Dyscypliny: nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości, ekonomia i finanse, nauki prawne
Dyscyplina wiodąca: nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości
Cele programu studiów:
Studia pierwszego stopnia na kierunku Zarządzanie mają na celu wykształcenie absolwenta znającego metodologię badań i terminologię w zakresie zarządzania oraz w dyscyplinach uzupełniających, jak ekonomia, finanse i nauki prawne. Absolwent posiada zaawansowaną wiedzę z zarządzania oraz z dyscyplin pokrewnych, zna podstawowe zasady tworzenia i rozwoju różnych form przedsiębiorczości i jest przygotowany do działania w sposób przedsiębiorczy. Posiada umiejętności i kompetencje do rozpoznawania, diagnozowania i rozwiązywania problemów związanych funkcjonowaniem organizacji oraz do określenia wpływu otoczenia: technologicznego, społecznego, politycznego, prawnego, ekonomicznego i ekologicznego, na funkcjonowanie organizacji i całej gospodarki.
Studia mają na celu wykształcenie absolwenta posiadającego umiejętności samodzielnego i zespołowego przygotowania opracowań dotyczących funkcjonowania organizacji, sektora i całej gospodarki oraz komunikatywnego ich przedstawiania w języku polskim i angielskim. Studia przygotowują do samodzielnego uczenia się i aktualizowania wiedzy oraz do przestrzegania zawodowych standardów etycznych.
Zarządzanie małym przedsiębiorstwem
Zarządzanie w korporacji
Zarządzanie w e-gospodarce
Zarządzanie w sektorze publicznym
Nabór studentów do grup w ramach specjalności, będzie dokonywany na podstawie wyników nauki z pierwszego i drugiego roku studiów, obliczonych ze średniej, z uzyskanych ocen.
Uruchomienie w/w specjalności będzie możliwe po zapisaniu się wymaganej liczby, minimum 30 studentów.
Miejsce zajęć:
Zajęcia odbywają się w siedzibie Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, przy ul. Szturmowej 1/3, w Warszawie. Wirtualny spacer po kampusie
Zajęcia odbywają się od poniedziałku do piątku od godz. 8.00, średnio do godziny 16.00.
Program studiów
Sylwetka absolwenta
Absolwent w zakresie wiedzy:
Posiada wiedzę o charakterze nauk o zarządzaniu i jej miejscu w systemie nauk społecznych oraz o jej przedmiotowych i metodologicznych powiązaniach z innymi dyscyplinami naukowymi. Postrzega zarządzanie jako naukę interdyscyplinarną.
Zna i rozumie terminologię i metodologię badań w zakresie dyscypliny nauki o zarządzaniu i jakości oraz w dyscyplinach uzupełniających: ekonomii i finansach, naukach prawnych.
Ma wiedzę o funkcjonowaniu organizacji, o jej różnorodnych typach, celach, strukturach, operacjach (funkcjach, aktywnościach), kulturach oraz relacjach z otoczeniem.
Zna procedury i praktyki efektywnego zarządzania organizacjami.
Ma wiedzę dotyczącą funkcji: operacyjnej, marketingowej, finansowej, zarządzania personelem, w organizacji.
Zna i rozumie teorie i modele ekonomiczne, dotyczące funkcjonowania organizacji i całej gospodarki.
Zna i rozumie regulacje prawne, dotyczące funkcjonowania organizacji i całej gospodarki.
Zna techniki analizowania wpływu otoczenia zewnętrznego na funkcjonowanie organizacji.
Zna metody i narzędzia, w tym techniki pozyskiwania, analizy i ochrony danych, potrzebnych do podejmowania decyzji w organizacjach.
Zna i rozumie podstawowe pojęcia oraz zasady z zakresu ochrony własności przemysłowej i prawa autorskiego oraz konieczność zarządzania zasobami własności intelektualnej.
Ma wiedzę o podstawowych zasadach tworzenia i rozwoju różnych form przedsiębiorczości.
Absolwent w zakresie umiejętności:
Potrafi prawidłowo interpretować zjawiska społeczne, polityczne, prawne, ekonomiczne, technologiczne i ich wpływ na funkcjonowanie organizacji i całości gospodarki.
Analizuje proponowane rozwiązania konkretnych problemów związanych z funkcjonowaniem przedsiębiorstw i proponuje w tym zakresie odpowiednie rozstrzygnięcia.
Potrafi samodzielnie analizować rzeczywiste sytuacje decyzyjne oraz dokonywać wyboru odpowiedniej decyzji.
Potrafi ocenić efekty rynkowe, finansowe i społeczne podejmowanych decyzji i przedsięwzięć oraz przedstawić ich merytoryczne uzasadnienie.
Potrafi samodzielnie i zespołowo przygotować analizy, diagnozy i raporty dotyczące funkcjonowania organizacji, sektora i całej gospodarki.
Potrafi wykorzystać narzędzia informatyczno-komunikacyjne w swojej pracy.
Posiada umiejętność przygotowania wystąpień ustnych oraz prac pisemnych z wykorzystaniem podstawowych ujęć teoretycznych i różnych źródeł w języku polskim i angielskim.
Posługuje się językiem obcym na poziomie biegłości B2 Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego Rady Europy oraz umie posługiwać się w tym języku specjalistyczną terminologią z zakresu zarządzania.
Posiada umiejętność współdziałania i pracowania w większej lub mniejszej grupie, przyjmując w zespołach różne role, wykazując przy tym przywództwo, komunikatywność, sumienność i wytrwałość.
Rozumie potrzebę uzupełniania i doskonalenia nabytej wiedzy i umiejętności, w tym na studiach drugiego stopnia.
Posiada podstawowe umiejętności badawcze, takie jak formułowanie problemów badawczych, dobór metod i narzędzi badawczych, opracowanie i prezentację wyników w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu.
Absolwent w zakresie kompetencji społecznych:
Potrafi dokonywać ocen krytycznych związanych z funkcjonowaniem organizacji, sektora i całej gospodarki.
Potrafi myśleć i działać w sposób przedsiębiorczy.
Wykazuje wrażliwość na kwestie etyczne, społeczne oraz na różnice kulturowe.
Możliwości zatrudnienia
Absolwent tego kierunku będzie mógł podejmować pracę m.in. w:
przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych i usługowych,
administracji państwowej,
administracji samorządowej,
organizacjach niedochodowych.
Wśród potencjalnych stanowisk pracy znajdują się: analityk, specjalista, starszy specjalista, menedżer średniego szczebla, itd. Dobre przygotowanie z zakresu nauk o zarządzaniu stanowi podstawę i dogodny punkt wyjścia do rozwoju osobistego i osiągania awansu zawodowego. Awans ten wymaga nie tylko doświadczenia zawodowego, ale i kontynuowania nauki na studiach II stopnia, studiach podyplomowych czy specjalistycznych kursach.
First cycle degree - licencjat - in management, speciality: corporate management
First cycle degree - licencjat - in management, speciality: management in the e-economy
First cycle degree - licencjat - in management, speciality: public management
First cycle degree - licencjat - in management, speciality: small business management
Access to further studies:
second cycle programme
Learning outcomes
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1. Educational outcomes After graduating from the Bachelor’s degree programme in Management the graduate:
- has elementary knowledge of the place of management in the system of sciences as well as its subject matter and methodological relationships with other science disciplines. They perceive management as an interdisciplinary science
- has basic knowledge about the functioning of an organization, its various types, objectives, structures, operations (functions, activities), cultures as well as its relationships with the environment
- is familiar with methods and tools, including data (information) acquisition techniques needed for decision-making in organizations
- is familiar with the general principles for establishing and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, using the knowledge gained from the fields of science and science disciplines relevant to the programme of study undertaken (Management)
- is able to correctly interpret social, political, legal and economic phenomena and their impact on the functioning of businesses and the economy as a whole
- can independently analyse the actual decision-making situations and choose an appropriate decision
- is competent to organize activities and undertakings and carry out their economic analysis
- can use in practise their basic knowledge relating to the functioning of businesses
- understands the need for continuing their professional and personal development and knows how to acquire further knowledge and extend it
- is able to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner
- correctly identifies and resolves dilemmas related to practicing the profession of a manager
2. Total number of ECTS-credits for the programme of study - 180, Number of semesters – 6
3. In case the programme of study is based on standards (teacher education), it is required to provide the relevant regulation - NA
4. Number of ECTS-credits:
- which the student needs to obtain by completing courses in basis sciences, to which relate the educational outcomes for a particular major, level and profile of education - 108
- which the student needs to obtain by completing courses of practical nature, including laboratory and design classes - 51
- for elective modular courses - 54
5. Information on internships (if provided for in the programme of study) specifying the hours and number of ECTS-credits:
- the principles for internships for Bachelor's degree in Management were adopted by the Board of the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw on 18 April 2009. Internships at the Faculty of Management have been made compulsory since 1 June 2009.
- the duration of internships in Bachelor’s degree in Management is four weeks (in the programme of study 90 hours – 5 ECTS-credits). Each student must complete an internship and earn the required number of internship credits no later than by the end of the last semester of studies, prior to taking the final examination
- the process of earning credits for internships is supervised by the Faculty’s Representative for Internships acting on behalf of the Vice-Dean for Student Affairs. The work of the Faculty’s Representative for Internships is supported by an administrative assistant who handles students’ affairs and maintains records of internships.
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
K_W01 knows and understands research methodology and terminology in the field of management and quality sciences and in complementary disciplines (economics and finance, legal sciences)
K_W02 knows and understands at an advanced level the rules, procedures and practices related to the activities of various types of organization, its key functions (operational, marketing, financial, human resources management) and its relations to the environment
K_W03 knows and understands at an advanced level theories and economic models concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W04 knows and understands at an advanced level legal regulations concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W05 knows and understands technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the entire economy, including the principles of industrial property protection and copyright
K_W06 knows and understands the basic principles of creating and developing various forms of entrepreneurship
Skills: the graduate can
K_U01 can use the discipline theory of management and quality sciences and complementary sciences (economics and finance, legal sciences) to identify, diagnose and solve problems related to key functions in the organization and to integrate them within the organizational strategy, using the right selection of sources and adapting existing methods K_U02 can correctly interpret technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the economy as a whole, using the right selection of sources K_U03 is able to independently, and as a team member, prepare analyzes, diagnoses and reports on the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy, and present them communicatively, also in English, by using IT and communication tools
K_U04 can use a foreign language at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
K_U05 can plan and organize their own work and a teamwork
K_U06 has the ability to self-educate and improve acquired qualifications
Social competences: the graduate is ready to
K_K01 is ready to evaluate and critically approach the situation and phenomena related to the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy
K_K02 is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
K_K03 is ready to follow professional ethical standards
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
K_W01 knows and understands research methodology and terminology in the field of management and quality sciences and in complementary disciplines (economics and finance, legal sciences)
K_W02 knows and understands at an advanced level the rules, procedures and practices related to the activities of various types of organization, its key functions (operational, marketing, financial, human resources management) and its relations to the environment
K_W03 knows and understands at an advanced level theories and economic models concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W04 knows and understands at an advanced level legal regulations concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W05 knows and understands technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the entire economy, including the principles of industrial property protection and copyright
K_W06 knows and understands the basic principles of creating and developing various forms of entrepreneurship
Skills: the graduate can
K_U01 can use the discipline theory of management and quality sciences and complementary sciences (economics and finance, legal sciences) to identify, diagnose and solve problems related to key functions in the organization and to integrate them within the organizational strategy, using the right selection of sources and adapting existing methods K_U02 can correctly interpret technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the economy as a whole, using the right selection of sources K_U03 is able to independently, and as a team member, prepare analyzes, diagnoses and reports on the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy, and present them communicatively, also in English, by using IT and communication tools
K_U04 can use a foreign language at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
K_U05 can plan and organize their own work and a teamwork
K_U06 has the ability to self-educate and improve acquired qualifications
Social competences: the graduate is ready to
K_K01 is ready to evaluate and critically approach the situation and phenomena related to the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy
K_K02 is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
K_K03 is ready to follow professional ethical standards
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
K_W01 knows and understands research methodology and terminology in the field of management and quality sciences and in complementary disciplines (economics and finance, legal sciences)
K_W02 knows and understands at an advanced level the rules, procedures and practices related to the activities of various types of organization, its key functions (operational, marketing, financial, human resources management) and its relations to the environment
K_W03 knows and understands at an advanced level theories and economic models concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W04 knows and understands at an advanced level legal regulations concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W05 knows and understands technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the entire economy, including the principles of industrial property protection and copyright
K_W06 knows and understands the basic principles of creating and developing various forms of entrepreneurship
Skills: the graduate can
K_U01 can use the discipline theory of management and quality sciences and complementary sciences (economics and finance, legal sciences) to identify, diagnose and solve problems related to key functions in the organization and to integrate them within the organizational strategy, using the right selection of sources and adapting existing methods K_U02 can correctly interpret technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the economy as a whole, using the right selection of sources K_U03 is able to independently, and as a team member, prepare analyzes, diagnoses and reports on the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy, and present them communicatively, also in English, by using IT and communication tools
K_U04 can use a foreign language at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
K_U05 can plan and organize their own work and a teamwork
K_U06 has the ability to self-educate and improve acquired qualifications
Social competences: the graduate is ready to
K_K01 is ready to evaluate and critically approach the situation and phenomena related to the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy
K_K02 is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
K_K03 is ready to follow professional ethical standards
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
K_W01 knows and understands research methodology and terminology in the field of management and quality sciences and in complementary disciplines (economics and finance, legal sciences)
K_W02 knows and understands at an advanced level the rules, procedures and practices related to the activities of various types of organization, its key functions (operational, marketing, financial, human resources management) and its relations to the environment
K_W03 knows and understands at an advanced level theories and economic models concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W04 knows and understands at an advanced level legal regulations concerning the functioning of the organization and the entire economy
K_W05 knows and understands technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the entire economy, including the principles of industrial property protection and copyright
K_W06 knows and understands the basic principles of creating and developing various forms of entrepreneurship
Skills: the graduate can
K_U01 can use the discipline theory of management and quality sciences and complementary sciences (economics and finance, legal sciences) to identify, diagnose and solve problems related to key functions in the organization and to integrate them within the organizational strategy, using the right selection of sources and adapting existing methods K_U02 can correctly interpret technological, social, political, legal, economic and ecological processes and phenomena and their impact on the functioning of the organization and the economy as a whole, using the right selection of sources K_U03 is able to independently, and as a team member, prepare analyzes, diagnoses and reports on the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy, and present them communicatively, also in English, by using IT and communication tools
K_U04 can use a foreign language at B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
K_U05 can plan and organize their own work and a teamwork
K_U06 has the ability to self-educate and improve acquired qualifications
Social competences: the graduate is ready to
K_K01 is ready to evaluate and critically approach the situation and phenomena related to the functioning of the organization, sector and the entire economy
K_K02 is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial way
K_K03 is ready to follow professional ethical standards