Courses at
Institute of Applied Polish Studies
- (in Polish) Specjalizacja glottodydaktyczna - zapis na specjalizację 3007-G
- (in Polish) Specjalizacja: filologia dla mediów - zapis na specjalizację 3007-M
- (in Polish) Specjalizacja nauczycielska - zapis na specjalizację 3007-N
- (in Polish) Speech and its disorders (translatorium z języka angielskiego, poziom B2+) 3007-L1T1KW1
- (in Polish) Let's talk about speech (translatorium z języka angielskiego, poziom B2+) 3007-L1T1US1
- (in Polish) Specjalizacja translatorska (j. angielski) - zapis na specjalizację 3007-T-A
- (in Polish) Najnowsze polskie słownictwo 3007-SP-RJT-NS
- (in Polish) Nazwy własne w tekstach 3007-SP-RJT-NW
- (in Polish) Ortografia i interpunkcja w praktyce wydawniczej 3007-SP-RJT-OI
- (in Polish) Podstawy wiedzy o języku polskim 3007-SP-RJT-PW
- (in Polish) Warsztaty redaktorskie - praca nad tekstem autorskim 3007-SP-RJT-WR
- (in Polish) Współczesna stylistyka 3007-SP-RJT-WS
- (in Polish) Dyskusyjne zagadnienia gramatyczne 3007-SP-RJT-ZG
- (in Polish) Elementy edytorstwa i typografii 3007-SP-RTZ-EE
- (in Polish) Normatywne opracowanie tekstów specjalistycznych 3007-SP-RTZ-OT
- (in Polish) Problemy stylistyki teoretycznej 3007-SP-RTZ-PS
- (in Polish) Teoria komunikacji w praktyce 3007-SP-RTZ-TK
- (in Polish) Językowe opracowanie tekstu tłumaczonego 3007-SP-RTZ-TT
- (in Polish) Praca nad tekstem autorskim – warsztaty redaktorskie dla zaawansowanych 3007-SP-RTZ-WR
- (in Polish) Autyzm 3007-SP-LOG2-AU
- (in Polish) Niewerbalne systemy komunikacji 3007-SP-LOG2-NSK
- (in Polish) Alalia 3007-SP-LOG2-AL
- (in Polish) Dysglosja 3007-SP-LOG2-DG
- (in Polish) Testy psychologiczne i językowe 3007-SP-LOG2-TPJ
- (in Polish) Specjalizacja: edytorstwo naukowe i redakcja tekstu dla polonistów - zapis na specjalizację 3007-ER
- (in Polish) Przedmioty LOiK dla WUM 3007-WUM
- (in Polish) Literatura dla dzieci i młodzieży 3007-S1B1K-01
- (in Polish) Literatura intermedialna 3007-S1B1K-02
- 20th century philosophy of culture 3007-S1A1FK
- Accoustic phonetics 3007-L1B1FA
- Advertising language 3007-M1A2JR
- Analysis and interpretation of cultural texts 3007-S1A3AI
- Aphasia 3007-SP-LOG2-AF
- Aphasia 3007-L1B1AA
- Apprenticeships 3007-SP-PDN-PR
- Apprenticeships in primary school (with an examination in methodology) 3007-N1A3PZ-E
- Apprenticeships in primary school (with an examination in methodology) 3007-G1A3PZ-E
- Argumentation in action: workshop on debates and negotiations 3007-M1A3AD
- Art of the 20th and 21st centuries 3007-S1A3SX
- Assessment of the level of communication development 3007-L1A2OP-W1
- Audiology for speech and language therapists 3007-L1B1AL
- BA Seminar 3007-SEM-LIC
- Basics of applied linguistics 3007-G1A2PL
- Basics of audiology 3007-L1A3PI
- Basics of genetics 3007-L1A2PG
- Basics of phoniatry 3007-L1A3PS
- Book design 3007-S1A3PK
- Child clinical psychology 3007-L1A2PK
- Child neurology 3007-L1A2ND
- Child psychiatry 3007-L1A2PD
- Circulation of popular culture 3007-S1A3OK
- Classifications of speech disorder forms 3007-L1B1KZ
- Communication - rhetoric - genres 3007-C362RT1
- Communication and intermediality 3007-S1A3KK
- Communication competences in children 3007-L-S3ES2
- Communication Structure of Statements 3007-L1A2KS-K1
- Community media author's workshop 3007-M1A3WA
- Computer edition and linguistic preparation of text for printing 3007-W1A3KE
- Computer graphics 3007-S1A3GK
- Contemporary Polish literature 3007-S1A1NL
- Contexts of Polish Language Teaching 3007-N3B2KNJP
- Contexts of Polish Language Teaching 3007-N1B2KJ
- Contrastive grammar (English) 3007-T1A2GK
- Copy-editing and proofreading 3007-S1A2RK
- Copy-editing of Web-based publications I 3007-S1A2ET-1
- Copy-editing of Web-based publications II 3007-S1A2ET-2
- Creating Public Image 3007-M1A3KS
- Creative writing 3007-M1A3TP
- Critical edition 3007-S1A3EK
- Cultural history of mass media 3007-S1A3KH
- Cultural, ethical and pragmatic aspects of interpersonal communication 3007-L1B2KA
- Delayed speech development 3007-L1A2OM
- Desktop publishing (DTP) I 3007-S1A2KS-1
- Desktop publishing (DTP) II 3007-S1A2KS-2
- Development and disorders of speech, language and auditory perception in the phonetic and phonological aspect 3007-L1S2AL2
- Developmental dyslexia 3007-L1A3DR
- Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Children with Speech Disorders 3007-L1S1MK1
- Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Children with Speech Disorders 3007-L1S2MK1
- Diagnosis and speech therapy 3007-L1B2DT
- Diagnostic tools in speech and language therapy 3007-L1A3ND-W1
- Dialectology 3007-L1A2DL
- Diction and self-correction 3007-L1A1DA
- Didactic of early teaching 3007-L1A2DN
- Didactic workshop of a Polish teacher with elements of media education 3007-N1A2DW
- Diploma Seminar 3007-SP-PDN-SD
- Diploma seminar 3007-SP-PDN-SEM
- Dysartrhia 3007-L1B1DZ
- Dysartrhia 3007-SP-LOG2-DZ
- Dyslalia 3007-L1A3DL
- Dysphagia 3007-SP-LOG2-DF
- Education in Polish language teaching 3007-G1A2PA
- Elements of medical and educational law 3007-L1A1EP
- Ethics of language 3007-ESL-OG
- European and Polish symbolism in literature and fine arts 3007-EPS-OG
- European tradition (main topoi in art and literature) 3007-S1A1TE
- Experimenting with genre conventions 3007-S1B1GK
- Expert advice – tips for writers 3007-S1A1MR
- Expression type: acts and species of speech 3007-L1A2TW-K2
- Film Language 3007-M1A2JF
- Functional grammar of Polish as a foreign language 3007-G1A2GJ