Courses at
Faculty of Archeology
- (in Polish) Archaeobotanical workshop - optional 2800-AKABOT
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe wykopaliskowe 75 godzin - licencjat 2800-WYK-LIC-075H-3
- (in Polish) Archeologia okresu wpływów rzymskich i wędrówek ludów 2800-PO-WEZL2
- (in Polish) Architektura murowana średniowiecznej Rusi 2800-DKRUS
- (in Polish) Ancient technologies: stone, pottery and glass 2800-AOPOTT
- (in Polish) Laboratorium i warsztat opisu zabytków - szczątki organiczne 2800-DOLAB-SZ
- (in Polish) Archeologia Rzymu (cw.) 2800-PO-ARI-C
- (in Polish) Archeologia średniowiecza i nowożytności 2800-DS010
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe wykopaliskowe 75 godzin - licencjat 2800-WYK-LIC-075H-1
- (in Polish) Archeologia społeczna 2800-DWSPOL
- (in Polish) Taphonomy of Human Remains 2800-AFTAPH
- (in Polish) Archeologia Ameryk 2800-DPAM
- (in Polish) Od grodów obronnych po tajemnicze jaskinie - kultura łużycka i jej dziedzictwo 2800-DKGOTJ
- (in Polish) Ćwiczenia terenowe wykopaliskowe 75 godzin - magister 2800-WYK-MGR-075H-2
- (in Polish) Archeologia wirtualna-działania praktyczne w terenie i pracowni 2800-DKWIR
- (in Polish) Geoarcheologia II 2800-DF-GEOII
- (in Polish) Archeologia podwodna Morza Bałtyckiego i Północnego 2800-PODWMBIP
- (in Polish) Geologia dna morskiego 2800-PODWGEO
- (in Polish) Źródłoznawstwo w archeologii podwodnej 2800-PODWZR
- (in Polish) Metodyka pisania pracy rocznej 2800-PODWMPR
- (in Polish) Ochrona własności intelektualnej 2800-PODWOWI
- (in Polish) Infrastruktura antycznych portów Morza Śródziemnego 2800-DWINFRA
- (in Polish) Archeozoologia w praktyce 2800-DFAZOO
- (in Polish) Dolina Nilu po faraonach. Wybrane aspekty kultur Egiptu i Nubii od III w. p.n.e do XV w. p.n.e 2800-DPNILFA
- (in Polish) Archeologia eksperymentalna - ceramika i żelazo 2800-DKCIŻ
- (in Polish) Królestwo Urartu i co dalej? 2800-DKKRUR
- (in Polish) Od Litwy i Rusi do Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego: kultura materialna Europy Wschodniej w późnym średniowieczu 2800-DKLITRUS
- (in Polish) Epoka żelaza w Europie Wschodniej 2800-DMEPŻ
- (in Polish) Starożytne i średniowieczne inskrypcje na przedmiotach użytku codziennego 2800-DMINSKR
- (in Polish) Stambuł i okolice - objazd naukowy 2800-DKSTAM-OBJ
- (in Polish) Język hebrajski starobiblijny 2800-DOHEBR
- (in Polish) Architektura sakralna Mezopotamii 2800-DFSAKMEZ
- (in Polish) Clay/stylus/seal/cord: a practical exploration of reading and writing practices in the Aegean Bronze Age 2800-DKAEG
- (in Polish) Archaeobotanical workshop 2800-AFABOT
- (in Polish) Wheel, Eat, Break, Repeat! An Introduction to Archaeological Ceramic Analysis in the Near East: the Roman to Late Ottoman periods 2800-AKWHEEL
- (in Polish) Tradycje antyku grecko-rzymskiego w kulturze europejskiej 2800-DWTAGR-OG
- (in Polish) Papirologia 2800-DFPAP
- (in Polish) Epigrafika łacińska i archeologia 2800-DFLACAR
- (in Polish) Archeologia Syrii po Aleksandrze Wielkim 2800-DFSYAW
- (in Polish) Mitologia grecko-rzymska w ikonografii 2800-DKMITGR
- (in Polish) Metody dokumentacji zabytków szkutniczych 2800-DKZSZKUT
- (in Polish) Exploring the human past: the sciences, social sciences and humanities on the road to knowledge integration I 1500-SI-ETHPI
- (in Polish) Archeologia starożytnego Egiptu 2800-ZMAREG
- (in Polish) Kluczowe problemy najstarszych dziejów człowieka 2800-ZMDZIEJ
- (in Polish) Basen Bałtyku w czasach Germanów późnej epoki żelaza i Wikingów 2800-DKBASBA
- (in Polish) Ceramika egipska - teoria i praktyka 2800-DKCERA
- (in Polish) Kultura Nubii Późnoantycznej i Chrześcijańskiej 2800-DKNUBPO
- Ancient Greek for beginners. 2800-DOGRP
- English in the archaeologist's workshop 2800-DTANG
- 25 Centuries of Timekeeping: Introduction to the Maya Archaeology 2800-DKARMAJ
- A Thousand Worlds. At the Mediterranean Origins of Modern Europe. 2800-DWTYSIAC-OG
- Advanced Human Osteology 2800-PB-OST
- Alexander the Great in Western culture 2800-DWAWIEL-OG
- Alexandria and Rome: an encounter of two worlds 2800-DWAL-OG
- An introduction to cognitive archaeology 2800-AKCOGAR
- Ancient builders. The evolution of architecture in the light of archaeological sources. 2800-C1-BUD
- Ancient builders. The evolution of architecture in the light of archaeological sources. 2800-DFBUDO
- Ancient cultures of Egypt and Nubia - selected aspects I 2800-PO-ENKI
- Ancient cultures of Egypt and Nubia - selected aspects II 2800-PO-ENKII
- Ancient Greek 2800-AIGRE
- Ancient Iconography 2800-DFIKON
- Ancient technologies: glass 2800-PB-SZ
- Animals in iconography 2800-C-ZWIE
- Arachaeology of Ancient Near East and Egypt 2800-ZSBWE
- Archaeobotanical workshop 2800-PA-BOT
- Archaeobotany as a tool for environmental archeology 2800-ZMARBO
- Archaeological documentation methods/GIS in archaeology 2800-AOMETH-2BA
- Archaeological Drawing Documentation 2800-DODOK
- Archaeological examination of antique material culture 2800-DFKULMAT
- Archaeological Excavation Methods and Surveying - obligatory classes 2800-AOSUR-1BA
- Archaeological Geophisics in practice 2800-PA-GEPR
- Archaeological heritage of the national parks of the Americas and Oceania 2800-PC-DZ
- Archaeological heritage of the national parks of the Americas and Oceania 2800-DKDZIEDZ
- Archaeological Theory and Practice in Peru 2800-PA-PER
- Archaeologist and his research methods 2800-DOWAR
- Archaeology and Anthropology death 2800-DWAN-OG
- Archaeology and culture of the the Central European towns in medieval and early modern periods 2800-DWEUR-OG
- Archaeology and culture of the the Central European towns in medieval and early modern periods 2800-DW-ARIKU
- Archaeology Egypt and Nubia 2800-DSEN
- Archaeology in the era of New Humanities 2800-DOHUM
- Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia 2800-DP032
- Archaeology of Northern Italy 2800-DMITA
- Archaeology of barbarian Europe from the Bronze Age to the Migration Period of Iron Age 2800-DPEU
- Archaeology of Egypt (course I) - classes 2800-ABEGY-A
- Archaeology of Egypt and Nubia 2800-ABEGY-B
- Archaeology of Greece 2800-DP010-GR
- Archaeology of Greece 2800-DSGR
- Archaeology of Greece - classes 2800-ABGRE-A
- Archaeology of Greece - lecture 2800-ABGRE-B
- Archaeology of Greece II (classes) 2800-PO-AGII-C
- Archaeology of Greece II (lecture) 2800-PO-AGII-W
- Archaeology of Near East - archaeology of Ancient Iran 2800-PO-BWI
- Archaeology of Rome and the Roman Provinces 2800-ABROM-B
- Archaeology of Rome and the Roman Provinces - (course IV) classes 2800-ABROM-A
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2800-DP018
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (classes) 2800-ABEAST-A
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East - (course II) lecture 2800-ABEAST-B
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East in the Bronze Age 2800-PO-BWB
- Archaeology of the ancient Near East in the Iron Age 2800-PO-BWZ
- Archaeology of the Barbarians’ fashion – dress and its accessories in prehistory 2800-DWOZD-OG