- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
(in Polish) Tropy mitologiczne w języku – słowa, pojęcia, konteksty 3700-CS-TMJ-23-OG
The classes are devoted to observing the processes of drawing vocabulary and concepts from the resources of the heritage of Greek and Roman mythology. Words taken from classical languages are the largest and one of the oldest groups of loanwords in the Polish vocabulary.
The fate of words and concepts of ancient origin was different - the meanings of words, their register, connotations and ways of using them in texts, as well as their dictionary descriptions, underwent significant changes. The power of mythological stories often determined the attractiveness of the metaphorical potential of Greek and Latin loanwords.
While observing the functioning of selected Latinisms and Hellenisms in the contemporary Polish language, we will become acquainted with general theoretical issues regarding interlingual lexical migration. Selected categories of the linguistic apparatus will be discussed in an accessible way: the processes of appellativization, onymization, semantic changes, the concept of connotation, the linguistic image of the world, conceptual amalgams and conceptual blending. We will look at the principles and effects of these processes in the context of cultural influences.
We will look at the reception of ancient heritage in the Polish language through the prism of Polish dictionaries from various historical periods and contemporary corpus data. We will look at the textual and dictionary functioning of e.g. names of artifacts, eponyms (eponymisms), proper names, idioms, phraseologies, etc. Lexicographic and corpus research methods will be used for this purpose.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes in the field of knowledge. Student:
- knows the basic linguistic terminology and understands the role of language in culture [K_W01]
- understands the relationship between the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences [K_W04]
- knows the basic methods of corpus and lexicographic queries and lexical analysis [K_W05]
- knows the basic principles of scientific communication in the field of humanities and social sciences [K_W08]
Learning outcomes in terms of skills. Student:
- can select information from various scientific, popular science, journalistic and other sources and make a critical assessment [K_U01]
- can perform a query and analysis of source materials using appropriate research tools [K_U02]
- can formulate a research problem [K_U04]
- can recognize and interpret the basic linguistic phenomena of the present day [K_U05]
- can participate in scientific discussions on language and changes in language [K_U06]
- can independently develop and present the results of their analyzes and reflections [K_U07]
- is able to plan and implement performative activities [K_U09]
- can use digital tools in academic work [K_U14]
Learning outcomes in the field of social competencies. Student:
- is ready to undertake lifelong learning [K_K01]
- has readiness for own scientific development in the field of humanities [K_K03]
- is ready to learn new research methods [K_K03]
- is able to select the appropriate means to carry out the indicated tasks [K_K04]
- is able to set tasks independently, is characterized by responsibility and entrepreneurship [K_K05]
- respects the principles of tolerance and shows sensitivity to cultural differences [K_K07]
- respects the ethical dimension of scientific research [K_K10]
- respects intellectual property rights [K_K11]
Assessment criteria
The basis for passing the course is:
a) active participation in classes,
b) performing tasks related to classes on an ongoing basis,
c) final test (written),
d) attendance at classes (with the right to two absences per semester).
Grade credit:
continuous assessment (preparation for classes and activity) 40%,
final test (written) 60%.
The condition for obtaining credit in the course is attendance at classes (with the right to two absences per semester).
Literature (selected items from those listed):
Buttler D., Dola i niedola wyrazów pochodzenia łacińskiego we współczesnej polszczyźnie, „Poradnik Językowy” 1989, vol. 3.
Grimal P., Słownik mitologii greckiej i rzymskiej, Wrocław 1987.
Krawczuk A., Alfabet Krawczuka mitologiczny, Kraków 1991.
Krawczuk K., Stąd do starożytności, Warszawa 1988.
Kreyser K., Śladami mitów starożytnej Grecji i Rzymu, Warszawa 1992.
Kubiak Z., Mitologia Greków i Rzymian, Kraków 2013.
Maćkiewicz J., Co to są tzw. internacjonalizmy, „Język Polski” 1984, vol. 4, p. 176-184.
Marciniak K., Mitologia grecka i rzymska, Warszawa 2010.
Parandowski J., Mitologia. Wierzenia i podania Greków i Rzymian, Londyn 1992.
Rybicka H., Losy wyrazów obcych w języku polskim, Warszawa 1976.
Siatkowska E., Historia wpływów łacińskich w językach zachodniosłowiańskich, „Poradnik Językowy” 1989, vol. 4, p. 229-239.
Tabakowska E., Mit o Persefonie jako amalgamat pojęciowy, [w:] Persefona, czyli dwie strony rzeczywistości, red. M. Cieśla-Korytowska, M. Sokalska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2010.
Walczak B., Granica między jednostkami leksykalnymi rodzimymi i obcego pochodzenia, [in:] Opisać słowa, ed. A. Markowski, Warszawa 1992, p. 222-232.
Witaszek-Samborska M., Zapożyczenia z różnych języków we współczesnej polszczyźnie, Poznań 1993.
Wojan K., Przypadkowe i nieprzypadkowe wędrówki leksemów, Gdańsk 2010.
Dictionaries (selected items from those listed):
Arct M., Słownik ilustrowany języka polskiego, Warszawa 1916.
Czeszewski M., Foremniak K., Ludzie i miejsca w języku. Słownik frazeologizmów eponimicznych, Warszawa 2011.
Inny słownik języka polskiego, ed. M. Bańko, vol. 1-2, Warszawa 2000.
Kopaliński W., Słownik eponimów czyli wyrazów odimiennych, Warszawa 1996.
Kopaliński W., Słownik mitów i tradycji kultury, Warszawa 1985.
Linde S.B., Słownik języka polskiego, vol. 1-6, Warszawa 1807-1815.
Nowy słownik języka polskiego, ed. T. Lehr-Spławiński, vol. 1-2, Warszawa 1938-39.
Praktyczny słownik współczesnej polszczyzny, ed. H. Zgółkowa, vol. 1-50, Poznań 1994–2005.
Puda-Blokesz M., Po nitce do kłębka. Mały słownik mitologizmów frazeologicznych języka polskiego, Kraków 2015.
Rutkowski M., Słownik metafor i konotacji nazw własnych, Olsztyn 2012.
Słownik języka polskiego, ed. J. Karłowicz, A. Kryński, W. Niedźwiedzki, vol. 1-8, Warszawa 1900-1927 [so called Słownik warszawski].
Słownik języka polskiego, ed. M. Szymczak, vol. 1-3, Warszawa 1978-81.
Słownik języka polskiego, ed. W. Doroszewski, vol. 1-10, Warszawa 1958-1969.
Słownik języka polskiego, ed. A. Zdanowicz et al., vol. 1-2, Wilno 1861 [so called Słownik wileński].
Słownik współczesnego języka polskiego, ed. B. Dunaj, Warszawa 1996.
Uniwersalny słownik języka polskiego, ed. S. Dubisz, vol. 1-4, wyd. I, Warszawa 2003.
Wielki słownik języka polskiego, ed. P. Żmigrodzki, Kraków 2007-...
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: