno rutynowych jak i niestandardowych. Potrafi korzystać z literatury oraz prowadzić dyskusje fachowe zarówno ze specjalistami jak i niespecjalistami. Absolwent ma podstawową wiedzę o problemach energetyki jądrowej, zastosowaniach izotopów promieniotwórczych w biologii, medycynie, rolnictwie itp., zastosowaniach promieniowania w materiałoznawstwie, a także zdobywa wiedzę z obszaru ochrony środowiska w zakresie zagrożeń powodowanych przez naturalne i sztuczne źródła promieniowania. Wiedza i umiejętności absolwenta umożliwiają mu podjęcie pracy w: jednostkach badawczych, laboratoriach przemysłowych i laboratoriach diagnostycznych.
Fizyka materii skondensowanej i nanostruktur półprzewodnikowych: Celem specjalności jest kształcenie wysokiej klasy specjalistów potrafiących badać doświadczalnie i interpretować zjawiska fizyczne zachodzące w półprzewodnikach, strukturach półprzewodnikowych i innych układach wykorzystujących elementy wytwarzane na bazie materii skondensowanej, a w szczególności rozumiejących fizyczne podstawy funkcjonowania urządzeń wytwarzanych w oparciu o takie materiały. Zdobyta wiedza pozwoli absolwentom na prowadzenie prac eksperymentalnych i charakteryzacyjnych, opracowywanie danych doświadczalnych i ich interpretację opartą na zdobytej wiedzy o kwantowej strukturze materii, a także na prowadzenie prac w zakresie szeroko rozumianej nowoczesnej technologii półprzewodników i nanostruktur półprzewodnikowych oraz ich zastosowań.
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwenci specjalności zdobędą umiejętności wymagane do prowadzenia pracy naukowo-badawczej w ośrodkach akademickich, instytutach naukowych, badawczych ośrodkach przemysłowych, instytutach badawczo-rozwojowych, przemyśle high-tech itp.
Metody jądrowe fizyki ciała stałego: Specjalność ta ma na celu kształcenie specjalistów w dziedzinie nowoczesnych metod badawczych służących do określania struktury krystalicznej i magnetycznej materiałów, szczególnie materiałów stosowanych w technice. Przedmiotem badań są również oddziaływania międzyatomowe, bowiem one determinują unikalne cechy nowych materiałów. Specjaliści znający nowe metody badawcze, metody jądrowe, szczególnie te uprawiane przy dużych urządzeniach (reaktorach, źródłach spallacyjnych, synchrotronach) są niezbędni w nowoczesnych zespołach badawczych a także zespołach badających nowe materiały przydatne w przemyśle. Przedmiotem tej specjalności są również badania podstawowe dotyczące mikroskopowego opisu stanu i oddziaływań w materii skondensowanej. Zagadnienia omawiane w ramach tej specjalności dotyczą materiałów istotnych w innych naukach przyrodniczych jak chemia, biologia i geologia.
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwenci specjalności zdobędą umiejętności wymagane do prowadzenia pracy naukowo-badawczej w ośrodkach akademickich, instytutach naukowych, badawczych ośrodkach przemysłowych, instytutach badawczo-rozwojowych, przemyśle high-tech itp.
Fotonika: Celem tej specjalności jest kształcenie fizyków w dziedzinie optyki kryształów fotonicznych, optyki dyfrakcyjnej i plazmoniki, przy dobrej znajomości optyki informacyjnej. Specjalność ma charakter stosowany i obejmuje wiedzę potrzebną do rozumienia działania, umiejętności wykorzystania, a także do projektowania i modelowania układów fotonicznych. Fotonika, a szczególnie jej część dotycząca układów opartych na kryształach fotonicznych i elementach plazmonicznych będzie w coraz większym stopniu wykorzystywana jako element uzupełniający lub zamienny wobec elektroniki, wykraczając poza - z fizycznego punktu widzenia proste - zastosowania telekomunikacyjne, czujniki i wyświetlacze. Optyka informacyjna dostarcza aparatu matematycznego i metodyki do funkcjonalnego opisu układów fotonicznych, co podkreśla stosowany charakter specjalności.
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwent specjalności Fotonika będzie przygotowany do podjęcia pracy w jednostkach naukowo-badawczych ośrodków przemysłowych związanych z optyką, fotoniką, telekomunikacją, lub naukami materiałowymi (szczególnie w odniesieniu do własności elektromagnetycznych nanomateriałów). Absolwent posiada poszerzoną - w stosunku do studiów pierwszego stopnia -wiedzę ogólną z zakresu nauk fizycznych oraz wiedzę specjalistyczną z zakresu specjalności. Absolwent posiada wiedzę praktyczną dotyczącą technik modelowania i projektowania układów fotonicznych, znajomości budowy i działania elementów optoelektronicznych, technik pomiarowych i technik optycznego przetwarzania informacji.
Metody fizyki w ekonomii (ekonofizyka): Celem kształcenia w ramach tej specjalności jest stworzenie studentom fizyki możliwości poznania idei, koncepcji, metodologii, metod, modeli i teorii opracowanych w ramach szeroko rozumianej fizyki, które są obecnie wykorzystywane do analizy zjawisk i procesów ekonomiczno-społecznych. Oczywiście, wskazywane są związki z ilościowymi metodami ekonomii, matematyką finansową a nawet wybranymi ilościowymi metodami socjologii. Chodzi o to, aby absolwent w efekcie uzyskał wykształcenie interdyscyplinarne i wielokierunkowe, a także kompetencje i umiejętności dostosowane do potrzeb, zmieniającego się dynamicznie, rynku pracy jak też umożliwiające prowadzenie szeroko zakrojonych (całościowych a nie tylko wycinkowych) badań naukowych. Ponadto, celem specjalności Metody fizyki w ekonomii (ekonofizyka) jest umożliwienie wybitnie zdolnym studentom realizacji programu studiów II stopnia w rozszerzonym i pogłębionym zakresie oraz umożliwienie pracy w grupach badawczych nad zagadnieniami będącymi aktualnymi problemami naukowymi. Pozwoli to na przygotowanie studentów w/w studiów do pracy badawczej m.in. do podjęcia studiów doktoranckich z zamiarem rozpoczęcia kariery naukowej, bądź do podjęcia pracy w instytucjach wymagających znajomości metod rozwiązywania problemów na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Praca magisterska przygotowana w ramach tej specjalności powinna reprezentować poziom pracy naukowej nadającej się do publikacji.
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwent specjalności Metody fizyki w ekonomii (ekonofizyka) posiada poszerzoną, w stosunku do studiów pierwszego stopnia, wiedzę ogólną z zakresu nauk fizycznych oraz wiedzę specjalistyczną w wybranej specjalności. Absolwent posiada wiedzę, umiejętności i kompetencje pozwalające na definiowanie oraz rozwiązywanie problemów fizycznych (zarówno rutynowych jak i niestandardowych). Absolwent posiada następujące umiejętności, kwalifikacje i kompetencje:
umiejętność dostrzegania zarówno zjawisk i procesów fizycznych jak też ekonomicznych a także socjologicznych;
umiejętność pozyskiwania i opracowywania danych empirycznych, zwłaszcza dużych rekordów danych;
umiejętność wizualizacji danych empirycznych;
umiejętność interpretacji danych oraz analizy danych (zwłaszcza empirycznych) oraz ich analizy matematycznej i numerycznej a także ich algorytmizowanie i modelowanie;
umiejętność modelowania numerycznego i komputerowego a w tym zwłaszcza umiejętność projektowania i prowadzenia symulacji komputerowych oraz porównywania uzyskanych wyników z danymi empirycznymi;
znajomość metod prognozowania i umiejętność ich praktycznego wykorzystywania;
umiejętność pracy w zespołach interdyscyplinarnych (np. składających się z ekonomistów, socjologów, psychologów, matematyków finansowych i ekonofizyków);
kwalifikacje do pracy w zespołach interdyscyplinarnych i wielokierunkowych.
Nauczanie i popularyzacja fizyki: Celem kształcenia na tej specjalności jest uzyskanie szerokiej wiedzy w zakresie wszystkich gałęzi fizyki, umożliwiającej śledzenie prowadzonych współcześnie badań oraz rozumienie najważniejszych odkryć naukowych. Nabycie umiejętności przekazywania wiedzy z zakresu nauk przyrodniczych z uwzględnieniem możliwości poznawczych młodzieży szkolnej i osób dorosłych.
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwent posiada poszerzoną – w stosunku do studiów pierwszego stopnia – wiedzę ogólną z zakresu nauk fizycznych oraz wiedzę specjalistyczną w zakresie dydaktyki fizyki i matematyki. Absolwent posiada wiedzę i umiejętności pozwalające na definiowanie oraz rozwiązywanie problemów fizycznych – zarówno rutynowych jak i niestandardowych. Potrafi korzystać z literatury naukowej oraz prowadzić dyskusje fachowe zarówno ze specjalistami jak i niespecjalistami, a także przystępnie objaśniać szerokiej publiczności sens prowadzonych obecnie badań oraz dokonanych odkryć w zakresie nauk ścisłych. Absolwent posiada wiedzę i umiejętności umożliwiające podjęcie pracy w instytucjach zajmujących się popularyzacją osiągnięć nauki, a także w jednostkach badawczych, laboratoriach diagnostycznych, gospodarce. Absolwent spełnia wymagania stawiane przez Ministerstwo Edukacji Narodowej nauczycielom fizyki. Absolwent ma nawyk ustawicznego kształcenia i doskonalenia kwalifikacji zawodowych.
Fizyka Reaktorów Jądrowych
Celem specjalności jest kształcenie wysokiej klasy specjalistów w zakresie energetyki jądrowej, fizyki jądrowej, ochrony radiologiczne i dozymetrii. Osoby o wykształceniu ukierunkowanym w tej dziedzinie, znające zarówno technologie reaktorów jądrowych, jak i obeznane z praktycznymi zagadnieniami bezpiecznej eksploatacji takich obiektów mogą stanowić kadrę w sektorze energetyki jądrowej.
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwenci specjalności zdobędą głęboką wiedzę z zakresu energetyki jądrowej oraz fizyki jądrowej; będą przygotowani do rozwiązywania problemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem i ochroną radiologiczną. Uzyskają wiedzę w zakresie modelowania pracy w elektrowni jądrowej oraz identyfikowania problemów w systemach energetycznych. Dodatkowo, zdobędą umiejętności wymagane do prowadzenia pracy naukowo-badawczej w ośrodkach akademickich, instytutach naukowych, ośrodkach przemysłowych w sektorze energetyki jądrowej.
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Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization Nuclear and Particle Physics. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:
Regarding knowledge, the graduate - knows and understands a selected area of physical sciences at an extended level, in particular with regard to nulctear and particle physics, - has a deep knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and computer techniques necessary for solving problem in physics, in particular in nuclear and particle physics, - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing for planning and execution of a complex physical experiment, - knows and understands theoretical basis of detectors and other scientific apparatus, specific to nuclear and particle physics - knows and understands details of physical sciences in the field of nuclear and particle physics, - knows the principles of occupational safety and hygiene to a degree allowing for independent work in the field of nuclear and particle physics, - has the basic knowledge of legal and ethical aspects of scientific and didactic activities, - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of protection of industrial property and copyright, as well as the need to manage intellectual property resources; knows how to use patent information resources, - knows the general principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship forms, using knowledge of physics Regarding skills, the graduate: - is able to use a scientific method in solving problems, performing experiments and reasoning, in particular in the field of nuclear and particle physics - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations, in particular in the field of nuclear and particle physics, acting individually or in a team, also by adopting a leader function - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of results, in particular in the field of nuclear and particle physics - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources, as well as to infer reasoning or the course of the experiment described in the literature, taking into account assumptions and approximations - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that apparently distant phenomena can be described by a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as experimental and theoretical methods for related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of research (experimental, theoretical or numerical) in writing (in Polish and English), orally (in Polish and English), using multimedia or a poster presentation - is able to effectively communicate with both specialists and non-specialists in the field of issues appropriate for the studied area of physics and in the area of areas lying on the borderline of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further self-development within selected specialty and beyond - is able to use English to an extent to independently supplement education and to communicate with specialists within a single specialty or in related specialties, in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2+ level in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular to obtain and transfer reliable knowledge Regarding social skills, the graduate: - is ready for lifelong education and for inspiring and organizing the learning process of other people - is ready to cooperate and work in a group in different roles - is ready to properly determine priorities for the implementation of tasks specified by themselves or others - is ready to use and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in their own or other persons’ activities, to resolve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of the experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in collecting knowledge - is ready to be up to date with scientific and popular-learning literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, in particular in the field of nuclear and particle physics, taking into account threats related to obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for their research initiatives, experiments or observations, in particular in the field of nuclear and particle physics, and to consider the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization Photonics. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:
Regarding knowledge, the graduate - knows and understands a selected area of physical sciences at an extended level, in particular with regard to Photonics, - has a deep knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and computer techniques necessary for solving problem in physics, in particular in Photonics, - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing for planning and execution of a complex physical experiment, - knows and understands theoretical basis of detectors and other scientific apparatus, specific to Photonics - knows and understands details of physical sciences in the field of Photonics, - knows the principles of occupational safety and hygiene to a degree allowing for independent work in the field of Photonics, - has the basic knowledge of legal and ethical aspects of scientific and didactic activities, - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of protection of industrial property and copyright, as well as the need to manage intellectual property resources; knows how to use patent information resources, - knows the general principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship forms, using knowledge of physics Regarding skills, the graduate: - is able to use a scientific method in solving problems, performing experiments and reasoning, in particular in the field of Photonics - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations, in particular in the field of Photonics, acting individually or in a team, also by adopting a leader function - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of results, in particular in the field of Photonics - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources, as well as to infer reasoning or the course of the experiment described in the literature, taking into account assumptions and approximations - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that apparently distant phenomena can be described by a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as experimental and theoretical methods for related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of research (experimental, theoretical or numerical) in writing (in Polish and English), orally (in Polish and English), using multimedia or a poster presentation - is able to effectively communicate with both specialists and non-specialists in the field of issues appropriate for the studied area of physics and in the area of areas lying on the borderline of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further self-development within selected specialty and beyond - is able to use English to an extent to independently supplement education and to communicate with specialists within a single specialty or in related specialties, in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2+ level in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular to obtain and transfer reliable knowledge Regarding social skills, the graduate: - is ready for lifelong education and for inspiring and organizing the learning process of other people - is ready to cooperate and work in a group in different roles - is ready to properly determine priorities for the implementation of tasks specified by themselves or others - is ready to use and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in their own or other persons’ activities, to resolve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of the experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in collecting knowledge - is ready to be up to date with scientific and popular-learning literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, in particular in the field of Photonics, taking into account threats related to obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for their research initiatives, experiments or observations, in particular in the field of Photonics, and to consider the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization Physics of nuclear reactors. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences: - knows and understands a selected area of physical sciences at an extended level, in particular with regard to physics of nuclear reactors, - has a deep knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and computer techniques necessary for solving problem in physics, in particular in physics of nuclear reactors, - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing for planning and execution of a complex physical experiment, - knows and understands theoretical basis of detectors and other scientific apparatus, specific to physics of nuclear reactors, - knows and understands details of physical sciences in the field of physics of nuclear reactors, - knows the principles of occupational safety and hygiene to a degree allowing for independent work in the field of physics of nuclear reactors, - has the basic knowledge of legal and ethical aspects of scientific and didactic activities, - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of protection of industrial property and copyright, as well as the need to manage intellectual property resources; knows how to use patent information resources, - knows the general principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship forms, using knowledge of physics
- is able to use a scientific method in solving problems, performing experiments and reasoning, in particular in the field of physics of nuclear reactors, - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations, in particular in the field of physics of nuclear reactors, acting individually or in a team, also by adopting a leader function - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of results, in particular in the field of physics of nuclear reactors, - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources, as well as to infer reasoning or the course of the experiment described in the literature, taking into account assumptions and approximations - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that apparently distant phenomena can be described by a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as experimental and theoretical methods for related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of research (experimental, theoretical or numerical) in writing (in Polish and English), orally (in Polish and English), using multimedia or a poster presentation - is able to effectively communicate with both specialists and non-specialists in the field of issues appropriate for the studied area of physics and in the area of areas lying on the borderline of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further self-development within selected specialty and beyond - is able to use English to an extent to independently supplement education and to communicate with specialists within a single specialty or in related specialties, in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2+ level in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular to obtain and transfer reliable knowledge.
- is ready for lifelong education and for inspiring and organizing the learning process of other people - is ready to cooperate and work in a group in different roles - is ready to properly determine priorities for the implementation of tasks specified by themselves or others - is ready to use and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in their own or other persons’ activities, to resolve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of the experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in collecting knowledge - is ready to be up to date with scientific and popular-learning literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, in particular in the field of physics of nuclear reactors, taking into account threats related to obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for their research initiatives, experiments or observations, in particular in the field of physics of nuclear reactors, and to consider the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization Theoretical Physics. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:
Regarding knowledge, the graduate Regarding skills, the graduate: Regarding social skills, the graduate:
University of Warsaw
Second cycle programme completion diploma
Field of study: Physics Speciality: Geophysics
Duration of programme: 4 semesters ECTS credits obtained: 120 including: fundamental sciences courses 31 practical (labs and workshops) 37 modular courses 52 Professional practice: 3
On completion of the programme of study the graduate:
• Demonstrates deepened knowledge of advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and IT techniques essential to solve physics problems as defined in the syllabus of the chosen speciality and field of study;
• Demonstrates knowledge of the theoretical principles of operation of measurement systems and research equipment specific to the chosen speciality of study;
• Demonstrates knowledge of current developments in physical science, in particular those in the chosen speciality of study;
• Demonstrates an understanding of basic concepts and principles of protection of industrial property rights and copyrights as well as the management of intellectual property capital; demonstrates an ability to make use of patent information resources.
• Integrates the scientific method into problem-solving, experimentation and drawing conclusions;
• Demonstrates an ability to design and implement advanced experiments or observations in the selected areas of physics or its applications;
• Integrates the knowledge and methodology of physics as well as experimental and theoretical methods into related scientific disciplines;
• Presents the results of research (experimental, theoretical or numerical) in writing, orally, as a multimedia presentation or a poster.
• Demonstrates communication and interpersonal skills as a team member performing a variety of roles;
• Correctly identifies priorities to ensure the completion of assigned or self-assigned tasks;
• Accepts responsibilities for initiating scientific research, experiments or observations; understands social aspects of applying the acquired knowledge and skills and assumes the responsibility for the outcome; develops entrepreneurial skills.
Extensive general knowledge and practical skills coupled with creative problem-solving abilities of the students enable them to successfully compete in the job market, including research and academic institutions conducting research in Earth Sciences and Near Space and Planetary Sciences (i.e. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Geological Institute, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management), state and local institutions involved in monitoring and protection of the atmosphere, monitoring of seismic and magnetic activities, institutes providing specialised meteorological and climate forecasting, commercial geophysical exploration and exploitation companies (i.e. Geofizyka Toruń, PGB Geophysical Exploration Ltd. in Warsaw).
On completion of the practice programme the student:
• Creatively uses the acquired competencies to perform a variety of assignments;
• Correctly determines methodology and identifies priorities to ensure the completion of assigned or self-assigned tasks;
• Demonstrates communication and interpersonal skills as a team member performing a variety of roles, including one of a leader.
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics). The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences: Regarding knowledge, the graduate - knows and understands at an advanced level selected areas of physical sciences, especially in the field of methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics) - knows and understands at an extended level advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and IT techniques necessary to solve physical problems in a selected area of physical sciences or in the field of methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics) - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing to plan and perform a complex physical experiment - knows and understands the theoretical principles of operation of detectors and research apparatus specific for the area of physics related to methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics) - has knowledge of the current trends in the development of physics, in particular within mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes - knows the rules of occupational health and safety to a degree that allows independent work in the area corresponding to methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics) - has basic knowledge of the legal and ethical conditions related to scientific and didactic activity - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of industrial property and copyright protection and the need to manage intellectual property resources; can use patent information resources - knows the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, using knowledge of physics - knows and understands specialist English vocabulary related to advanced physics, in particular in the field of methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics)
Regarding skills, the graduate: - is able to apply the scientific method in solving problems, carrying out experiments and analyzing their results - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations in specific areas of physics or its applications, acting individually or in a team, also assuming the role of a leader - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of the results - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources; can recreate the course of reasoning or the course of an experiment described in the literature, taking into account the assumptions and approximations made - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that sometimes distant phenomena can be described using a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as the applied experimental and theoretical methods to related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of experimental, theoretical or numerical research in writing, orally, with multimedia presentation or in a poster - in English - is able to communicate effectively with both specialists and non-specialists in the issues relevant to the studied area of physics and in the areas on the border of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further improvement of knowledge and skills (including self-education) within methods of Physics in Economics (Econophysics) and beyond - is able to use the English language to a degree that allows them to complete their education independently and to communicate with specialists in the same or related specialty, in accordance with the requirements set out for the B2+ level of the European System of Language Education - is able to apply information and communication technologies, in particular to acquire and transfer reliable knowledge.
Regarding social skills, the graduate: - is ready for lifelong learning and is ready to inspire and organize the learning process of others - is ready to cooperate and work in a group, in various roles - is ready to properly define priorities in order to accomplish the task set by himself or others - is ready to apply and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in the activities of oneself and others, to solve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in gathering knowledge - is ready to read scientific and popular science literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, taking into account the risks of obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for the undertaken research, experiment or observation initiatives and to take into account the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills, and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner - is ready to communicate in English about advanced physics, in particular in international, multicultural teams
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:
Regarding knowledge, the graduate - knows and understands a selected area of physical sciences at an extended level, in particular with regard to Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics, - has a deep knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and computer techniques necessary for solving problem in physics, in particular in Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics, - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing for planning and execution of a complex physical experiment, - knows and understands theoretical basis of detectors and other scientific apparatus, specific to Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics - knows and understands details of physical sciences in the field of Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics, - knows the principles of occupational safety and hygiene to a degree allowing for independent work in the field of Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics, - has the basic knowledge of legal and ethical aspects of scientific and didactic activities, - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of protection of industrial property and copyright, as well as the need to manage intellectual property resources; knows how to use patent information resources, - knows the general principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship forms, using knowledge of physics Regarding skills, the graduate: - is able to use a scientific method in solving problems, performing experiments and reasoning, in particular in the field of Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations, in particular in the field of Photonics, acting individually or in a team, also by adopting a leader function - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of results, in particular in the field of Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources, as well as to infer reasoning or the course of the experiment described in the literature, taking into account assumptions and approximations - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that apparently distant phenomena can be described by a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as experimental and theoretical methods for related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of research (experimental, theoretical or numerical) in writing (in Polish and English), orally (in Polish and English), using multimedia or a poster presentation - is able to effectively communicate with both specialists and non-specialists in the field of issues appropriate for the studied area of physics and in the area of areas lying on the borderline of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further self-development within selected specialty and beyond - is able to use English to an extent to independently supplement education and to communicate with specialists within a single specialty or in related specialties, in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2+ level in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular to obtain and transfer reliable knowledge Regarding social skills, the graduate: - is ready for lifelong education and for inspiring and organizing the learning process of other people - is ready to cooperate and work in a group in different roles - is ready to properly determine priorities for the implementation of tasks specified by themselves or others - is ready to use and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in their own or other persons’ activities, to resolve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of the experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in collecting knowledge - is ready to be up to date with scientific and popular-learning literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, in particular in the field of Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics, taking into account threats related to obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for their research initiatives, experiments or observations, in particular in the field of Nuclear Methods of Solid State Physics, and to consider the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences: Regarding knowledge, the graduate - knows and understands at an advanced level selected areas of physical sciences, especially in the field of mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes - knows and understands at an extended level advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and IT techniques necessary to solve physical problems in a selected area of physical sciences or in the field ofmathematical and computer modeling of physical processes - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing to plan and perform a complex physical experiment - knows and understands the theoretical principles of operation of detectors and research apparatus specific for the area of physics related to mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes - has knowledge of the current trends in the development of physics, in particular within mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes - knows the rules of occupational health and safety to a degree that allows independent work in the area corresponding to mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes - has basic knowledge of the legal and ethical conditions related to scientific and didactic activity - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of industrial property and copyright protection and the need to manage intellectual property resources; can use patent information resources - knows the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, using knowledge of physics - knows and understands specialist English vocabulary related to advanced physics, in particular in the field of mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes
Regarding skills, the graduate: - is able to apply the scientific method in solving problems, carrying out experiments and analyzing their results - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations in specific areas of physics or its applications, acting individually or in a team, also assuming the role of a leader - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of the results - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources; can recreate the course of reasoning or the course of an experiment described in the literature, taking into account the assumptions and approximations made - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that sometimes distant phenomena can be described using a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as the applied experimental and theoretical methods to related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of experimental, theoretical or numerical research in writing, orally, with multimedia presentation or in a poster - in English - is able to communicate effectively with both specialists and non-specialists in the issues relevant to the studied area of physics and in the areas on the border of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further improvement of knowledge and skills (including self-education) within mathematical and computer modeling of physical processes and beyond - is able to use the English language to a degree that allows them to complete their education independently and to communicate with specialists in the same or related specialty, in accordance with the requirements set out for the B2+ level of the European System of Language Education - is able to apply information and communication technologies, in particular to acquire and transfer reliable knowledge.
Regarding social skills, the graduate: - is ready for lifelong learning and is ready to inspire and organize the learning process of others - is ready to cooperate and work in a group, in various roles - is ready to properly define priorities in order to accomplish the task set by himself or others - is ready to apply and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in the activities of oneself and others, to solve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in gathering knowledge - is ready to read scientific and popular science literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, taking into account the risks of obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for the undertaken research, experiment or observation initiatives and to take into account the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills, and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner - is ready to communicate in English about advanced physics, in particular in international, multicultural teams .
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:
Regarding knowledge, the graduate - knows and understands a selected area of physical sciences at an extended level, in particular with regard to Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures, - has a deep knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and computer techniques necessary for solving problem in physics, in particular in Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures, - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing for planning and execution of a complex physical experiment, - knows and understands theoretical basis of detectors and other scientific apparatus, specific to Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures - knows and understands details of physical sciences in the field of Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures, - knows the principles of occupational safety and hygiene to a degree allowing for independent work in the field of Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures, - has the basic knowledge of legal and ethical aspects of scientific and didactic activities, - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of protection of industrial property and copyright, as well as the need to manage intellectual property resources; knows how to use patent information resources, - knows the general principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship forms, using knowledge of physics Regarding skills, the graduate: - is able to use a scientific method in solving problems, performing experiments and reasoning, in particular in the field of Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations, in particular in the field of Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures, acting individually or in a team, also by adopting a leader function - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of results, in particular in the field of Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources, as well as to infer reasoning or the course of the experiment described in the literature, taking into account assumptions and approximations - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that apparently distant phenomena can be described by a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as experimental and theoretical methods for related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of research (experimental, theoretical or numerical) in writing (in Polish and English), orally (in Polish and English), using multimedia or a poster presentation - is able to effectively communicate with both specialists and non-specialists in the field of issues appropriate for the studied area of physics and in the area of areas lying on the borderline of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further self-development within selected specialty and beyond - is able to use English to an extent to independently supplement education and to communicate with specialists within a single specialty or in related specialties, in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2+ level in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular to obtain and transfer reliable knowledge Regarding social skills, the graduate: - is ready for lifelong education and for inspiring and organizing the learning process of other people - is ready to cooperate and work in a group in different roles - is ready to properly determine priorities for the implementation of tasks specified by themselves or others - is ready to use and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in their own or other persons’ activities, to resolve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of the experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in collecting knowledge - is ready to be up to date with scientific and popular-learning literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, in particular in the field of Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures, taking into account threats related to obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for their research initiatives, experiments or observations, in particular in the field of Physics of Condensed Matter and Semiconductor Nanostructures, and to consider the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes for the compulsory specialization Physics Teaching and Popularization. The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences: Regarding knowledge, the graduate - knows and understands a selected area of physical sciences at an extended level, - has a deep knowledge and understanding of advanced mathematics, mathematical methods and computer techniques necessary for solving problem in physics, - knows and understands advanced experimental, observational and numerical techniques allowing for planning and execution of a complex physical experiment, - knows and understands theoretical basis of detectors and other scientific apparatus, - knows and understands details of a selected area physical sciences - knows the principles of occupational safety and hygiene to a degree allowing for independent work - has the basic knowledge of legal and ethical aspects of scientific and didactic activities, - knows and understands the basic concepts and principles in the field of protection of industrial property and copyright, as well as the need to manage intellectual property resources; knows how to use patent information resources, - knows the general principles of creating and developing individual entrepreneurship forms, using knowledge of physics Regarding skills, the graduate: - is able to use a scientific method in solving problems, performing experiments and reasoning, - is able to plan and carry out advanced experiments, simulations or observations, acting individually or in a team, also by adopting a leader function - is able to make a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with the assessment of the accuracy of results, - is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, both from databases and other sources, as well as to infer reasoning or the course of the experiment described in the literature, taking into account assumptions and approximations - is able to combine methods and ideas from different areas of physics, noting that apparently distant phenomena can be described by a similar model - is able to adapt the knowledge and methodology of physics, as well as experimental and theoretical methods for related scientific disciplines - is able to present the results of research (experimental, theoretical or numerical) in writing (in Polish and English), orally (in Polish and English), using multimedia or a poster presentation - is able to effectively communicate with both specialists and non-specialists in the field of issues appropriate for the studied area of physics and in the area of areas lying on the borderline of related scientific disciplines - is able to determine the directions of further self-development within selected specialty and beyond - is able to use English to an extent to independently supplement education and to communicate with specialists within a single specialty or in related specialties, in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2+ level in Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular to obtain and transfer reliable knowledge. Regarding social skills, the graduate: - is ready for lifelong education and for inspiring and organizing the learning process of other people - is ready to cooperate and work in a group in different roles - is ready to properly determine priorities for the implementation of tasks specified by themselves or others - is ready to use and promote the principles of intellectual honesty in their own or other persons’ activities, to resolve ethical problems in the context of research integrity, to promote the decisive role of the experiment in the verification of physical theories, to use the scientific method in collecting knowledge - is ready to be up to date with scientific and popular-learning literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge, taking into account threats related to obtaining information from unverified sources, including the Internet - is ready to take responsibility for their research initiatives, experiments or observations, and to consider the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility - is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way