Celem kształcenia na kierunku filologia polska jest wykształcenie absolwentów wykwalifikowanych w zakresie literaturoznawstwa i językoznawstwa polskiego. Opracowana koncepcja kształcenia pozwala studentom filologii polskiej na podjęcie specjalistycznych studiów literaturoznawczych i językoznawczych, zdobycie wiedzy, umiejętności i kompetencji z zakresu metodologii badań naukowych oraz ich praktycznego zastosowania. Metody kształcenia stosowane na kierunku filologia polska są̨ nakierowane na studenta i pozostają̨ zgodne z tradycjami kształcenia uniwersyteckiego. Ich podstawą jest bezpośredni kontakt studentów z nauczycielami akademickimi, a preferowaną formę zajęć stanowią ćwiczenia, wymagające aktywności wszystkich uczestników spotkań. Studenci mają także możliwość włączania się w działania prowadzone przez liczne koła naukowe.
Studia niestacjonarne (zaoczne) pierwszego stopnia na kierunku filologia polska pozwalają na zdobycie umiejętności i kompetencji zawodowych potrzebnych głównie na rynku krajowym. W związku z tym dużą uwagę poświęca się kształceniu w ramach trzech specjalizacji. Są to specjalizacje: edytorstwo naukowe i redakcja tekstu dla polonistów, filologia dla mediów i dająca uprawnienia do nauczania języka polskiego w klasach IV-VIII szkoły podstawowej specjalizacja nauczycielska. Spośród tych trzech specjalizacji uruchamiane są dwie: obligatoryjnie nauczycielska oraz edytorstwo naukowe i redakcja tekstu dla polonistów lub filologia dla mediów. Studenci na początku drugiego semestru pierwszego roku wybierają jedną spośród nich. Programy specjalizacji realizowane są na drugim i trzecim roku studiów. Wiążą się z nimi także praktyki kierunkowe, które studenci powinni zrealizować na trzecim roku studiów.
Wszystkie zajęcia na studiach niestacjonarnych (zaocznych) odbywają się w soboty i niedziele na terenie Kampusu Głównego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28), w gmachu Wydziału Polonistyki. Studenci mają w nim do dyspozycji w pełni wyposażone sale dydaktyczne, dwie biblioteki i czytelnie wydziałowe. Dostęp do literatury i niezbędnych narzędzi badawczych zapewnia też bliskość Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie.
Absolwenci studiów pierwszego stopnia na kierunku filologia polska mają wiedzę ogólnohumanistyczną i szczegółową wiedzę z zakresu nauki o literaturze polskiej i nauki o języku polskim, pozwalającą im podjąć studia drugiego stopnia w dziedzinie nauk humanistycznych i społecznych. Przygotowani są także do prowadzenia podstawowych badań w dyscyplinach: literaturoznawstwo i językoznawstwo. Po ukończeniu studiów absolwenci umieją rozpoznawać, analizować i interpretować najważniejsze dzieła i zjawiska polskiej literatury (również w perspektywie komparatystycznej i z uwzględnieniem kontekstów kulturowych, filozoficznych czy religijnych), rozumieją istotę procesu historycznoliterackiego, rozróżniają i potrafią definiować historyczne style i poetyki, umieją pisać rozprawki naukowe, brać udział w debatach, a także wykorzystywać refleksję teoretyczną w badaniach historycznoliterackich i językoznawczych. Potrafią również zgłębiać najważniejsze procesy rozwojowe języka polskiego, dokonywać analizy gramatycznej, leksykalnej i stylistycznej tekstów należących do różnych odmian współczesnej i historycznej polszczyzny. Umieją samodzielnie oceniać wartość artystyczną, językową i poznawczą dzieł literackich oraz innych tekstów kultury.
Ponadto absolwenci specjalizacji edytorstwo naukowe i redakcja tekstu dla polonistów są przygotowani do pracy w charakterze edytorów dzieł literackich i innych tekstów kultury, korektorów, adiustatorów i redaktorów w redakcjach czasopism, wydawnictwach książkowych oraz portalach internetowych.
Absolwenci specjalizacji filologia dla mediów są gotowi do podjęcia pracy na rynku medialnym, a zwłaszcza do wykonywania zadań związanych z public relations.
Absolwenci specjalizacji nauczycielskiej mogą pracować w szkołach podstawowych w klasach IV-VIII w charakterze nauczyciela języka polskiego, Dzięki realizacji programu studiów drugiego stopnia mogą zdobyć uprawnienia do nauczania w szkołach ponadpodstawowych.
Qualification awarded:
First cycle degree - licencjat - in Polish Philology
First cycle degree - licencjat - in Polish Philology, specjality: Literary Studies and Linguistics
Access to further studies:
second cycle programme
Learning outcomes
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The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study programme.
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands: - culture-shaping role of literary (historical-literary, theoretical-literary, comparative) reflection - culture-shaping role of linguistic (synchronic and diachronic) reflection - historical and modern terminologies, theories, and methodologies in the field of the history of Polish literature, literary theory, poetics, and comparative studies - historical and modern terminologies, theories, and methodologies in the field of the descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, diachronic and synchronic linguistics
Skills: the graduate can: - independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in preparation for undertaking scientific research guided by a research supervisor, as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select, integrate information from written and electronic sources and use it in their research in the field of the history of Polish literature, poetics, literary theory, and comparative studies - independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in preparation for undertaking scientific research guided by a research supervisor, as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select, integrate information from written and electronic sources and use it in their research in the field of descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, and diachronic and synchronic linguistics - write papers on the history of Polish literature, poetics with elements of literary theory and comparative studies, and select the relevant source literature independently - write papers on the descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, diachronic and synchronic linguistics, and select the relevant source literature independently - use a foreign language at B2 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages - undertake scientific editing and linguistic editing of written texts
Social competence: the graduate is prepared to: - recognise the importance of humanistic reflection in the formation of social bonds
Field of study: Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, first cycle programme (full-time and part-time), specialisation: Glottodidactics
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
knows and understands the basics of the role of literary (history of literature, theory of literature, comparative literary studies) and linguistic reflection (synchronic and diachronic) in culture shaping
knows the basic terminology used in literary studies (history and theory of literature, poetics, and comparative studies) and in (synchronic and diachronic) linguistics in the Polish language
knows the subjects and ideas represented by selected authors of Polish literature from the Middle Ages to the present day and understands the dynamics of the historical and literary process
understands the nature of the Polish language, its complexity, and the historical variability of meanings
can search printed and electronic sources, analyse, evaluate, select, and use information related to literary and linguistic studies
can self-reliantly obtain knowledge and develop literary and linguistic research skills, following guidelines from a tutor
has the skill of a critical presentation of the historical and literary process and can correctly locate various social and cultural phenomena in that process
has the basic skills in: a) giving Polish classes at a primary school b) teaching Polish as a foreign language
understands the ethical problems related to the responsibility for the accuracy of the lectured knowledge, to scientific integrity, genuineness, and honesty in conducting academic and ideological disputes
has profound competence in the field of the Polish language and literature which makes him/her an informed participant in the cultural life of the particular region, country, and Europe ECTS points required for the studies: 180, number of terms: 6.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
A student must score the total of 111 ECTS points at classes in core subjects to which the learning outcomes of a full-time first cycle programme in the field of the Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, apply. In case of a part-time first cycle programme in the field of the Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, a student must score the total of 112 ECTS points.
The total number of ECTS points a student must score at practical classes is 31. These points are associated with professional specialisation.
The total number of free-choice ECTS points a full-time student can score is 61.
The total number of free-choice ECTS points a part-time student can score is 59.
A full- and part-time first cycle student must do a teaching practice during the course of studies as required by the training standards or other regulations which govern the particular professional competences. The practice may not be shorter than 4 weeks, i.e. 40 hours, for which a student scores 4 ECTS points and a credit.
The teaching practice taken as part of the glottodidactic specialisation:
The teaching practice comprises practical work at a primary school (2nd stage of education, forms 4-6), 120 hours (4 ECTS points), and the pedagogical and psychological practice, 40 hours (4 pts ECTS), taken as part of professional training. The teacher training formula is consistent with the guidelines set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession. The 40-hour glottodidactic training is run as part of the subject: The methodology of teaching Polish as a foreign language (overall 2 ECTS points).
The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes defined for the compulsory specialization. The graduate: Knows and understands culture-shaping role of literary and linguistic reflection. Knows literary and linguistic terminology in Polish. Possesses knowledge of interrelations between Polish philology and other academic fields and disciplines. Is aware of the composite character of selected European languages, with particular reference to the Polish language, as well as their complexity and historical variability of meanings. Can search written and electronic sources for literary and linguistic information and can analyse, evaluate, select and apply it. Independently acquires knowledge and develops research skills essential in literary and linguistic studies under the supervision of a tutor. Is able to conduct a critical analysis of the historical and literary process and can correctly locate various social and cultural phenomena within it. Has the basic skills in: a) giving Polish classes at a primary school, b) teaching Polish as a foreign language. Understands ethical problems related to the responsibility for the accuracy of lectured knowledge, to scientific integrity, genuineness, and honesty in conducting academic and ideological disputes. Has profound competence in the field of the Polish language and literature which makes him/her an informed participant in the cultural life of the region, country, and Europe.
The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes defined for the compulsory specialization. The graduate: Knows and understands culture-shaping role of literary and linguistic reflection. Knows literary and linguistic terminology in Polish. Possesses knowledge of interrelations between Polish philology and other academic fields and disciplines. Is aware of the composite character of selected European languages, with particular reference to the Polish language, as well as their complexity and historical variability of meanings. Can search written and electronic sources for literary and linguistic information and can analyse, evaluate, select and apply it. Independently acquires knowledge and develops research skills essential in literary and linguistic studies under the supervision of a tutor. Is able to conduct a critical analysis of the historical and literary process and can correctly locate various social and cultural phenomena within it. Has the basic skills of shaping a public image, using PR techniques, writing and evaluating texts intended for mass media. Understands ethical problems related to the responsibility for the accuracy of lectured knowledge, to scientific integrity, genuineness, and honesty in conducting academic and ideological disputes. Has profound competence in the field of the Polish language and literature which makes him/her an informed participant in the cultural life of the region, country, and Europe.
Field of study: Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, first cycle programme (full-time and part-time), specialisation: Teaching
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
knows and understands the basics of the role of literary (history of literature, theory of literature, comparative literary studies) and linguistic reflection (synchronic and diachronic) in culture shaping
knows the basic terminology used in literary studies (history and theory of literature, poetics, and comparative studies) and in (synchronic and diachronic) linguistics in the Polish language
knows the subjects and ideas represented by selected authors of Polish literature from the Middle Ages to the present day and understands the dynamics of the historical and literary process
understands the nature of the Polish language, its complexity, and the historical variability of meanings
can search printed and electronic sources, analyse, evaluate, select, and use information related to literary and linguistic studies
can self-reliantly obtain knowledge and develop literary and linguistic research skills, following guidelines from a tutor
has the skill of a critical presentation of the historical and literary process and can correctly locate various social and cultural phenomena in that process
has the basic skills required for giving Polish classes at a primary school
understands the ethical problems related to the responsibility for the accuracy of the lectured knowledge, to scientific integrity, genuineness, and honesty in conducting academic and ideological disputes
has profound competence in the field of the Polish language and literature which makes him/her an informed participant in the cultural life of the particular region, country, and Europe
ECTS points required for the studies: 180, number of terms: 6.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
A student must score the total of 111 ECTS points at classes in core subjects to which the learning outcomes of a full-time first cycle programme in the field of the Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, apply. In case of a part-time first cycle programme in the field of the Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, a student must score the total of 112 ECTS points.
The total number of ECTS points a student must score at practical classes is 31. These points are associated with professional specialisation.
The total number of free-choice ECTS points a full-time student can score is 61.
The total number of free-choice ECTS points a part-time student can score is 59.
A full- and part-time first cycle student must do a teaching practice during the course of studies as required by the training standards or other regulations which govern the particular professional competences. The practice may not be shorter than 4 weeks, i.e. 40 hours, for which a student scores 4 ECTS points and a credit.
The teaching practice taken as part of the teaching specialisation:
The teaching practice comprises practical work at a primary school (2nd stage of education, forms 4-6), 120 hours (4 ECTS points), and the pedagogical and psychological practice, 40 hours (4 pts ECTS), taken as part of professional training. The teacher training formula is consistent with the guidelines set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes defined for the compulsory specialization. The graduate: Knows and understands culture-shaping role of literary and linguistic reflection. Knows literary and linguistic terminology in Polish. Possesses knowledge of interrelations between Polish philology and other academic fields and disciplines. Is aware of the composite character of selected European languages, with particular reference to the Polish language, as well as their complexity and historical variability of meanings. Can search written and electronic sources for literary and linguistic information and can analyse, evaluate, select and apply it. Independently acquires knowledge and develops research skills essential in literary and linguistic studies under the supervision of a tutor. Is able to conduct a critical analysis of the historical and literary process and can correctly locate various social and cultural phenomena within it. Has the basic skills required for giving Polish classes at a primary school. Understands ethical problems related to the responsibility for the accuracy of lectured knowledge, to scientific integrity, genuineness, and honesty in conducting academic and ideological disputes. Has profound competence in the field of the Polish language and literature which makes him/her an informed participant in the cultural life of the region, country, and Europe.
The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program, including the learning outcomes defined for the compulsory specialization. The graduate: Knows and understands culture-shaping role of literary and linguistic reflection. Knows literary and linguistic terminology in Polish. Possesses knowledge of interrelations between Polish philology and other academic fields and disciplines. Is aware of the composite character of selected European languages, with particular reference to the Polish language, as well as their complexity and historical variability of meanings. Can search written and electronic sources for literary and linguistic information and can analyse, evaluate, select and apply it. Independently acquires knowledge and develops research skills essential in literary and linguistic studies under the supervision of a tutor. Is able to conduct a critical analysis of the historical and literary process and can correctly locate various social and cultural phenomena within it. Has the basic skills in proof-reading and stylistic editing of written texts. Understands ethical problems related to the responsibility for the accuracy of lectured knowledge, to scientific integrity, genuineness, and honesty in conducting academic and ideological disputes. Has profound competence in the field of the Polish language and literature which makes him/her an informed participant in the cultural life of the region, country, and Europe.
The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study programme.
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands: - culture-shaping role of literary (historical-literary, theoretical-literary, comparative) reflection - culture-shaping role of linguistic (synchronic and diachronic) reflection - historical and modern terminologies, theories, and methodologies in the field of the history of Polish literature, literary theory, poetics, and comparative studies - historical and modern terminologies, theories, and methodologies in the field of the descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, diachronic and synchronic linguistics
Skills: the graduate can: - independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in preparation for undertaking scientific research guided by a research supervisor, as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select, integrate information from written and electronic sources and use it in their research in the field of the history of Polish literature, poetics, literary theory, and comparative studies - independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in preparation for undertaking scientific research guided by a research supervisor, as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select, integrate information from written and electronic sources and use it in their research in the field of descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, and diachronic and synchronic linguistics - write papers on the history of Polish literature, poetics with elements of literary theory and comparative studies, and select the relevant source literature independently - write papers on the descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, diachronic and synchronic linguistics, and select the relevant source literature independently - use a foreign language at B2 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages - construct, analyse, and evaluate media market messages (press, radio, television, internet, advertising industry, film industry, public relations)
Social competence: the graduate is prepared to: - recognise the importance of humanistic reflection in the formation of social bonds
The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study programme.
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands: - culture-shaping role of literary (historical-literary, theoretical-literary, comparative) reflection - culture-shaping role of linguistic (synchronic and diachronic) reflection - historical and modern terminologies, theories, and methodologies in the field of the history of Polish literature, literary theory, poetics, and comparative studies - historical and modern terminologies, theories, and methodologies in the field of the descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, diachronic and synchronic linguistics
Skills: the graduate can: - independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in preparation for undertaking scientific research guided by a research supervisor, as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select, integrate information from written and electronic sources and use it in their research in the field of the history of Polish literature, poetics, literary theory, and comparative studies - independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills in preparation for undertaking scientific research guided by a research supervisor, as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select, integrate information from written and electronic sources and use it in their research in the field of descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, and diachronic and synchronic linguistics - write papers on the history of Polish literature, poetics with elements of literary theory and comparative studies, and select the relevant source literature independently - write papers on the descriptive grammar of the Polish language, culture of the Polish language, historical grammar of the Polish language, diachronic and synchronic linguistics, and select the relevant source literature independently - use a foreign language at B2 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages - plan and conduct Polish language lessons in primary school
Social competence: the graduate is prepared to: - recognise the importance of humanistic reflection in the formation of social bonds