Courses at
Faculty of Law and Administration
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- Specialisation Seminar - Intellectual property. Contemporary problems of protection 2200-1F009
- Specialisation Seminar - International Commercial Law and Company Law 2200-1F023
- Specialisation Seminar - Judicial protection in the European Union and European Public Economic Law 2200-1F047
- Specialisation Seminar - labour law - future of work 2200-1F098
- Specialisation Seminar - Labour law in practice 2200-1F036
- Specialisation Seminar - Law and political system in Poland in the 20th century 2200-1F064
- Specialisation Seminar - Law and Religion 2200-1F065
- Specialisation seminar - learning about the state with elements of comparative constitutional law 2200-1F063
- Specialisation Seminar - Legal aspects of new technologies 2200-1F041
- Specialisation seminar - legal determinants of energy, climate, and environment 2200-1M096
- Specialisation Seminar - Legal theory 2200-1F061
- Specialisation Seminar - legal traditions of the world 2200-1F066
- Specialisation Seminar - Political and legal doctrines 2200-1F059
- Specialisation Seminar - Proceedings concerning white-collar crimes. Companies in criminal proceedings. Practical approach to criminal proceedings 2200-1F058
- Specialisation Seminar - Professional trade - companies and partnerships - structure and operation and contracting techniques 2200-1F017
- Specialisation Seminar - Public finance law and tax law - income taxes in business activities 2200-1F039
- Specialisation Seminar - Public International Law 2200-1F048
- Specialisation Seminar - Real estate management and spatial planning law 2200-1F028
- Specialisation Seminar - Social ecology. Law, society and environment 2200-1F101
- Specialisation Seminar - State interference in the economy 2200-1F033
- Specialisation Seminar - Substantive and anti-discrimination law of the European Union 2200-1F043
- Specialisation Seminar - Tax law: escaping from taxation - the essence and methods of counteracting 2200-1F040
- Specialisation Seminar - Taxes and social contributions in employment 2200-1F024
- Specialisation Seminar - The Anatomy of Corporate Law 2200-1F018
- Specialisation Seminar - The Law of Contracts in Domestic and International Trade 2200-1F006
- Specialisation Seminar - The Law of Obligations 2200-1F007
- Specialisation Seminar - The real estate market and the protection of nature and the environment 2200-1F029
- Specialisation seminar (proseminar) - Criminology 2200-1F068
- Specialisation seminar (proseminar) - legal determinants of energy, climate, and environment 2200-1F096
- Specialization seminar - administrative law 2200-1F073
- Specialization seminar - Administrative law and administrative procedure 2200-1F075
- Specialization seminar - Administrative law, administrative proceedings and proceedings before administrative courts 2200-1F078
- Specialization seminar - civil and medical law - institutions and application 2200-1F095
- Specialization seminar - Comparative constitutional law 2200-1F088
- Specialization seminar - Criminal law 2200-1F091
- Specialization seminar - European foreign investment law 2200-1F080
- Specialization seminar - Family law 2200-1F090
- Specialization seminar - General administrative procedure 2200-1F076
- Specialization seminar - Law & Economics and other legal and economic doctrines over the centuries 2200-1F072
- Specialization seminar - Law and administrative procedure 2200-1F077
- Specialization seminar - Law in history, history in law 2200-1F086
- Specialization seminar - penitentiary law 2200-1F069
- Specialization seminar - Philosophy law 2200-1F110
- Specialization seminar - Philosophy of European and international law 2200-1F097
- Specialization seminar - Public economic law and administrative proceedings 2200-1F074
- Specialization seminar - Sociology of law 2200-1F085
- Specialization seminar (pro-seminar) - Freedom of expression and the media of social communication 2200-1F099
- Specialization seminar (proseminar) - Civil law: disputes in doctrine and discrepancies in case law 2200-1F115
- Specialization seminar (proseminar) - Intellectual property in the light of civil law concepts and constructs 2200-1F103
- Specialization seminar (proseminar) - International law of new technologies 2200-1F105
- Specialization seminar (proseminar)- Commercial companies 2200-1F087
- State aid - legal issues 2200-7C7
- State Aid in the Energy Sector 2200-EU025
- Strategic planning in public administration 2200-4P010
- Strategic planning in public administration 2200-4P010S
- Street Law: Schools 2200-1CWPK29
- Substantive and procedural issues of public law competition protection 2200-1W002N
- Substantive and procedural issues of public law competition protection 2200-1W002S
- Supervision over the capital market, criminal liability ant its premises 2200-1W096N
- Supervision over the capital market, criminal liability ant its premises 2200-1W096S
- Supervision over the financial market in Poland 2200-1I042
- Surveillance democracy 2200-1W144N
- Surveillance democracy 2200-1W144S
- System and law of the Polish State in the 20th century 2200-1I035-OG
- System models 2200-8P025S
- Tax analysis 2200-7C12
- Tax law 2200-8K03a
- Tax law 2200-8K03aS
- Tax law - general provisions and principles 2200-BS037N
- Tax law - general provisions and principles 2200-BS037S
- Tax Law - Substantial Provisions 2200-BS019N
- Tax Law - Substantial Provisions 2200-BS019S
- Tax on Civil Law Transactions 2200-7B10
- Tax ordinance - substantive law 2200-1W110N
- Tax ordinance - substantive law 2200-1W110S
- Tax Ordinance. Substantive law 2200-7A5
- Tax procedure 2200-7A18
- Taxation of companies and tax avoidance through companies 2200-1W057N
- Taxation of companies and tax avoidance through companies 2200-1W057S
- Taxation of economic activity, tax accounting and financial reporting 2200-1W055N
- Taxation of economic activity, tax accounting and financial reporting 2200-1W055S
- Taxes on property – taxation of the immovable property 2200-7A20
- Teaching Practice 2200-6A6
- Techniques of negotiation and mediation in administration 4007-L3TNMA
- The basics of criminal law 2200-8P023
- The basics of criminal law 2200-8P023S
- The Code of the Administrative Proceedings 2200-7A14
- The Constitution and the Economy 2200-BS057N
- The Constitution and the Economy 2200-BS057S
- The Constitutional as the State Basic Law 2200-1W064N
- The Constitutional as the State Basic Law 2200-1W064S
- The contract performance and non-performance 2200-1W120N
- The contract performance and non-performance 2200-1W120S
- The development of private law in a comparative perspective 2200-BS047N
- The development of private law in a comparative perspective 2200-BS047S
- The European codifications of conract law 2200-1W118N
- The European codifications of conract law 2200-1W118S
- The European Union Internal Market 2200-BS015N
- The European Union Internal Market 2200-BS015S
- The Foreign Exchange Law 2200-7B14
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