Study programmes
> Faculty list
> Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics
> Courses conducted
Courses at
Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics
- High performance computing 1000-218bHPC
- History of mathematics I 1000-00HM1-OG
- History of mathematics II 1000-00HM2-OG
- Hydrodynamics equations in geophysical problems. 1000-1M19RHG
- Ideas and informatics 1000-217bIII
- Ideas and informatics 1000-317bIII
- Implementation theory 1000-2M16TIM
- Industrial mathematics 1000-1S20MU
- Inequalities in Convex Geometry 1000-1M17NGW
- Infinite alphabets 1000-2M16AN
- Infinite automata 1000-2M22AN
- Information and communications technology 3222-30TI5K-N
- Information theory 1000-2N03TI
- Innovative applications of computer science 1000-2D10IZI
- Intellectual property rights - basic course 1000-OOPOWI
- Interactive Machine Learning 1000-2M21IUM
- Interdisciplinary team project 1000-720IPZ
- Internship or study visit 1000-319bINT
- Introduction to Actuarial and Financial Mathematics 1000-135WMF
- Introduction to bioinformatics 1 1000-711BI1
- Introduction to bioinformatics 2 1000-714BI2
- Introduction to Combinatorics 1000-1M19WDK
- Introduction to computational biology 1000-2N03BO
- Introduction to computer science 1000-711WIN
- Introduction to computer science I 1000-111bWI1a
- Introduction to computer science I 1000-111bWI1b
- Introduction to computer science II 1000-112bWI2b
- Introduction to Cybersecurity and Cryptography 1000-2M24WCK
- Introduction to data compression 1000-2N09KDW
- Introduction to Differential Geometry 1000-135WGR
- Introduction to Dynamical Systems 1000-135WUD
- Introduction to electronic commerce 1000-2M09OTA
- Introduction to Game Theory 1000-135WTG
- Introduction to Machine Learning 1000-214bWUM
- Introduction to mathematics 1000-111bWMAa
- Introduction to neurodynamics and neuroinformatics 1000-1M09WNN
- Introduction to noncommutative geometry 1000-1M22WGN
- Introduction to partial differential equations 1000-135WRC
- Introduction to protein and nucleic acids structures 1000-712SBN
- Introduction to stochastic analysis 1000-135WAS
- Introduction to the Baum-Connes Conjecture 1000-1S24HBM
- Introduction to the theory of random fields and applications 1000-1M24TPL
- Introduction to Zero Knowledge 1000-2M23IZK
- Introductory programming 1000-211bWPI
- K-theories 1000-1S22KT
- Knot Theory 1000-1S14TW
- Lambda calculus 1000-2M02RL
- Languages and tools for programming III 1000-225bJNP3
- Languages, automata and computations 1000-214bJAO
- Languages, automata and computations II 1000-2M15ZTA
- Large-scale machine learning 1000-319bBML
- Lectures in modern computer science 1000-2M11WWI
- Lectures in modern mathematics 1000-1M24WWM
- Lie groups and Lie algebras 1000-135AGL
- Linear algebra 1000-711ALI
- Linear algebra and geometry I 1000-111bGA1a
- Linear algebra and geometry II 1000-112bGA2a
- Linear algebra and geometry II* 1000-112bGA2*
- Linear optimization 1000-135OPL
- Logic and type theory 1000-2M13LTT
- Logic programming 1000-2N00PLO
- Logic programming and Prolog 1000-2M10PLO
- Logics for computer scientists 1000-217bLOG
- M'AI: Agent Models 1000-1M23MAM
- M’AI: agents’ interaction 1000-1M24MAI
- Machine learning 1000-2N09SUS
- Machine learning 1000-5D17UM
- Machine learning 1000-135UM
- Managing software projects 1000-2M08ZPI
- Mathematical analysis 4030-ANMAT
- Mathematical analysis for computer science I 1000-211cAM1
- Mathematical analysis for computer science I with Mathematica 1000-211cAMM1
- Mathematical analysis for computer science II 1000-212cAM2
- Mathematical analysis I.1 1000-111bAM1a
- Mathematical analysis I.2 1000-112bAM2a
- Mathematical analysis I.2* 1000-112bAM2*
- Mathematical analysis II.1 1000-113bAM3a
- Mathematical analysis II.1* 1000-113bAM3*
- Mathematical analysis II.2 1000-114bAM4a
- Mathematical analysis II.2* 1000-114bAM4*
- Mathematical Finance 1000-1S11MF
- Mathematical Logic 1000-135LOM
- Mathematical methods in natural and social sciences 1000-135MMN
- Mathematical models in biology and social sciences 1000-1D10MBS
- Mathematical models in biology and social sciences 1000-1S10MBS
- Mathematical Models in Finance 1000-1D11MMF
- Mathematical Models in Finance 1000-1S11MMF
- Mathematical models in natural sciences 1000-716MNP
- Mathematical Models of Biology and Medical Sciences 1000-135MBM
- Mathematical Models of Classical Mechanics 1000-135MMK
- Mathematical Models of Derivatives Markets 1000-135IP1
- Mathematical models of financial derivatives markets II 1000-135IP2
- Mathematical physics and ergodic theory of lattice systems - Ising model, quasicrystals 1000-1M22MIK
- Mathematical Statistics and its Applications 1000-1D96ST
- Mathematical Statistics and its Applications 1000-1S96ST
- Mathematical vision of the World 1000-00MWS-OG
- Mathematics 1000-111MAT
- Mathematics 1000-1CHMMAT1
- Mathematics 0 1000-1MAT01
- Mathematics 0 1000-1CHJMAT01