Courses at
Institute of Polish Culture
- (in Polish) Tekstualne doświadczenia niepełnosprawności 3002-KON2023K27
- (in Polish) Współczesna reżyseria operowa 3002-KON2023K32
- (in Polish) Teatr społeczny 3002-SP-PT-12TII2023
- (in Polish) Modele edukacji 3002-SP-PT-13MII2023
- (in Polish) Planowanie projektu 3002-SP-PT-20PII2023
- (in Polish) Seminarium 1 3002-SP-PT1-SEM
- (in Polish) Kategorie kultury 3002-SP-PT1-KK
- (in Polish) Modele edukacji 3002-SP-PT1-ME
- (in Polish) Planowanie projektu 3002-SP-PT1-PP
- (in Polish) Praca z ciałem 1 3002-SP-PT1-PZC
- (in Polish) Praca z widzem 3002-SP-PT1-PZW
- (in Polish) Reżyseria 1 3002-SP-PT1-REZ
- (in Polish) Seminarium 1 3002-SP-PT1-SEM1
- (in Polish) Teatr i media 1 3002-SP-PT1-TIM
- (in Polish) Teatr społeczny 3002-SP-PT1-TSP
- (in Polish) Teorie teatru 3002-SP-PT1-TT
- (in Polish) Edukacja przez teatr 3002-SP-PT2-EPT
- (in Polish) Edukacja w sztuce 3002-SP-PT2-EWS
- (in Polish) Instytucje teatralne 3002-SP-PT2-IT
- (in Polish) Podstawy psychologii rozwojowej 3002-SP-PT2-PPR
- (in Polish) Praca z ciałem 2 3002-SP-PT2-PZC
- (in Polish) Praca z grupą 3002-SP-PT2-PZG
- (in Polish) Reżyseria 2 3002-SP-PT2-REZ
- (in Polish) Seminarium 2 3002-SP-PT2-SEM
- (in Polish) Teatr i media 2 3002-SP-PT2-TIM
- (in Polish) Teatr stosowany 3002-SP-PT2-TST
- (in Polish) Warsztat opowiadania 3002-SP-PT2-WOP
- (in Polish) Warsztat otwarty 3002-SP-PT2-WOT
- Introduction to Theatre Studies 3002-1LWWT1W
- Reading images 3002-2SZS-1WT1
- Abortion, contraception, infertility. Anthropology of reproduction 3002-KON2023K4-OG
- Abortion, contraception, infertility. Anthropology of reproduction 3002-KON2023K4
- Alternatives to growth. In search of new socio-economic models 3002-KON2023K35
- Alternatives to growth. In search of new socio-economic models 3002-KON2023K35-OG
- Alternatives to growth. In search of new socio-economic models 3002-KON2024K39
- Alternatives to growth. In search of new socio-economic models 3002-KON2024K39-OG
- American Cinema of the 1970s 3002-KON2024K5
- Analysis of Literary Texts 3002-1ATL3CO
- Animal studies - chosen problems and various animals 3002-KON2024K2
- Anthropology of Culture 3002-1LAK1CE
- Anthropology of dance 3002-KON2023K12
- Anthropology of genealogy. Imaginations and practices] 3002-KON2024K23
- Anthropology of Performance 3002-1L1AW2COZ
- Anthropology of performance – new perspectives 3002-KON2023K11
- Anthropology of reproduction 3002-KON2024K22
- Anthropology of reproduction 3002-KON2024K22-OG
- Anthropology of Sexuality 3002-KON2023K25
- Anthropology of Sexuality 3002-KON2023K25-OG
- Anthropology of Sexuality 3002-KON2024K4
- Anthropology of Sexuality 3002-KON2024K4-OG
- Anthropology of the Internet: traditional social institutions, new cultural practices 3002-KON2024K19
- Anthropology of the Internet: traditional social institutions, new cultural practices 3002-KON2024K19-OG
- Anthropology of the Word 3002-1L1AS2COZ
- Anthropology of visual culture 3002-1AFA3OCE
- Applied culture anthropology 3002-2SZS-1SAK
- Art for everybody? 3002-SZS-21WT8
- Basics of visual perception and communication 3002-SZS-24WT1
- Before the end 3002-KON2023K36
- Before the end 3002-KON2023K36-OG
- Between history and memory - constructions and deconstructions 3002-2S1M2023F3
- Between history and memory - constructions and deconstructions 3002-2SEM2024F3
- Beyond the System. Ghosts, aliens and other suspicious phenomena in 20th century culture 3002-1L3SEM24F3
- Bible in the History 3002-1LB2W
- Bodies, emotions, atmosphere - performance theories in cultural studies 3002-2S1M2024F5
- Body of voice 3002-SZS-23WT1
- Budget of a project - step by step 3002-SZS-23WT3
- Cinephilia, or how to love cinema 3002-KON2023K8
- City, memory, heritage, museum 3002-1L3SEM23F4
- City, memory, heritage, museum 3002-1L3SEM24F4
- Classic Anthropological Theories 3002-1LKTA1W
- Co-designing of public spaces 3002-SZS-21WT7
- Contemporary Anthropological Theories 3002-2WTA1WO
- Contemporary cultural institutions and practices 3002-2S1M2023F4
- Contemporary culture and its myths 3002-2S1M2024F4
- Contemporary Culture through the Lens of Mythologies 3002-2SEM2023F4
- Contemporary public discourse from the perspective of critical theories 3002-2PROS23O4
- Critical theories in interpretations of contemporary culture 3002-KON2023K5
- Critical theories in interpreting contemporary culture 3002-KON2024K21
- Critical workshop (art criticism) 3002-SPEC24KW1
- Critical Writing 3002-SPEC12KW5
- Cultural History of Norden 3002-HKOS2CE1
- Cultural history of photography in the 19th century. The archives of subordination 3002-KON2023K9
- Cultural history: theories, categories, problems 3002-2PROS23O3
- Cultural history: theories, categories, problems 3002-2PROS24O3
- Cultural policies and institutions 3002-2SZS-1PIK
- Cultural Studies: approaches and perspectives 3002-1LWB1W
- Cultural Studies: workshop 3002-1LWK1W
- Culture of ancient Greece and Rome 3002-1LHKA1CO
- Culture through the lens of signs and narratives 3002-2PROS24O4
- Curatorial Workshop 3002-SPEC23KW2
- Dance as an art of participation 3002-SZS-24WT3
- Dinosaur, Mouse, and Sea Sponge: The History of American Animation 3002-KON2024K35
- Divas and composers: classical music in cinema 3002-KON2023K14
- Ecofeminism, witches and more-than-human perspectives 3002-KON2024K31
- Ecologies: projects and narrations 3002-KON2023K2
- English Translation Workshop 3002-KON2024K18
- English Translation Workshop in Anthropology 3002-2SZS-2TRAN
- English Translation Workshop in Anthropology 3002-KON2023K1
- Environmental history: theories and practices 3002-KON2024K28
- Ethics in socio-cultural research and projects 3002-KON2024K38