- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
(in Polish) Socjologia kampanii wyborczej 3500-FAKL-SKW-OG
The course is dedicated to introducing students to the existing research on electoral campaigning as a social and political phenomenon that engages large numbers of people and significant financial and organizational resources. The lecture focuses on the matter of strategic manipulation of the electoral agenda by emphasizing issues that give the actor a strategic advantage. The following topics associated with conducting a campaign will be discussed: the significance of party organizations, differences between the political mainstream and niche parties. A separate lecture will elaborate upon the issue of negative campaigning, permanent campaigning and campaigning on the Internet. Each lecture will include a presentation of established theories and results of empirical comparative studies.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K_W05 Has basic knowledge about social structures and selected social institutions, and their interrelations
K_W22 Has basic knowledge of major foreign, international and domestic sociological research
K_W26 Has rudimentary knowledge about the functioning and management of various types of organizations
K_W27 Has basic knowledge of politics and participation of society in the public sphere
K_W28 Has basic knowledge about the processes forming the basis of social stability and change, and understands their nature
K_U02 Can interpret past and present social events (political, cultural, and economic) using sociological concepts and theories
K_U03 Can use basic sociological terms and categories to analyze societies, particularly contemporary Polish society
Assessment criteria
Students need to have a good understanding of electoral systems. It is advice to take a course on electoral and party systems before attending this class.
i. Adams, James, Andrea B. Haupt, Heather Stoll. 2009. What Moves Parties? The Role of Public Opinion and Global Economic Conditions in Western Europe. „Comparative Political Studies” 42 (5): 611-639. ii. Annusewicz, Olgierd. 2010. Kreowanie wizerunku polityka w sytuacji konfliktu politycznego na przykładzie debat przedwyborczych 2007 roku. Studia Politologiczne 16: 158-183. Dostęp do tekstu przez stronę internetową czasopisma. iii. Annusewicz, Olgierd. 2011. Polskie kampanie wyborcze 1989-2011. Od plakatów z Lechem Wałęsą do marketingu 3.0. Studia Politologiczne 22: 105-123. Wolny dostęp w Internecie. iv. Enyedi, Zsolt. 2005. The role of agency in cleavage formation. „European Journal of Political Research” 44: 697–720. v. Grabowska, Mirosława. 2004. Podział postkomunistyczny. Społeczne podstawy polityki w Polsce po 1989 roku. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar, r. I.1 oraz I.2, s. 31-44. Książka dostępna za pośrednictwem BUW i platformy IBUK. vi. Hassell, Hans J. G., Kelly R. Oeltjenbruns. 2016. When to Attack: The Trajectory of Congressional Campaign Negativity. „American Politics Research” 44 (2): 222–246. vii. Holian, David B. 2004. He’s stealing my issues! Clinton’s crime
rhetoric and the dynamics of issue ownership. „Political Behavior” 26 (2): 95-124. viii. Kitschelt, Herbert. 2000. Linkages Between Citizens and Politicians in Democratic Polities. „Comparative Political Studies” 33 (6/7): 845-879. ix. Norris, Pippa. 2003. Preaching to the Converted? Pluralism, Participation and Party Websites. Party Politics 9 (1): 21-45. x. Petrocik, John R. 1996. Issue ownership in presidential elections, with a 1980 case study. „American Journal of Political Science” 40 (3): 825–850. xi. Rafałowski, Wojciech. 2020. Parties’ Issue Emphasis Strategies on Facebook. East European Politics & Societies and Cultures 34 (1): 96–123. xii. Spoon, Jae-Jae, Heike Klüver. 2014. Do parties respond? How electoral context influences party responsiveness. „Electoral Studies” 35: 48-60. xiii. Tavits, Margit 2007. Principle vs. Pragmatism: Policy Shifts and Political Competition. American Journal of Political Science 51(1): 151-165. Dostęp za pośrednictwem zasobów elektronicznych BUW. xiv. Tavits, Margit i Joshua D. Potter. 2015. The Effect of Inequality and Social Identity on Party Strategies. American Journal of Political Science 59(3): 744-758. xv. Walter, Annemarie S. 2014. Negative Campaigning in Western Europe: Similar or Different? Political Studies 62 (S1): 42–60. xvi. Żmigrodzki Marek i Łukasz Wojciechowski. 2011. Polityczna reklama negatywna w Polsce. Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI Administracja 1(1): 101-117. Wolny dostęp w Internecie. xvii. Mazur, Marek. 2002. Marketing polityczny. Studium porównawcze. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: