French teaching practice: developing teacher competences for lower primary school 4100-4SDYDFRA
The following topics are discussed during the classes:
- core curriculum (modern foreign language) - kindergarten and the first stage of education
- characteristics of age flu - preschool children and younger primary school children (6-9) years old
- specificity of working with children in teaching a foreign language - the ludic nature of classes with children
- defining the goals of a foreign language lesson
- construction of a foreign language lesson aimed at younger children
- maintaining order in foreign language lessons in younger grades
- selected issues related to the development of individual language skills: listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing (these topics will be discussed in several classes)
- working with songs, rhymes, poems, lists, stories, movement, drama, games.
Term 2023L:
None |
Term 2024L:
The following topics are discussed during the classes: |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Term 2023L: foreign languages obligatory courses | General: foreign languages obligatory courses | Term 2024L: obligatory courses foreign languages |
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
S_W06 in an orderly manner, the factors governing educational environments
S_W10 the methodology to perform common tasks; the standards and procedures used in various educational areas
S_W19 the core curriculum regarding the content of teaching French, in kindergarten and at the first educational stages (primary school) and associated typical learning difficulties
Skills: the graduate is able to
S_U02 plan and implement projects typical for foreign language teaching environments (including preschool)
S_U06 use basic theories in psychology and education and other related disciplines to analyse, interpret and resolve educational, social and cultural issues, as well as understand the motives and patterns of human behavior
S_U19 using the basic organisational skills, plan and carry out tasks related to teaching foreign languages
Social competences: the graduate is prepared to
S_K06 correctly identify the priorities for the implementation of specified tasks
S_K10 see the importance of behaving in a professional manner and reflect on the ethical issues raised in the teaching profession
Assessment criteria
Completing the course with a grade. The pass is necessary to take the final exam in the subject.
The basis for passing the exercises is attendance at classes - it is checked by reading the list of students and verbally confirming attendance. Attendance at classes is obligatory (Studies Regulations of the University of Warsaw, III. Student's rights and obligations, article 19, point 2).
The student is entitled to 2 absences per semester. After exceeding the attendance limit, passing the course is possible only after presenting a decision of the BON and KJD increasing the absence limit.
The following are subject to assessment:
a) preparation for classes (doing homework - checked during classes, positive completion of all tasks from the platform) - 20% of the final grade
b) passing the final test with 60%, which is 50% of the grade at the end of the semester (the test can be retaken once)
c) active participation in classes - 20% of the grade
d) linguistic correctness - 10% of the grade
Positive completion of all the above-mentioned elements is necessary to pass the subject.
Scores 60% of the possible number of points.
60%-68% - satisfactory
69%-76% - sufficient plus
77%-85%- good
86%-92% - good plus
93%-100%-very good
Student workload:
2.5 ECTS – awarded as follows:
- exam = 1 ECTS
- preparation for classes / active participation in classes, passing the test:
1.5 ECTS
Practical placement
Students complete teaching internships in grades 1-3 in primary schools for 30 hours in the summer semester.
- Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues : apprendre, enseigner, évaluer, Conseil de l’Europe/les Editions Didier,
- Cuq J.-P., Gruca I. (2002) Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère, PUG, Grenoble
- Gordon Th., Wychowanie bez porażek w szkole, Instytut Wydawniczy Pax, Warszawa 2000
- Komorowska H. et all. Skuteczna nauka języka obcego. Struktura i przebieg zajęć językowych, Wydawnictwa CODN, Warszawa 2009
- Języki Obce w Szkole. Nauczanie wczesnoszkolne. Numer specjalny6/2000, Wydawnictwa CODN, Warszawa, 2000
- Pamuła M., Europejskie portfolio językowe- opis i ocena umiejętności komunikacyjnych i językowych ucznia (w) Komorowska H., Ewaluacja w nauce języka obcego, Wyd. UwB, Białystok, 2002
- Pamuła, M., (2003), Metodyka nauczania języków obcych w kształceniu zintegrowanym, Warszawa: Fraszka Edukacyjna
- Robertson J., Jak zapewnić dyscyplinę, ład i uwagę w klasie, WSIP, Warszawa, 1998
- Sikora-Banasik et all., Wczesnoszkolne nauczanie języków obcych. Zarys teorii i praktyki, Wydawnictwa CODN, Warszawa 2009
- Silberman M., Uczymy się uczyć, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk, 2003
- SILVA H. (2009) "Le jeu en classe de langue" , Paris, CLE International
- Vanthier H., L’enseignement aux enfants en classe de langue, CLE International, Paris 2009
- Numéro spécial Français dans le monde. Recherches et applications, août-septembre 1991 “Enseignements/apprentissages précoces des langues”
Term 2023L:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: