Courses at
Faculty of Economic Sciences
- Spatial data analysis 1600-SZD-SPEC-PAD-EF
- Spatial Econometrics in R 2400-ZEWW404
- Spatial econometrics in R 2400-ZEWW780
- Sports Economics 2400-ZEWW177
- Statistical analysis using MS EXCEL 2400-EXCEL-OG
- Statistical Data Analysis with SAS Pack 2400-ZEWW137
- Statistics and Econometrics 2400-QFU1STE
- Statistics and Exploratory Data Analysis 2400-DS1ST
- Strategic Accounting 2400-ZEWW546
- Strategic accounting 2400-ZU2WW074
- Strategic management - creating and implementing plans 2400-ZEWW840-OG
- Strategy building workshop 2400-ZEWW704
- Subjective management 2400-ZEWW723-OG
- Survey Design and Analysis 2400-ZEWW882
- Sustainable Development 2400-ZEWW625
- Sustainable Development Economics 4030-SDE
- Sustainable Development Economics 4030-SDEg
- Sustainable Development Strategy 4030-STR
- System of education and the labour market performance. Empirical analyses in the field of economics of education and labour market economics 2400-PLSM086B
- System of education and the labour market performance. Empirical analyses in the field of economics of education and labour market economics 2400-PLSM086A
- System of education and the labour market performance. Empirical analyses in the field of economics of education and labour market economics 2400-PLSM086C
- Tax Accounting I - PIT (ACCA) 2400-ZEWW945(ACCA)
- Tax accounting I-PIT (ACCA) 2400-FPiP3RPI(ACCA)
- Tax Accounting I-PIT(ACCA) 2400-ZEWW820(ACCA)
- Tax Accounting I-PIT(ACCA) 2400-M1RPPIT(ACCA)
- Tax Accounting II - CIT 2400-ZEWW946(ACCA)
- Tax Accounting II-CIT (ACCA) 2400-M1FiRRPACCA
- Tax Accounting II-CIT (ACCA) 2400-FPiP2RP
- Tax law 2400-FPiP3PP
- Tax law 2400-FPiP3PP-OG
- Technology acceptance model - practical applications 2400-ZEWW866
- Telling stories with data – quantitative methods for economical dilemmas 2400-ENSM098B
- Telling stories with data – quantitative methods for economical dilemmas 2400-ENSM098A
- Telling stories with data – quantitative methods for economical dilemmas 2400-ENSM098C
- Text Mining 2400-ZEWW330
- Text Mining 1600-SZD-SPEC-TM-EF
- Text Mining and Social Media Mining 2400-DS2TMS
- The Analysis of Policies of International Economic Organizations 2400-M2EMAPM
- The Art and Science of Microeconomic Modeling 1600-SZD-SPEC-AS-EF
- The company in a global economy 2400-PL3SL144A
- The company in a global economy 2400-PL3SL144B
- The Euro: a building block or a wrecking ball of the EU? 2400-ENSM053B
- The Euro: a building block or a wrecking ball of the EU? 2400-ENSM053C
- The power of self-discipline 2400-ZEWW785-OG
- Theory and Practice of Financial Markets 2400-PL3SL060A
- Theory and Practice of Financial Markets 2400-PL3SL060B
- Theory and practice of option pricing 2400-QFU2TPRO
- Theory of Economic Integration 2400-ICU2TEI
- Theory of the Firm 2400-EPZU1TP
- Theory of the Firm 2400-EP2TP
- Time Series Analysis 2400-IiE3ASC
- Time Series Analysis 2400-QFU1TSA
- Time series and dynamic panel data 1600-SZD-WM-SCiPD
- Time series and dynamic panels 1600-SZD-SPEC-SC-EF
- Topic modelling 2400-ZEWW878
- Topics in derivatives 2400-ENSM047B
- Topics in derivatives 2400-ENSM047A
- Topics in derivatives 2400-ENSM047C
- Topics in empirical analysis of international trade 2400-EN3SL247A
- Topics in empirical analysis of international trade 2400-EN3SL247B
- Transforming communication 2400-ZEWW889-OG
- Transnational Corporations 2400-EM3KT
- Transnational Corporations 2400-ZEWW560
- Understanding Business 2400-DS2UB
- Understanding Deep Learning 2400-ZEWW948
- Understanding Equality Course 2400-KRPDUW-OG
- Unsupervised Learning 2400-DS1UL
- Urban Health Case Challenge 2400-ZEWW827-OG
- Usage of Python Language 2400-ZEWW842
- Usage of Python Language 2400-EM2ZJPY
- UW students for Ukraine - activities in support of young people from Ukraine 2400-ZEWW874-OG
- Valuation of Non-Market Goods 2400-PLSM054A
- Valuation of Non-Market Goods 2400-PLSM054B
- Value added tax (ACCA) 2400-ZEWW795(ACCA)
- VBA tools in economic data analysis 2400-ZEWW735
- Web Scraping and Social Media Scraping 2400-DS1WSMS
- Well-being over life course - determinants and challanges 2400-ENSM105B
- Well-being over life course - determinants and challanges 2400-ENSM105A
- White-collar Crime in Poland 2400-PL3SL104A
- White-collar Crime in Poland 2400-PL3SL104B
- Yesterday, today and tomorrow of the euro zone - the theoretical and the practical aspects of the creation and the functioning of a monetary union 2400-PL3SL190A
- Yesterday, today and tomorrow of the euro zone - the theoretical and the practical aspects of the creation and the functioning of a monetary union 2400-PL3SL190B