Research methods in climatology II 1900-3-MK2-HK
The LECTURE aims to introduce selected methods of climate research, which are mainly used in the analysis of its temporal variability and spatial diversity, as well as the interdependence of climate elements and the influence of selected factors on the climate. The issues of terminology, selection of methods depending on the data distribution and the purpose of the study are discussed. Students learn about selected methods for determining various forms of statistical variability in time, occurring in meteorological series (e.g. trends, cyclicality, fluctuations, fluctuations). They will also learn the methods of assessing their statistical significance. The methods of delimiting anomalies and extreme phenomena, as well as determining the interdependence of meteorological variables (linear and non-linear regression analysis) are discussed. Lectures are also devoted to the theoretical and methodological assumptions of determining the spatial distribution of climate elements. The methods of geostatistical estimation and methods of spatial dependence analysis are reviewed.
CLASSES are devoted to the practical application of selected methods of meteorological / climatological data analysis and the interpretation of the obtained results with the use of computer techniques. During the course, students collect meteorological data on their own, which they then verify in terms of homogeneity, describe the distribution, and then process them, using appropriately selected methods and tools from among those learned at the lecture. They present the obtained results, using, among others, graphic methods.
The estimated number of hours that a student should spend on achieving the defined learning outcomes:
3 ETCS = 3 x 25 hours = 75 hours
organized hours – contact with teacher (T) – 40 hours,
independent work (I) – 35 hours
- 30 hours – lectures (15 hours) and exercises (15 hours) – T,
- 10 hours – consulting – T,
- 19 hours – preparing tasks for classes – I,
- 16 hours – preparing to the test - I.
1. Feeding methods: informative lecture, presentation
2. Practical methods: subject exercises in the computer lab with the use of GIS software
Main fields of studies for MISMaP
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Directional effects: K_W06, K_W09, K_W10, K_U02, K_K01
Special effects: S4_W10, S4_W11, S4_U09, S4_U12, S4_K03, S4_K07
After completing the course:
The graduate knows and understands (K_W06, K_W09, K_W10, S4_W10, S4_W11)
1. K_W06 - advanced methods and techniques to use and
shape the potential of the natural environment
2. K_W09 - basics of spatial information infrastructures and the use of geoinformatics tools
3. K_W10 - descriptive and mathematical statistics, methods of spatial analysis and qualitative research methods
4. S4_W10 - traditional and internet sources of meteorological and hydrological data, methods of their evaluation and application
5. S4_W11 - basic and advanced methods of meteorological, climatological and hydraulic studies
The graduate can (K_U02, S4_U09, S4_U13):
1. K_U02 - choose and apply the optimal methods of obtaining, analysis
and presentation of spatial data, including advanced information and communication techniques
2. S4_U09 - correctly apply statistical and cartographic methods in
studies in the field of meteorology and climatology, hydrology and hydraulics
3. S4_U12 - plan, conduct research, present the results and start a discussion
The graduate is ready to (K_K01, S4_K03, S4_K07):
1. K_K01 - expanding professional competences and updating geographical knowledge, enriched with an interdisciplinary dimension and their critical assessment
2. S4_K03 - evaluation of measurement methods, the need for diligence in taking measurements and responsibility for the reliable preparation of test results and their interpretation
3. S4_K07 - use of appropriate statistical methods in research work
Assessment criteria
LECTURES - graded credit.
The basis for passing the lectures is a written test in the form of a selection test (to answer few test questions students have to solve math/statistical problems) . The test is conducted at the last lecture. Has 51% of correct answers. In the event of failure to pass the test, the correction takes place in the re-sit session or an agreed earlier date. There is no possibility of improving the positive assessment.
CLASSES - credit based on correctly performed partial exercises.
One unexcused absence from the exercises is allowed. The admissible total number of absences (excused and unexcused) from classes is three, however, the student is obliged to make up for the arrears resulting from the absence (regardless of its cause) within two weeks of its completion. Detailed information on the course completion procedure will be provided during the first class.
Final grade: lecture - 50%, exercises - 50%.
Bokwa A., Ustrnul Z. (red), 2004, Zastosowanie wybranych metod statystycznych w klimatologii, IGiGP UJ, Kraków.
Dobesch H., Dumolard P., Dyras I., 2007, Spatial Interpolation for Climate Data. The Use of GIS in Meteorology and Climatology. ISTE, London.
Domański Cz., 1990, Testy statystyczne, PWE, Warszawa.
Kowalski L., 2003, Statystyka, Warszawa.
Kożuchowski K. (red.), 1990, Materiały do poznania historii klimatu w okresie obserwacji instrumentalnych, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.
Pruchnicki J., 1987, Metody opracowań klimatologicznych, PWN, Warszawa.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: