French teaching practice: developing teacher competences for upper primary schools 4100-5SDPIIEEFRA
The subject covers the following topics:
1. Place of learning a foreign language at the second stage of education. The core curriculum of general education at the second stage of education. Educational goals and content of foreign language teaching at the second stage of education.
2. Specificity and regularities of learning at the second stage of education. Changes in cognitive and social functioning during adolescence and their impact on learning style.
3. Lesson. Formal structure of the lesson as a teaching unit for older students. Teacher and student lesson rituals. Lesson planning. Formulating lesson goals and selecting teaching content for older students.
4. Organization of work in the classroom, social forms of work. Individualization of teaching. Adapting pedagogical activities to the needs and capabilities of the student, in particular to the psychophysical capabilities and learning pace of students with special educational needs. Homework.
5. Teaching resources: textbooks, educational packages and teaching aids - selection and use.
6. Methods and principles of teaching. Conventional and unconventional teaching methods, including activating methods (reminder). Project method. Selection of teaching methods for older students.
7. Developing receptive skills during foreign language lessons in older grades of primary school.
8. Developing productive skills during foreign language lessons in older grades of primary school.
9. The role of a foreign language teacher at the second stage of education, teacher's authority. Adapting the method of communication to the development level of students. Student and teacher interactions during the lesson. Stimulating students' cognitive activity, creating teaching situations, directing students' work.
10. Control and evaluation of students' work results. Assessment and its types. Assessment features.
Term 2023Z:
None |
Term 2024Z:
The subject covers the following topics: 1. Place of learning a foreign language at the second stage of education. The core curriculum of general education at the second stage of education. Educational goals and content of foreign language teaching at the second stage of education. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Type of course
General: pedagogical qualifications foreign languages obligatory courses | Term 2024Z: foreign languages obligatory courses | Term 2023Z: foreign languages obligatory courses |
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the student knows and understands
S_W01 - to an advanced degree, selected facts, theories, institutions, processes and phenomena related to the following disciplines relevant to the field of studies - teaching foreign languages, which have practical application in foreign language teaching in kindergartens and at the first and second educational stages
S_W02 - the necessary terminology relevant to teaching foreign languages
S_W03 - the methods, norms, procedures and standards of good practice in educational institutions, related to teaching foreign languages
S_W04 - to a significant extent, human development in biological, psychological, social and cultural terms and its various determinants
S_W08 - various participants involved in educational, caregiving, and cultural activities
S_W09- the methodology to perform common tasks; the standards and procedures used in various educational areas
S_W19 - the core curriculum regarding the content of teaching French at the second educational stages (primary school) and associated typical learning difficulties
Skills: the student is able to
S_U02 - plan and implement projects typical for foreign language teaching environments
S_U05 - observe and assess the suitability of a variety of methods, procedures and best practices, and select and apply the appropriate approach with the goal of accomplishing tasks and solving problems related to foreign language teaching
S_U07 - use basic theories to analyse the motives and patterns of human behaviour in order to diagnose a situation and deliver practical strategies for different teaching contexts
S_U12 - communicate in Polish and French, using a variety of channels and techniques, with all participants in the teaching-learning process as well as experts in those academic disciplines and subjects that are relevant to their field of studies, both in Polish and French
S_U19 - using the basic organisational skills, plan and carry out tasks related to teaching French
S_U20 - perform the various roles required for working as a team, is willing to accept and assign tasks, and possesses the elementary organisational skills necessary in designing and implementing professional educational activities
S_U23 - animate the work of the learner and promote independence in knowledge acquisition, inspiring a positive approach to life-long learning and responsibility in making educational and professional decisions
S_U24 -
act in a mature, responsible and professional manner and control their emotions
Social competences: the graduate is prepared to
S_K05 - interact and work in a group, performing various roles
S_K09 - take action in school and outside-of-school environment with the conviction about its appropriateness and effectiveness, in psychological, pedagogical and educational terms; is prepared to meet professional challenges
S_K10 - see the importance of behaving in a professional manner and reflect on the ethical issues raised in the teaching profession
Assessment criteria
The basis for passing the seminar is attendance at classes (the student has the right to two absences per semester). Attendance at classes is obligatory (Studies Regulations of the University of Warsaw, III. Student's rights and obligations, article 19, point 2).
The following are subject to assessment:
a) preparation for classes, active participation in classes (participation in discussions, simulations of lesson fragments),
b) passing current oral and written tests and passing the final exam - 60% pass,
c) reading the magazine articles indicated by the lecturer entitled "Foreign languages at school". and discussing one of them, e.g. in the form of a presentation during classes.
d) linguistic correctness.
Scores 60% of the possible number of points:
60%-68% - satisfactory
69%-76% - sufficient plus
77%-85%- good
86%-92% - good plus
93%-100%-very good
In addition to obtaining a grade, the student also passes an exam.
Student workload:
2 ECTS – awarded as follows:
- contact hours, attendance at classes, preparation for classes / active participation in classes, simulation of lesson fragments, passing the indicated readings = 1 ECTS
- passed exam = 1 ECTS
Practical placement
Practices shaping teaching competences (second educational stage)
Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues : apprendre, enseigner, évaluer. (2001) Conseil de l’Europe/les Editions Didier
CECRL (2022) - Volume complémentaire:
EPS: Europejskie portfolio dla studentów- przyszłych nauczycieli języków:
Europejskie Portfolio Językowe dla dzieci i młodzieży w wieku 10 - 15 lat:
Français dans le monde - wybrane numery czasopisma
Języki Obce w Szkole - wybrane numery czasopisma
Podręczniki do nauczania j. francuskiego w klasach IV-VIII (zatwierdzone do użytku szkolnego):
Courtillon, J. (2003) Elaborer un cours de FLE, Paris, Hachette
Cuq J.-P., Gruca I. (2002) Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère, PUG, Grenoble.
Karpińska-Szaj K. (2013) Nauczanie j. obcych uczniów z niepełnosprawnościami w szkołach ogólnodostępnych, Wydawnictwo naukowe UAM, Poznań.
Komorowska H. (2005) Metodyka nauczania języków obcych, Wydawnictwo Fraszka Edukacyjna, Warszawa.
Pamuła M., Europejskie portfolio językowe- opis i ocena umiejętności komunikacyjnych i językowych ucznia (2002) (w) Komorowska H., Ewaluacja w nauce języka obcego, Wyd. UwB, Białystok.
Perry R. (2000) Teoria i praktyka. Proces stawania się nauczycielem, WSIP Warszawa.
Wilczyńska W. (2005) Introduction à la didactique du FLE, Wydawnictwo FLAIR, Kraków.
Term 2023Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: