European programme in ophthalmic optics and optometry, first cycle programme (S1-ESOO)(in Polish: Europejskie studia optyki okularowej i optometrii, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia) | |
first cycle programme full-time, 4-year studies Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyProgram studiów
Nowoczesne metody, takie jak mikroskopia konfokalna, koherencyjna tomografia optyczna, optyka adaptywna, optyka rastrowa czy chirurgia refrakcyjna, stosowane do oceny stanu zdrowia narządu wzroku i do korekcji wad wzroku, wymagają by absolwent studiów optyczno- optometrycznych posiadał interdyscyplinarne wykształcenie wyższe obejmujące oprócz przedmiotów kierunkowych również fizykę, biologię, biochemię i elementy nauk medycznych w zakresie wynikającym z zadań zawodowych współczesnego optyka okularowego i optometrysty. Powyższe stanowisko zgodne jest ze stanowiskiem Europejskiej Rady Optometrii i Optyki, która definiuje optykę okularową i optometrię jako specjalności wymagające określonego pensum kształcenia zawodowego na poziomie wyższym. Uniwersytet Warszawski jest jednym z kilku polskich uniwersytetów kształcących w tych specjalnościach. W porównaniu z innymi krajami europejskimi jest to dość skromna oferta dydaktyczna i w konsekwencji niewielka liczba dobrze wykształconych optyków i optometrystów prowadzi działalność zawodową. Powoduje to, że lekarze okuliści obciążeni są nie tylko diagnozowaniem i leczeniem chorób oczu, lecz także wykonywaniem pomiarów niezbędnych do wystawienia recepty okularowej, do których to czynności ich wiedza optyczno- optometryczna jest często niewystarczająca, a specjalistyczna wiedza medyczna jest wykorzystywana w niewielkim stopniu. Celem studiów I stopnia o profilu praktycznym na kierunku Europejskie studia optyki okularowej i optometrii jest przekazanie studentom wiedzy w zakresie podstaw fizyki, matematyki, biologii, chemii, medycyny i technologii informatycznych i wykształcenie u nich umiejętności potrzebnych do wykonywania zawodu optyka okularowego i optometrysty. Człon „Europejskie” w nazwie kierunku jest odzwierciedleniem faktu, iż proponowany program studiów ma schemat odmienny od schematu przyjętego w innych polskich uczelniach, w których kwalifikacje zawodowe optyka okularowego nabywane są w trakcie trzyletnich studiów I stopnia, a kwalifikacje optometrysty w trakcie dwuletnich studiów II stopnia. Zgodnie ze standardem Europejskiej Rady Optometrii i Optyki kwalifikacje optometrysty i optyka okularowego nabywane są w trakcie czteroletnich studiów I stopnia. Ten model kształcenia, przyjęty przez Uniwersytet Warszawski, stosowany jest w większości krajów europejskich. Sylwetka absolwenta Absolwent jest przygotowany do samodzielnego prowadzenia warsztatu okularowego i gabinetu optometrycznego oraz współdziałania z ortoptystką w zakresie rehabilitacji wad widzenia obuocznego i z lekarzem specjalistą w przypadku rozpoznania lub podejrzenia schorzeń organicznych. Absolwent jest przygotowany do upowszechniania w społeczeństwie wiedzy na temat profilaktyki i higieny narządu wzroku. Kształcenie w zawodach optyk i optometrysta powinno przyczynić się do poprawy dostępności usług optyczno-optometrycznych, gdyż liczba optometrystów i optyków w Polsce przypadających na 10 tys. mieszkańców należy wciąż do najniższych w Europie. Absolwent jest przygotowany do kontynuacji kształcenia na trzysemestralnych studiach optometria, drugiego stopnia. |
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Learning outcomes
Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:
Regarding knowledge, the graduate
- knows and understands the basic concepts, principles and theories of physical sciences, with particular emphasis on those used in the field of ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the basic concepts, principles and theories of chemical sciences, with particular emphasis on those used in the field of ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the basic concepts, principles and theories of biological sciences, with particular emphasis on those used in the field of ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the techniques of higher mathematics to the extent necessary for the quantitative description and modeling of physical problems with an average level of complexity related to ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the physicochemical and biological foundations of health sciences in the field of ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the basic aspects of construction and the physical basis of the operation of apparata and devices practically used in the field related to ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the terminology of health sciences to the extent necessary to practice the profession of ophtalmic optician and optometrist
- knows and understands the anatomy and physiology of the human body in the field related to ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the basics of statistics and computer science applied to physical sciences, with particular emphasis on those used in the field of ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the legal, organizational and ethical conditions of the profession of ophtalmic optician and optometrist
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of industrial property protection and copyright
- knows and understands the general principles of creating and developing forms of individual entrepreneurship, using knowledge of the fields and disciplines relevant to the specialties of ophtalmic optics and optometry
- knows and understands the basic principles of occupational health and safety, in particular to the extent that allows for safe participation in classes at optometric and ophtalmic optics laboratories
- knows and understands basic information and communication technologies ensuring, in particular, access to knowledge resources on the Internet
Regarding skills, the graduate:
- is able to innovatively use basic techniques and research tools as well as technological processes necessary to practice the profession of ophtalmic optician and optometrist
- is able to read with understanding Polish and foreign (mainly English) literature in the field of exact and biomedical sciences to the extent necessary for independent or team study of optical and optometric issues
- is able to innovatively use technical, manual and motor skills applicable in the profession of ophtalmic optician and optometrist
- is able to use the basic equipment and apparatus used in ophtalmic optics and optometry
- is able to communicate with people of different intellectual level in order to identify and solve problems of clients and patients in the field of ophtalmic optics and optometry
- is able to undertake diagnostic, preventive, corrective, therapeutic and educational activities corresponding to the needs of entities using the services of an ophtalmic optician and optometrist
- is able to interpret numerical data related to the profession of ophtalmic optician and optometrist
- is able to keep medical records of people, institutions and actions taken
- is able to prepare a written report in Polish and in English based on their own well-documented activities or source data
- is able to actively use language skills in the field of exact and biomedical sciences, in accordance with the requirements specified for the B2 level of English of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
- is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular in order to access knowledge resources on the Internet
- is able to plan and organize work, individual and team, with particular emphasis on the performance of tasks related to the profession of ophtalmic optician and optometrist
Regarding social skills, the graduate:
- is ready for lifelong learning
- is ready to work in a team and fulfill various roles; accepting and assigning tasks, organizing activities and achieving goals related to the design and undertaking of professional activities
- is ready to properly define priorities in order to accomplish the task set by himself or others
- is ready to engage in honest intellectual activity, undertaking research with an awareness of ethical issues; experimental verification of the theory and application of the scientific method in the accumulation of knowledge
- is ready to systematically read basic scientific and popular science journals in the selected area of physical sciences in order to expand and deepen the knowledge and to verify sources, including online
- is ready to conduct research, experiments or physical observations, taking into account the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility
- is willing to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner
Course structure diagram:
Abbreviations used in tables: | |
lect - Lecture cl - Classes kint - E-learning course lab - Lab prac_lic - First cycle dipoma seminar praktyka - Placement pr_zaw - Professional placement psem - Proseminar war - Workshops | c - Pass/fail e - Examination g - Grading |
first semester, first year, European programme in ophthalmic optics and optometry | ECTS | lect | cl | kint | lab | prac_lic | praktyka | pr_zaw | psem | war | exam |
Workplace health and safety | 0.5 | 4 | c | ||||||||
Intellectual property rights - basic course | 0.5 | 4 | c | ||||||||
Laboratory of geometrical and instrumental optics | 5.5 | 60 | g | ||||||||
Physics with Mathematics, Part I | 11 | 60 | 75 | e | |||||||
Geometrical and instrumental optics | 6.5 | 30 | 45 | e | |||||||
Cell biology and histology | 4 | 45 | e | ||||||||
2 | |||||||||||
PE classes held by WFiS Studium | 0 | ||||||||||
Total: | 30 | 139 | 120 | 4 | 60 |
second semester, first year, European programme in ophthalmic optics and optometry | ECTS | lect | cl | kint | lab | prac_lic | praktyka | pr_zaw | psem | war | exam |
Laboratory of general chemistry | 1 | 15 | g | ||||||||
Visual Optics | 4 | 15 | 15 | e | |||||||
Physics with Mathematics, Part 2 | 12 | 60 | 90 | e | |||||||
The Fundamentals of Human Anatomy and Physiology | 2.5 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Chemistry with elements of Biochemistry | 2.5 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Information and communication technologies | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||||
Visual Optics Laboratory | 6 | 60 | g | ||||||||
Total: | 30 | 165 | 105 | 75 |
second year, European programme in ophthalmic optics and optometry | ECTS | lect | cl | kint | lab | prac_lic | praktyka | pr_zaw | psem | war | exam |
Optometry clinics I | 5 | 60 | g | ||||||||
Anatomy and neurophysiology | 4 | 45 | e | ||||||||
Psychology of contact with a patient and first aid | 2 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Introduction to binocular vision | 4 | 60 | e | ||||||||
Optometric tools | 2.5 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Optometry I | 3 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Mathematics for Ophthalmic Opticians III | 4 | 15 | 30 | e | |||||||
Optometry clinics II | 5 | 60 | g | ||||||||
Selected Topics of Optics and Vision Science | 1.5 | 30 | g | ||||||||
Microbiology and elements of Parasitology | 3 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Laboratory of general microbiology and bacterial genetics | 1 | 15 | g | ||||||||
Fundamentals of Pathology of the Visual System | 5 | 60 | e | ||||||||
Network services and data bases in health care systems with elements of telemedicine | 2 | 15 | g | ||||||||
Fundamentals of scientific presentations | 2 | 30 | g | ||||||||
Physics Laboratory for Ophthalmic Optician | 3.5 | 30 | g | ||||||||
Visual environment | 2 | 15 | e | ||||||||
Summer optometric practice | 4.5 | 135 | c | ||||||||
General university courses | 4 | ||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||
PE classes held by WFiS Studium | 0 | ||||||||||
Total: | 60 | 345 | 45 | 150 | 135 | 30 | 15 |
third year, European programme in ophthalmic optics and optometry | ECTS | lect | cl | kint | lab | prac_lic | praktyka | pr_zaw | psem | war | exam |
Ophthalmic Optics I | 4.5 | 21 | 24 | e | |||||||
Laboratory of Ophthalmic Optics I | 5 | 60 | g | ||||||||
Statistics for naturalists | 4 | 30 | 30 | e | |||||||
Physics of transport processes in biological systems | 3 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Introduction to physical and information optics | 4 | 30 | 15 | e | |||||||
Visual perception | 3 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Ophthalmic Optics II | 4.5 | 21 | 24 | e | |||||||
Laboratory of Ophthalmic Optics II | 4.5 | 60 | g | ||||||||
Basic contactology | 3 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Contactology clinic | 4.5 | 45 | g | ||||||||
Optometry II | 2 | 15 | e | ||||||||
Bioelectric signals | 2 | 15 | e | ||||||||
2 | 30 | g | |||||||||
Summer ophthalmic practice | 4.5 | 135 | c | ||||||||
General university courses | 3.5 | ||||||||||
2 | |||||||||||
PE classes held by WFiS Studium | 0 | ||||||||||
Total: | 56 | 222 | 108 | 165 | 135 | 15 |
fourth year, European programme in ophthalmic optics and optometry | ECTS | lect | cl | kint | lab | prac_lic | praktyka | pr_zaw | psem | war | exam |
Introductiom to Fourier optics | 4 | 15 | 15 | e | |||||||
Macromolecules in the visual process | 3.5 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Geriatric optometry and low vision | 3.5 | 15 | 15 | e | |||||||
Pediatric optometry | 3 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Epidemiology with elements of biostatistics | 3 | 15 | 15 | g | |||||||
Clinical aspects of refraction measurement | 6 | 15 | 30 | e | |||||||
2 | 30 | g | |||||||||
Ocular pharmacology | 4 | 30 | e | ||||||||
Biophysics of vision laboratory | 6 | 40 | g | ||||||||
Orthoptics and rehabilitation of vision | 5.5 | 10 | 30 | e | |||||||
Professional ophthalmic and optometric practice | 4.5 | 135 | c | ||||||||
B.Sc. degree laboratory and thesis preparation | 10 | 90 | c | ||||||||
General university courses | 5 | ||||||||||
Total: | 60 | 160 | 135 | 40 | 90 | 135 |