- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Politeness and inclusivity in language 3700-AL-GIJ-OG
In recent decades and years, the pace of etiquette changes in language and inclusive processes in society has been increasing. Therefore, it is worth considering what is the essence of politeness as such and how it translates into its linguistic manifestations depending on historical, social and cultural circumstances. It is important to realize how language functions in society and how it shapes the perception and influences the intergenerational transmission of stereotypes. It is important to understand processes such as tabooization, euphemization, appellativeization, stigmatization, melioration, and linguistic pejoratization. It is important to become aware of our current approach to various communities and environmental groups, what it results from and what approach we would like to see in the next generations. It is important to be aware of what causes the variability of these attitudes. We will try to consider these phenomena not only from the linguistic perspective but also from the psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic and historical-cultural perspectives. The aim of the classes is to consider these issues together and to develop critical thinking about inclusivity and various ways of discrimination and the role of language in these phenomena.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes in the field of knowledge. Student:
- knows and uses the terminology of the humanities, in particular linguistics and sociolinguistics [K_W01]
- understands the relationship between the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences [K_W04]
- knows and uses methods of analysis and interpretation of scientific and journalistic texts [K_W05]
- knows how to approach language research in an interdisciplinary manner [K_W07]
- knows the principles of scientific communication in the field of humanities and social sciences [K_W08]
Learning outcomes in terms of skills. Student:
- can independently select information from various sources and make a critical assessment [K_U01]
- is able to independently select and apply appropriate research (analytical) tools to source materials [K_U02]
- can independently develop and present the results of their analyses and reflections [K_U07]
- is able to identify and name basic linguistic and cultural problems and independently formulate a research problem in the field of humanities [K_U04, K_U05]
- can participate in scientific discussions [K_U06]
- is able to prepare an oral presentation, taking into account the needs of the audience [K_U11]
- understands and applies the rules of teamwork [K_U12]
Learning outcomes in the field of social competencies. Student:
- is ready for lifelong learning [K_K01]
- is ready for their own scientific development in the field of humanities [K_K03]
- is able to choose appropriate means to carry out independently undertaken tasks [K_K04]
- respects the principles of tolerance and shows sensitivity to cultural differences [K_K07]
- has respect for cultural diversity [K_K08]
- consciously participates in cultural life and civil society [K_K09]
- applies the principles of research ethics and scientific discussions [K_K10]
Assessment criteria
The basis for passing the course is:
a) active participation in classes,
b) performing tasks related to classes on an ongoing basis,
c) a paper on one of the specified issues,
d) attendance at classes (with the right to two absences per semester).
Paper evaluation criteria:
a) accuracy of interpretation of the presented material,
b) the ability to critically approach the material,
c) the way of presenting the results of the work.
Grade credit:
continuous assessment (preparation for classes and activity) 55%,
paper on one of the topics of the course 45%.
The condition for obtaining credit in the course is attendance at classes (with the right to two absences in a semester).
Opracowania (w wyborze):
Anusiewicz J., Marcjanik M. 1992, Polska etykieta językowa (Język a Kultura, t. 6), Wrocław.
Branka M., Cieślikowska D. (red.), 2010, Edukacja antydyskryminacyjna. Podręcznik trenerski, Kraków.
Danielewiczowa M. 1993, O pojęciu konotacji wartościującej, [w:] R. Grzegorczykowa, Z. Zaracz (red.), Studia semantyczne, Warszawa , s. 131-142.
Dąbrowska A. 1998, Słownik eufemizmów polskich, czyli w rzeczy mocno, w sposobie łagodnie, Warszawa.
Godlewski G. (red.), 2003, Antropologia słowa. Zagadnienia i wybór tekstów, rozdz. IV: Współbycie w słowie, Warszawa, s. 153-188.
Jarosz M. 2021, Działania aktywistów języka inkluzywnego w mediach społecznościowych a społeczne postrzeganie feminatywów, “Studia Medioznawcze” , t.22, nr 2, s. 995–1014.
Karwatowska M., Szpyra-Kozłowska 2010, Lingwistyka płci. Ona i on w języku polskim, Lublin.
Kołodziejek E. 2022, Normatywne aspekty komunikacji inkluzywnej, „Studia Językoznawcze. Synchroniczne i diachroniczne aspekty badań polszczyzny”, t. 21, s. 23-34.
Kołodziejek E. et al. 2021, Poradnik: Jak mówić i pisać o grupach narażonych na dyskryminację. Etyka języka i odpowiedzialna komunikacja, cz. 1 i 2, online: https://etykajezyka.pl/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/ETYKA-JEZYKA-Poradnik-FH-WYDANIE-1.pdf (część 1.), https://etykajezyka.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ETYKA-JEZYKA-Poradnik-FH-WYDANIE-2.pdf (część 2.).
Laskowska E. 1992, Wartościowanie w języku potocznym, Bydgoszcz.
Szarfenberg R. 2008, Pojęcie wykluczenia społecznego, [w:] M. Duda, B. Gulla (red.), Przeciw wykluczeniu społecznemu, Kraków.
Małocha-Krupa A. 2018. Feminatywum w uwikłaniach językowo-kulturowych, Wrocław.
Marcjanik M. 1993, Granice polskiej grzeczności językowej, „Poradnik Językowy”, z. 67, s. 375-382.
Marcjanik M. 2007, Grzeczność w komunikacji językowej, Warszawa.
Nasalski I. 2020, Funkcje i dysfunkcje języka inkluzywnego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem asymetrii rodzajowej w języku polskim, „Socjolingwistyka”, t. 34, s. 275 –294.
Pajdzińska A. 1991, Wartościowanie we frazeologii, w: Język a kultura, t. 3: J. Puzynina i J. Anusiewicz (red.), Wartości w języku i tekście, Wrocław, s. 15-28; także online: http://www.lingwistyka.uni.wroc.pl/jk/.
Puzynina J. 1986, O zasadach współdziałania językowego, „Prace Filologiczne”, t. XXXIII, s. 61-66.
Witek M. 2013, Akty mowy, [w:] J. Odrowąż-Sypniewska (red.), Przewodnik po filozofii języka, Kraków.
Zdunkiewicz-Jedynak D. 2021, Poprawne vs. właściwe użycie języka. Uwagi w kontekście „Słownika właściwych użyć języka”, „Język Polski”, nr 2.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: