Courses at
Faculty of "Artes Liberales"
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- (in Polish) Klasyka kina hiszpańskiego.Obraz społeczeństwa Hiszpanii w kinematografii lat 50-60. XX wieku. 3700-CS-K-KKH-23
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium hiszpańskie: Z Napoleonem w Hiszpanii. Udział Polaków w hiszpańskiej Wojnie o Niepodległość (1808-1813). 3700-CS2-K-HIS1-23
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium hiszpańskie: Z Napoleonem w Hiszpanii. Udział Polaków w hiszpańskiej Wojnie o Niepodległość (1808-1813). 3700-CS2-K-H-23-OG
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do systemu prawa 3700-AZ-F-WSP-23-OG
- (in Polish) Wprowadzenie do systemu prawa 3700-AZ-FAK-WSP-23
- (in Polish) Łacina w praktyce: gramatyka, przekład, kultura 3700-CS-LAC-PR
- (in Polish) Łacina w praktyce: gramatyka, przekład, kultura 3700-CS-LAC-PR-OG
- (in Polish) Teksty kultury w tekstach akademickich 3700-CS-TKTA-OG
- (in Polish) Greka z elementami kultury antycznej 3700-CS-GREKA
- (in Polish) Tropy mitologiczne w języku – słowa, pojęcia, konteksty 3700-CS-TMJ-23
- (in Polish) Tropy mitologiczne w języku – słowa, pojęcia, konteksty 3700-CS-TMJ-23-OG
- (in Polish) Nauka języka włoskiego (II) z wykorzystaniem elementów językoznawstwa i kultury. (Zajęcia gruntujące) 3700-CS1-2-NWL-2-23
- (in Polish) Szerzej o prawosławiu 3700-AL-SP-qKR
- (in Polish) Shakespeare on Stage: Contemporary British Productions of Shakespeare’s Plays 3700-AL-SOS-qTM
- (in Polish) AI Simulations and Literary Fictions 3700-AL-AIS-QHU
- (in Polish) Hermeneutics and Psychoanalysis: Freud, Ricoeur, and the Task of Interpretation 3700-AL-HP-QSP
- (in Polish) History written in glyphs – introduction to Maya glyphs 3700-AL-HWG-qKR
- (in Polish) The Parable of the Sower: A Hermeneutic Reading of the Text and the Painting (Van Gogh) 3700-AL-PS-QSP
- (in Polish) Tekst kultury jako wyzwanie badawcze I 1500-SI-TKJWB
- (in Polish) Politics and Culture: Interdependencies and Connections 3700-AL-PCIC-QSP
- (in Polish) Tekst kultury jako wyzwanie badawcze II 1500-SI-TKJWBII
- "Collecting Pieces of the World" or thinking in montage from Warburg to Didi-Huberman 3700-AL-ZKSMM-qMF
- "Collecting Pieces of the World" or thinking in montage from Warburg to Didi-Huberman 3700-AL-ZKSMM-OG
- “Textuality of History” / ”Historicity of Text”. The Cultural Turn in Literary Studies 3700-AL-THHT-OG
- „Lector in fabula”: Reader-oriented criticism in the 20th century 3700-AL-LFEC-qHT
- „Lector in fabula”: Reader-oriented criticism in the 20th century 3700-AL-LEC-OG
- (Im)Perfect Language: 17th-century Debate on Language and Rhetoric 3700-AL-JNRKJ-QHU
- (Im)Perfect Language: 17th-century Debate on Language and Rhetoric 3700-AL-JNRKJ-OG
- A Fish That Glows in the Dark, a Dog That Doesn't Bark: Bioethics and Animals Modyfications 3700-AZ-FAK-RSC
- A little (alchemy and) chemistry and related sciences for humanities students 3700-AL-SALCH1-qZS
- A little (alchemy and) chemistry and related sciences for humanities students, part 2 3700-AL-SCNPH2-qZS
- A lonely man in cultural evidence 3700-AL-SCSK-qHT
- A lonely man in cultural evidence 3700-AL-SCSK-OG
- A short history of error - the category of linguistic error and the currents of normativistics and ecolinguistics 3700-AL-KHB-QHU
- A short history of error - the category of linguistic error and the currents of normativistics and ecolinguistics 3700-AL-KHB-OG
- AAL Session 3700-AL-SESNA
- Academic and Journalistic Writing 3700-ISSC-24-AJW
- Academic and Journalistic Writing 2 3700-ISSC-23-AJW2
- Academic Writing in English: Ethics, Structure, and Style 3700-AL-AWE-QHU
- Academic Writing in English: Ethics, Structure, and Style 3700-AL-AWE-OG
- Adaptations in Texsts of Audiovisual Culture 3700-AL-ATKA-qTM
- Adaptations in Texsts of Audiovisual Culture 3700-AL-ATKA-OG
- Advanced translation and research seminar in older and modern Nahuatl. Zaawansowane translatorium badawcze z zakresu dawnego i współczesnego języka nahuatl 3700-CS1-JNAH3-OG
- Advanced translation and research seminar in older and modern Nahuatl. Zaawansowane translatorium badawcze z zakresu dawnego i współczesnego języka nahuatl 3700-CS1-JNAH3-24
- Advanced translation and research seminar in older and modern Nahuatl. Zaawansowane translatorium badawcze z zakresu dawnego i współczesnego języka nahuatl 3700-CS1-JNAH3-24-OG
- AI Simulations and Literary Fictions 3700-AL-AIS-OG
- Alternative History of Cinema 3700-AL-INNHK-QHU
- Alternative History of Cinema 3700-AL-INNHK-OG
- An Introduction to Central and Eastern Europe 3700-ISSC-23-ICE
- An Introduction to Central and Eastern Europe 3700-ISSC-ICE23-OG
- An Introduction to Central and Eastern Europe 3700-ISSC-24-ICEE
- An Introduction to Central and Eastern Europe 3700-MSNS-24-ICEE
- Analysis and interpretation of translated Greek literature 3700-FN-1-AIDLG
- Analysis and interpretation of translated Greek literature 3700-FN-1-AIDLG-OG
- Ancient „pop culture” and „counterculture” 3700-CS-FN-APK
- Ancient „pop culture” and „counterculture” 3700-CS-FN-APK-OG
- Ancient (Oc)culture. Anthropology and the Reception of Ancient Magic 3700-AL-AKAR-qKR
- Ancient (Oc)culture. Anthropology and the Reception of Ancient Magic 3700-AL-AKAR-OG
- Ancient Greek and Roman beliefs in past and modern culture 3700-CS-FN-WGR
- Ancient Greek and Roman beliefs in past and modern culture 3700-CS-FN-WGR-OG
- Ancient Greek Art around us 3700-CS-SSG-22
- Ancient Greek Art around us 3700-CS-SSG-22-OG
- Ancient Greek Art around us 3700-CS-SSG-24
- Ancient Greek Art around us 3700-CS-SSG-24-OG
- Animal Cognitive Psychology 3700-AZm-L2-6-PPZ
- Animal ethology 3700-AZm-L1-2-ET
- Animal Protection in Conservation Biology 3700-AZm-L2-7-OZBK
- Animal Welfare Laws and Legal Procedures 3700-AZ-L3-15-APDZ
- Animal Welfare Laws and Legal Procedures 3700-AZm-L3-15-APDZ
- Animal Welfare Organizations and the Basis of Their Operation 3700-AZm-L2-4-PDOZZ
- Animal-Assisted Therapy 3700-AZm-L2-12-WZTW
- Animals and Affordances: An Introduction to James Gibson's Ecological Psychology 3700-AL-ZWA-qZS
- Animals and Affordances: An Introduction to James Gibson's Ecological Psychology 3700-AL-ZWA-OG
- Animals as participants in artistic activities 3700-AL-ZUDA-QPR
- Animals as participants in artistic activities 3700-AL-ZUDA-OG
- Animals early modern literature. 3700-AZm-FAK-ZLN
- Animals in 19th Century Art: From Romanticism to Modernism 3700-AL-ZSXIX-qZS
- Animals in 19th Century Art: From Romanticism to Modernism 3700-AL-ZSXIX-OG
- Animals in art and visual culture 3700-AZm-L2-3-ZSKW
- Animals in literature 3700-AZm-L2-2-ZL
- Animals in medieval and early modern literature 3700-CS-ZLSW-23
- Animals in medieval and early modern literature 3700-AZ-ZLSW-23
- Animals in medieval and early modern literature. 3700-CS-ZLSW-23-OG
- Animals in Religions, Beliefs and Traditions 3700-AZ-L3-5-ZRWT
- Animals in Religions, Beliefs and Traditions 3700-AZm-L3-5-ZRWT
- Animals in Scientific Research 3700-AZ-L3-8-ZBN
- Animals in Scientific Research 3700-AZm-L3-8-ZBN
- Animals in the ancient Greek, Roman and Bible literature. 3700-CS-ZWS-23-OG
- Another History of Cinema 2 3700-AL-IHK-II-qTM
- Another History of Cinema 2 3700-AL-IHK-II-OG
- Anthropology of Borderline Experiences 3700-AL-ADG-qDP
- Anthropology of culture 3700-CS1-1-AT
- Anthropology of culture 3700-CS1-1-ATKT
- Anthropology of Money 3700-ISSC-23-AOM
- Anthropology of Money 3700-ISSC-AOM23-OG
- Anthropology of psychiatry: theoretical reflection and ethnographic research 3700-AL-AP-qDP
- Anthropology of Reality 3700-AL-AR-QSP
- Anthropology of Reality 3700-AL-AR-OG
- Antique traditions in Central Europe 3700-CS1-3-TAES-OG
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