Courses at
Faculty of Geology
- Introduction to geoarchaeology 1300-PWGA3L
- Introduction to microstructural analysis 1300-OWZMSP
- Isotope geochemistry 1300-OGCI4W
- Karst hydrogeology 1300-WHKR201
- Karst hydrogeology 1300-WHKR-OG
- Lab in engineering geology and soil physical chemistry 1300-WPGFP-GES
- Laboratory study of sedimentary rocks 1300-WLSOZ1
- Limestones and their sedimentary environments 1300-WM-WSSP
- Magnetic properties of rocks 1300-WWMS-OG
- Magnetic properties of rocks 1300-WWMS
- Marine geology/Oceanology 1300-WGMRW-GE
- Masovian erratics 1300-TMAER
- Master Diploma Laboratory 1300-OPMGR-GES
- Master Diploma Laboratory 1300-OPMGR-GEP
- Master Diploma Seminar - engineering geology 1300-SGI11-GES
- Master Seminar (SSP21) 1300-OSMSSP21
- Matematic W 1300-WMAT0
- Mathematics 1300-OMT1W
- Mathematics 1300-OMT1ZC
- Mathematics 1300-OMT1LC
- Mathematics 1300-OMTZC-GGG
- Mechanics and strength of materials 1300-OMW2LCW
- Mechanics of Rock Media 1300-OMOS11C-GES
- Mechanics of Rock Media 1300-OMOS11W-GES
- Methodology of Geomechanical Research 1300-WMGGM-GES
- Methodology of stratigraphy 1300-OMSTW-GES
- Methodology of stratigraphy 1300-OMSTC-GEP
- Methodology of stratigraphy 1300-OMSTW-GEP
- Methods for determining the hydraulic conductivity k (laboratory classes) 1300-SP-MWWKC
- Methods of groundwater flow calculations 1300-OMOP3CW
- Methods of obtaining hydrogeological data 1300-SP-SPDHW
- Methods of Raw Minerals Analysis 1300-OMBS4CW
- Methods of Raw Minerals Analysis 1300-WM-MBSCW
- Metodology of stratigraphy 1300-OMSTP-GES
- Micropalaeontology 1300-OMPLC
- Mineral and balneologic waters in Poland 1300-OWMLW-GES
- Mineral cosmetics – the patchways of new product creation 1300-PKMKP-OG
- Mineral deposits of Poland 1300-OFZPC-GEP
- Mineral deposits of Poland 1300-OFZPW-GEP
- Mineral deposits prospecting and exploration methodes 1300-OMPRZ3CW
- Mineral Economy 1300-WGEW-GEP
- Mineral engineering 1300-OISM3C
- Mineral engineering 1300-OISM3W
- Mineral resources of Poland 1300-WSMP-OG
- Mineral resources of the seas and oceans 1300-WSMO201
- Mineralogy 1300-OIMI2CW
- Mineralogy 1300-OMNC1-GEP
- Mineralogy 1300-OMNW-GEP
- Mineralogy 1300-OMNC2-GEP
- Mining Modifications of Environment 4030-GPP
- Mining of mineral deposits 1300-OMEZ4CW
- Modelling of geodynamic processes with the finite element method 1300-WMZGES-GES
- Modern methods of Quaternary sediments research 1300-WWMBOQ-GGG
- Monitoring of the Environment 4030-MŚ
- Morphotectonics 1300-OMTP-GES
- MSc Seminar - engineering geology 1300-OSINZ12-GES
- MSc Seminar - engineering geology 1300-OSINZ21-GES
- MSc Seminar - engineering geology 1300-OSINZ22-GES
- MSc Seminar - geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and ore geology 1300-OSMGMPGZ12
- MSc Seminar - geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and ore geology 1300-OSMGMPGZ22
- MSc Seminar - geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and ore geology 1300-OSMGMPGZ21
- MSc Seminar - hydrogeology 1300-OSHYD12-GES
- MSc Seminar - hydrogeology 1300-OSHYD21-GES
- MSc Seminar - hydrogeology 1300-OSHYD22-GES
- MSc Seminar - Prospecting geology 1300-OSMGEP11
- MSc Seminar - Tectonic and geological cartography 1300-OSTKG12-GES
- MSc Seminar - Tectonic and geological cartography 1300-OSTKG22-GES
- Nanosilver/kaolin composite – an attempt at synthesis using natural precursors 1300-TKNKPS
- National parks in the 21st century - relics or new challenges (on the example of the Tatra National Park) 1300-WPNPNW
- National parks in the 21st century - relics or new challenges (on the example of the Tatra National Park) 1300-WPNPNW-OG
- Natural and Anthropogenic Coastal Processes of the Baltic Sea; Pure-Energy Technologies - Pobrzeże 4030-KTPOB
- New trends in sedimentology 1300-PNTS3Z
- Ore microscopy 1300-WMKCW
- Organic geochemistry 1300-OGOGW-GEP
- Organic geochemistry in hydrocarbon research 1300-OGOPW-GEP
- Palaeoclimatic secrets of lakes 1300-WTPJ-OG
- Palaeontology I 1300-WPN2101-OG
- Palaeontology I 1300-OPL1ZC
- Palaeontology I 1300-OPL1ZW
- Palaeontology II 1300-OPII101
- Palaeontology II 1300-WPIIW-OG
- Palaeozoology of Invertebrates, part II 1300-WPZBW2
- Paleoecology in the fossil record 1300-WPSKW
- Paleolimnology (voluntary) 1300-WPLM201
- Parageneses and mineral-forming conditions 1300-PSPWM3L1
- Parcticum of Palaeontology (part 1) 1300-WPPAL1
- Parcticum of Palaeontology (part 2) 1300-WPPAL2
- Petrogenesis of carbonates - selected problems 1300-WPWZW25
- Petrology I 1300-OPTR3W
- Petrology I 1300-OPTR3LC
- Petrology I 1300-OPT3C
- Petrology I 1300-OPT3W
- Petrology I 1300-OPTR3C
- Petrology of sedimentary rocks - part II 1300-OPSOW
- Petrology of sedimentary rocks - part II 1300-OPSOC
- Petrology of the igneous and metamorphic rocks 1300-WM-PSMMC
- Petrology of the igneous and metamorphic rocks 1300-WM-PSMMW
- Petrophysics 1300-WPFW-GES
- Photography in geology; Geology in photography 1300-WFGGF-OG
- Physical geology 1300-OGD1ZC-GEP