Polish Descriptive Grammar I 3003-13A1GO
Practice classes cover the following topics:
1. Subject-matter of phonetics. Structure and functions of the speech apparatus. Basic notions within phonetics: speech sound, syllable, consonant, vowel. Criteria of classification of Polish sounds of speech.
2. Articulatory features of consonants, vowels and semi-vowels. The problem of nasal vowels.
3. Discrepancies between speech and writing. Phonetic alphabet. Regional speech variation.
4. Phonetic organization of utterances. Phases of utterances. Co-articulation. Assimilation in Polish; types thereof. Prosodic features of the contemporary Polish language. Speech correctness.
5. Basic notions within phonology: distinctive features, phoneme, variants of phonemes (typology of variants), phonological oppositions and neutralization of the oppositions. Phoneme versus speech sound. Distinctive features in the Polish language. Types of phonological oppositions.
6. Rules of establishing an inventory of Polish phonemes and their variants; the criterion of distinctiveness and distribution. An outline of the Polish phonological system - controversial issues (the phonological status of nasal vowels, the problem of /i/ and /y/, as well as the status of the palatalized labial consonants).
7. Phonological system of the Polish language according to Z. Stieber, R. Laskowski and B. Klebanowska (overview and comparison). Phonological interpretation of the phonetic phenomena according to B. Klebanowska.
8. Derivational morphology within the language system. Synchronic and diachronic derivation. The criteria of synchronic analyzability: semantic, syntactic, formal. Synchronic derivative.
9. The notion of derivative. Paraphrase. Motivation and direction of motivation. Multi-motivation. Derivatives with full motivation and those with motivation formally or semantically disrupted. Non-motivated words that are synchronically analyzable. Theme. Formative. Roots and stems. Structural and actual meaning; relations between them. Semantically regular and irregular word formation. Morphonological alternations.
10. Types of formatives – types of derivation. Affixes (prefixes, suffixes, interfixes, infixes, postfixes), affixoids. Paradigmatic and alternation formatives - an inventory and their function within the Polish system of word formation. Mixed formatives. Hierarchy of formatives.
11. Semantic relations between the derivative and its base. Rules of indicating the roles of the formatives. Functional classes of derivatives. Types of derivatives according to Dokulil: transposition, mutation, modification.
12. Units of the derivational morphology subsystem: derivational type, derivational category. Analyses of derivatives (nouns, adjectives and verbs).
Practice classes are accompanied by a course lecture. The lecture covers the following topics:
1. Hierarchical construal of language – an outline.
2. Segmentation of texts. Proportion as guiding principle of delimitating meaningful units of a language.
3. Morpheme – morph. Allomorphs. Problems of morpheme representation. Types of morphemes (with respect to their function and distribution).
4. Subsystems of language: phonology, morphology and syntax.
1. Phonetics – object of studies.
2. Articulatory and acoustic phonetics. Polish studies in phonetics.
3. Speech vs. writing. Phonetic alphabets; rules of transcription.
4. Characteristics of Polish speech sounds; classification criteria.
5. Articulatory characteristics of consonants, vowels and semi-vowels. The problem of nasal vowels.
6. Phonetic organization of utterances.
7. Prosodic features of the contemporary Polish language. Speech correctness; new phenomena within phonetics.
1. Basic notions of phonology.
2. Distinctive features in the Polish language.
3. Types of phonological oppositions.
4. An outline of the Polish phonological system - controversial issues (the phonological status of nasal vowels, the problem of /i/ and /y/, as well as the status of the palatalized labial consonants). An inventory of Polish phonemes according to Z. Stieber, R. Laskowski and B. Klebanowska (overview and comparison). An outline of the structural phonological models.
1. Derivational morphology within the language system.
2. Synchronic and diachronic derivational morphology.
3. The criteria of synchronic analyzability: semantic, syntactic, formal.
4. Basic notions of the synchronic derivational morphology: derivative, its segments, ways of determining the segments (i.a. roots and stems); the role of the paraphrase.
5. Motivation (factors determining the direction of motivation); multi-motivation – its types.
6. Derivatives with full motivation and those with motivation formally, stylistically or semantically disrupted. Non-motivated words that are synchronically analyzeable.
7. What form can the base take? Which parts of speech may carry out his function?
8. What form can the theme take? Role and types of morphonological alternations in word formation.
9. Formatives – types and structure. Hierarchy of formatives. Affixes (prefixes, suffixes, interfixes, infixes, postfixes), affixoids. Paradigmatic and alternation formatives – an inventory and their function within the Polish system of word formation. Compound formatives. Types of word-formation: actual derivation, adaptation, composition.
10. Functions of formatives. Types of derivatives according to Dokulil: transposition, mutation, modification.
11. Systematicity in word formation: derivational type, derivational category, derivational nest.
12. Characteristics of derivational categories of Polish nouns, adjectives and verbs – an outline and some detailed problems. Description of chosen classes of derivatives.
13. Aspect of the verb.
14. New phenomena within word formation. Productivity of formatives and of derivational types. Active particles in compound words. Word formation and text. Occasional and potential structures. Tendencies within the contemporary Polish word formation.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
A student who has completed the course:
- describes articulatory features of Polish vowels and consonants;
- transcribes a text phonetically, taking into account regional speech variation;
- identifies and characterizes assimilation;
- determines distinctive features of phonemes;
- recognizes phonemes and their variants according to the framework elaborated by Stieber, Laskowski and Klebanowska;
- analyzes derivatives on his/her own;
- is aware of controversial issues.
Assessment criteria
- checking attendance;
- midterm written tests;
- written final test.
Basic literature:
1. Dłuska M., Fonetyka polska. Warszawa 1981 (lub wyd. następne).
2. Dunaj B., Samogłoska ę we współczesnej polszczyźnie - zakres występowania, funkcja, norma, [w:] "Prace Filologiczne" XXXIII. Warszawa 1986.
3. Encyklopedia języka polskiego (EJP), red. S. Urbańczyk, Wrocław 1994 (hasła z zakresu fonetyki i słowotwórstwa, m.in. takie jak: akcent, fonem, fonetyka, fonologia, system fonologiczny języka polskiego, formant słowotwórczy, słowotwórcza analiza wyrazu, motywacja, derywacja, kategorie słowotwórcze, typ słowotwórczy i in., do których te odsyłają - pełny wykaz haseł: s. 441- 444)
4. Encyklopedia językoznawstwa ogólnego. Pod red. K. Polańskiego. Wyd. 2. poprawione i uzupełnione. Wrocław 1999 (wybrane hasła z zakresu fonetyki, fonologii i morfologii)
5. Gramatyka współczesnego języka polskiego. Morfologia, red.
R. Grzegorczykowej, R. Laskowskiego, H. Wróbla, wyd. 2
zmienione. Warszawa 1998 (rozdz. I. Zagadnienia ogólne
morfologii; II. Morfonologia; IV. Słowotwórstwo)
5. Grzegorczykowa R., Zarys słowotwórstwa polskiego. Warszawa 1971 (lub wyd. następne).
6. Grzegorczykowa R., Puzynina J., Słowotwórstwo współczesnego języka polskiego. Warszawa 1979.
7. Grzegorczykowa R., Szymanek B., Kategorie słowotwórcze w perspektywie kognitywnej, [w:] Encyklopedia kultury polskiej XX wieku t. 2. Współczesny język polski, pod red. J. Bartmińskiego. Lublin 2001
8. Heinz A., Fleksja a derywacja, Język Polski 1961, s. 342-354
9. Jadacka H., System słowotwórczy polszczyzny (1945-2000). Warszawa 2001 (w wyborze)
10. Klebanowska B., Interpretacja fonologiczna zjawisk fonetycznych w języku polskim - z ćwiczeniami. Warszawa 2007
11. Koneczna H., Zawadowski W., Przekroje rentgenograficzne głosek polskich. Warszawa 1971.
12. Laskowski R., System fonologiczny języka polskiego, [w:] EJP.
13. Ostaszewska D., Tambor J., Fonetyka i fonologia współczesnego języka polskiego. Warszawa 2000.
14. Skarżyński M. i in., Słownik gniazd słowotwórczych współczesnego języka ogólnopolskiego. T. 1-3. Kraków 2001, 2004 (w wyborze).
15. Słownik gniazd słowotwórczych współczesnego języka ogólnopolskiego. T. 1-3. Kraków 2001, 2004 (w wyborze).
16. Stieber Z., Historyczna i współczesna fonologia języka polskiego. Warszawa 1968 (cz. II. Zarys fonologii współczesnej polszczyzny kulturalnej).
17. Waszakowa K., Słowotwórstwo współczesnego języka polskiego. Rzeczowniki z formantami paradygmatycznymi. Warszawa 1996; wyd. 2 popr. (w wyborze).
18. Waszakowa K., Słowotwórstwo współczesnego języka polskiego. Rzeczowniki sufiksalne obce. Warszawa 1994 (w wyborze)
19. Waszakowa K., Przejawy internacjonalizacji w słowotwórstwie współczesnej polszczyzny. Warszawa 2005 (w wyborze)
20. Wierzchowska B., Wymowa polska. Warszawa 1970.
21. Wiśniewski M., Zarys fonetyki i fonologii współczesnego języka polskiego. Toruń 1997.
Additional information
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