- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Philosophy of interreligious dialogue – documents and pluralism 3501-FDM18-S-OG
The seminar aims to analyze interreligious dialogue and its philosophical foundations. Although it is a continuation of the seminar from previous years, it does not assume knowledge of specific texts, but only interest in the phenomenon of religiosity, orientation in teaching at least one religion and knowledge of basic philosophical concepts and the ability to read in English. We will devote much attention to the Christian-Jewish dialogue in which both instructors are involved. Serious interreligious dialogue is largely the fruit of the efforts made after the Second World War, although of course it had precursors.
Statements and documents
1. 10 punktów z Seelisberga (Chrześcijanie i Żydzi, 1947; za Grzegorz Ignatowski, Kościoły wobec przejawów antysemityzmu, Łódź 1999, 151-153)
2. Deklaracja Nostra Aetate (Kościół katolicki,1965; j.w. 158-9, też 154-158)
3. Deklaracja „Chrześcijanstwo w tologii żydowskiej”- Christianity in Jewish Theology
Report of the Commission of experts named by the Chief Rabbi of France, 1973 (ogłoszona 2001) (www.ccjr.us/dialogika-resources/documents-and-statements/jewish/765-fr-jewish-comm1973)
4. Wskazówki i sugestie 1974 i Wskazówki 1985 (Kościół katolicki; j.w. 160-165 i 166-179)
5. “Guidelines on Dialogue with People of Living Faiths and Ideologies” (Światowa Rada Kościołów 1979 Part II (za: http://www.wcc-coe.org/wcc/what/interreligious/77glines-e.html)
6. „Rozważania ekumeniczne na temat dialogu żydowsko-chrześcijańskiego” ŚRK (WCC), 1982 (za: Ignatowski, 212-220) oraz „The Churches and the Jewish People. Towards a New Understanding” (Sigtuna 1988) (za: The new Relationship between Christians and Jews, ICCJ, 55-60)
7. Wstęp i wyjątki z Naród żydowski i jego Święte Pisma w Biblii chrześcijańskiej (2001), Kielce 2002, s. 5-11, 13-14, 69-73
8. “Jews and Christians in Search of a Common Religious Basis for Contributing Towards a Better World” (Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów, 1993) (za: The new Relationship between Christians and Jews, ICCJ, 38-45)
9. Deklaracja „Dabru emet” (żydowska, 2000)
10. Deklaracja „Święty obowiązek” (chrześcijańska, 2002)
11. Jednakowe słowo dla nas i dla was (list 138 uczonych muzułmańskich, 2007)
12. “A Call to Christian and Jewish Communities Worldwide” (Międzynarodowa Rada Chrześcijan i Żydów, 2009)
13. “Czynić wolę naszego ojca w niebie” (żydowska, 2015)
14. “Between Jerusalem and Rome”(dokument żydowski, 2017)
Interreligious dialogue
15. Encyklika Pawła VI Ecclesiam Suam (1964)
16. Abraham Joshua Heschel, „Żadna religia nie jest samotna wyspą” (1965), w: Żadna religia nie jest samotna wyspą. Abraham Joshua Heschel i dialog międzyreligijny, WAM, Kraków 2005, 29-49.
17. Catherine Cornille, The im-possibility of interreligious dialogue, Crossroad Publishing, N. Jork 2008, Ch I “Humility”.
18. Catherine Cornille, The im-possibility of interreligious dialogue, Crossroad Publishing, N. Jork 2008, Ch II “Commitement”.
19. Catherine Cornille, The im-possibility of interreligious dialogue, Crossroad Publishing, N. Jork 2008, Ch III “Interconnection”.
20. Catherine Cornille, The im-possibility of interreligious dialogue, Crossroad Publishing, N. Jork 2008, Ch IV “Empathy”
21. Catherine Cornille, The im-possibility of interreligious dialogue, Crossroad Publishing, N. Jork 2008, Ch V “Hospitality”
22. "Dziesięcioro przykazań na temat dialogu" („Dialogue decalogue” Leonarda Swidlera, 1984)
23. Raimundo Panikkar, O Panikkarze + Wiara a wierzenie, doświadczenia wieloreligijne, Religie świata w dialogu, PAX 1986 (oryg. ang. 1978), 39-59.
24. Raimundo Panikkar, Reguły gry w spotkaniu religijnym + Epoché w spotkaniu religijnym, Religie świata w dialogu, 63-90.
25. Leonard Swidler, “A Dialogue on Dialogue” (1990)
26. Krister Stendhal, “From God’s Perspective We Are All Minorities” (1992)
27. Paul F Knitter, “Interreligious dialogue: What?, Why?, How?” (1990)
28. Jonathan Sacks, “The Dignity of Difference: Exorcizing Plato’s Ghost” (The Dignity of Difference, London, New York: Continuum 2003, first ed. 2002, 45-66 )
29. Leonard Swidler, The History of Inter-Religious Dialogue, w: The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Inter-Religious Dialogue (ed. C. Cornille), 2013.
Type of course
general courses
Learning outcomes
Acquired knowledge:
Achieving broad knowledge about the main directions of development and the most important new developments in the philosophy of interreligious dialogue;
Acquired skills:
Ability to independently interpret text, comment and confront theses from various documents;
Acquired social competences:
Knowledge of the scope of knowledge and skills possessed by them, understanding the need for continuous training and professional development
Assessment criteria
In order to pass the seminar, participants will be required to read the discussed texts (many in English), participate in the discussion, give a paper or a corresponding paper, and in addition, write a short term paper each semester. The quality of participation, papers and written papers will be marked.
See "Full description"
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: