Courses at
Department of Italian Studies
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- (in Polish) Kolacjonowanie jako wstęp do tłumaczenia 3321-M1S23MWJ01
- (in Polish) Teatr dell'arte a literatura 3321-M1S20KL01
- (in Polish) Włoska poezja XIX wieku 3321-Z2S20HL05
- (in Polish) Kultura języka z elementami stylistyki 3321-Z3S21KJ
- (in Polish) Translatorium: Wprowadzenie do przekładu polsko-włoskiego 3321-Z3S21WT02
- (in Polish) Komparatystyka – warsztat badawczy 3321-Z23LIC-01
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe dydaktyczne- szkoła podstawowa 3321-PZDYD-1
- (in Polish) Praktyki zawodowe dydaktyczne - szkoła ponadpodstawowa 3321-PZDYD-2
- (in Polish) Włoska literatura fantastyczna 3321-M1S23KL02
- (in Polish) Dawna literatura i kultura włoska - wybrane aspekty 3321-M1S24PS01
- (in Polish) Proza włoska XX wieku i współczesna 3321-Z24LIC-01
- (in Polish) Humanistyka medyczna na przykładach literackich i filmowych 3321-M1S24MWL01
- (in Polish) Najnowsza poezja włoska 3321-M1S24MWL02
- (in Polish) Lirico e anti-lirico nella poesia italiana fra XX e XXI secolo 3321-M2S24KL01
- Italian Literature and Popular Culture. 3321-Z21LIC-01
- A panorama of Italian culture: phenomena and their reception 3321-Z23F01
- A panorama of Italian culture: phenomena and their reception 3321-Z23F01-OG
- Age of Enlightenment 3321-Z2S2HL06
- Audiovisual Translation 3321-M2S20MWL02
- Cinema, Literature, Photography in Italy in the 20th and 21st C. 3321-M2S22SM01
- Contrastive Grammar 3321-Z3S21GK
- Cooperation in teaching and learning: a methodologicalworkshop 3321-M2S20MWJ01
- Culinary translation 3321-Z3S23WT02
- Dante 3321-Z1N23HLO1
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part I: Phonetics and Phonology 3321-Z1N19GOFC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part I: Phonetics and Phonology 3321-Z1S19GOFC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part I: Phonetics and Phonology 3321-Z1S19GOFW
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part I: Phonetics and Phonology 3321-Z1N19GOFW
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part II: Morphology 3321-Z1S19GOMC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part II: Morphology 3321-Z1S19GOMW
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part II: Morphology 3321-Z1N19GOMC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian Language, part II: Morphology 3321-Z1N19GOMW
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Morphosyntax 3321-Z2S20GOMSC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Morphosyntax 3321-Z2N20GOMSC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Morphosyntax – lecture 3321-Z2S20GOMSW
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Morphosyntax – lecture 3321-Z2N20GOMSW
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Syntax 3321-Z2S20GOSC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Syntax 3321-Z2S20GOSW
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Syntax 3321-Z2N20GOSC
- Descriptive Grammar of Italian: Syntax 3321-Z2N20GOSW
- Divine Comedy 3321-Z1S19HL01
- Educational linguistics 3321-M1S19MWJ02
- Elements of Italian Linguistics (DITALS) 3321-M1S19MWJ01
- Former Italian theater 3321-Z22F03
- Former Italian theater 3321-Z22F03-OG
- French 3321-Z2S20JF
- French 3321-Z3S20JF
- French 3321-Z2N20JF
- French- Examination B1 3321-Z3JFE
- Glottodidactics 3321-M1S21MWJ01
- Goldoni and Gozzi 3321-Z2S20HL04
- Here come the cannibals: Italian literature at the eve of the new millennia 3321-M2S22MWL01
- History of Italian literature: 20th century 3321-Z3S22HLW
- History of Italian literature: Medieval and Humanism 3321-Z1S23HLSH
- History of Italian Literature: Renaissance and Baroque 3321-Z2S20HLRB
- History of Italian Literature: Renaissance and Baroque 3321-Z2N20HLRB
- History of Italian literature: the Medieval period and Humanism 3321-Z1N23HLSH
- History of Italy 3321-Z1S19HW
- History of Italy I 3321-Z1N19HW
- History of the Italian cinema I 3321-Z22F01
- History of the Italian cinema I 3321-Z22F01-OG
- History of the Italian cinema II 3321-Z22F02
- History of the Italian cinema II 3321-Z22F02-OG
- History of the Italian language 3321-Z3S21HJW
- Information technology 3321-Z2S20TI
- Intelectual property protection 3321-Z1S20OWI
- Introduction linguistics 3321-Z1S19WJW
- Introduction linguistics 3321-Z1N19WJW
- Introduction to literary studies 3321-Z1S19WLW
- Introduction to literary studies 3321-Z1N19WLW
- Italian Colonialism and Post-Colonial Literature 3321-M1S19KL03
- Italian Culture and Society 3321-Z22F04
- Italian Culture and Society 3321-Z22F04-OG
- Italian Language - Level C1+ Exam 3321-M1S21JWE
- Italian Language - Level C2 Exam 3321-M2S21JWE
- Italian language for the art market 3321-Z3S21WT04
- Italian Literature of the 14th Century 3321-Z1S19HL02
- Italian Literature of XVIII and XIX centuries. 3321-Z2S20HLOD
- Italian Literature of XVIII and XIX centuries. 3321-Z2N20HLOD
- Italian Novellas and Short Stories 3321-Z22F05
- Italian Poetry from 1945 to the Present Time 3321-M2S20SM02
- Italian punctuation. Theory and practice 3321-M1S20KJ01
- Italian Short Storiesin the 20th Century 3321-M1S19MWL04
- Italian Women’s Writing of the 20th and 21st C. 3321-Z3S24HL01
- Language and culture. The vocabulary of the contemporary Italian language 3321-Z21F02
- Linguistic communication: conventions and innovations 3321-M1S19PS04
- Linguistic communication: conventions and innovations 3321-M2S21SM01
- Literary research methodology 3321-M1S19MBL
- Literature, cinema, cartoons and photography in Italy in the 20th and 21st century. 3321-M1S22PS02
- Love in Medieval Italian Literature (13th–14th Century) 3321-Z1S24HL01
- Methodology of linguistic research 3321-M1S19MBJ
- Old italian literature 3321-Z21LIC-04
- Panorama of Modern Italy 3321-Z3S21PWW
- Persuasive language 3321-M1S23KL01
- Practical Italian 3321-Z1S19PNJW
- Practical Italian 3321-M1S19PNJW
- Practical Italian 3321-Z1N19PNJW
- Practical Italian 3321-Z2S20PNJW
- Practical Italian 3321-Z3S21PNJW
- Practical Italian 3321-Z2N20PNJW
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