- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Language of social communication and media (Ukrainian) - B2+ 3222-JKS1K[B2]-OG
During the classes journalistic texts of a given source and subject matter are presented. A text corpus of a given source of mass information resources is prepared, it mainly refers to the limitations in the social and intercultural dialogue (e.g. pamdemic, refugees and migrations, financial crisis, historical memory). Articles undergo linguistic analysis.
Topics on sem. Winter 2022/2023 – War in Ukraine; Society in the face of the pandemic (COVID-19); Women and their role in society – past and future. The articles are analyzed primarily in terms of language. Students prepare an individual project, i.e. a written work that is an analysis of a selected article(s) from a specific source; aspects of the work are discussed in class during the presentation of preliminary research results.
Student’s work number of hours:
Classes – 30 hours
Self-study for each class - half an hour per week – 15 hours
Preparation for project – 30 hours
Preparation for final exam –15 hours
Total: approximately 90 hours
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools recommended by the University of Warsaw (Zoom, Google Classroom).
Term 2023Z:
During the classes journalistic texts of a given source and subject matter are presented. A text corpus of a given source of mass information resources is prepared, it mainly refers to the limitations in the social and intercultural dialogue (e.g. refugees and migrations, financial crisis, historical memory). Articles undergo linguistic analysis. Topics on sem. Winter 2023/2024 – War in Ukraine; Society in the face of the pandemic (COVID-19); Women and their role in society – past and future. The articles are analyzed primarily in terms of language. Students prepare an individual project, i.e. a written work that is an analysis of a selected article(s) from a specific source; aspects of the work are discussed in class during the presentation of preliminary research results. Student’s work number of hours:Classes – 30 hours |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
General: Blended learning Classroom | Term 2023Z: Blended learning |
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
- knows and understands the terminology and methodology of linguistic research to a greater extent (K2_W01)
knows and understands to a greater extent the relationships of philological research and their complex relationships with other scientific disciplines (K2_W03)
-knows and deeply understands key issues related to the development and functioning of the modern Ukrainian language in various fields (K2_W06)
- can properly select sources and information derived from them, perform a critical analysis, creative interpretation and presentation of information in the field of the Ukrainian language (K2_U01)
- can use appropriate methods and research tools in the field of Ukrainian linguistics (K2_U03)
- can formulate and test hypotheses related to research in the field of Ukrainian linguistics (K2_U05)
- can communicate on specialist topics with diverse audiences (K2_U07)
- is ready / ready to critically evaluate the knowledge and content received (K2_K01)
Assessment criteria
The course ends with an exam.
Conditions for passing the subject and being allowed to take the exam are as follows:
- continuous assessment - active participation including working on presentations, and giving speeches. Being allowed to take the exam is based on being continually prepared and activity in the classroom; obligatory mid-semester presentations of selected topics from a fixed list (chosen at the first class).
An exam, which consists of writing an independent written work on a selected topic (12 pp.)
Assessment of written work:
Rating depending on how developed the research is:
5+ - work at a very high level; it can be recommended for printing / as a conference paper
5 - independent work, high level of argumentation and conclusions; total linguistic correctness; rich bibliography
4+ independent work, very good level of argumentation and conclusions; correct language; properly selected bibliography
4 - independent work, good level of argumentation and conclusions; occasional language errors that do not affect perception of the content; relevant bibliography
3+ - independent work, poor level of argumentation and conclusions; numerous language errors that affect reception of the content; an appropriate bibliography
3 - independent work, very poor argumentation and conclusions; numerous language errors that affect reception of the content; incorrectly or relatively appropriately selected bibliography
2 - not independent work, low level of argumentation and conclusions; numerous language errors that affect reception of the content; inadequate bibliography
Components of the final grade:
- continuous assessment (activity, preparation for classes) - 20%
- exam - 80%
1. Bralczyk J., Język na sprzedaż, Warszawa 1996.
2. Duszak A., Fairclough N., Krytyczna analiza dyskursu. Interdyscyplinarne podejście do komunikacji społecznej. Kraków: Universitas, 2008.
3. Język w mediach elektronicznych, pod red. J. Podrackiego i E. Wolańskiej, Warszawa 2008.
4. Język w mediach masowych, pod red. J. Bralczyka i K. Musiołek- Kłosińskiej, Warszawa 2000.
5. Kapelusznyj A., Rosijanizmy w telewizijnomu mowlenni i w hazetnomu teksti [w:] Telewizijna j radiożurnalistyka: Zb. nauk.-metod. prać, Lwiw 2000.
6. Kapelusznyj A., Typolohija żurnalistskyh pomyłok, Lwiw 2000.
7. Kultura i język mediów, pod red. M. Tanasia, Kraków 2007.
8. Kułyk W., Dyskurs ukrajinśkyh medij: identycznosti, ideologii, władni stosunky, Kijów 2010.
9. Kuzniecowa O., Zasoby masowoji komunikaciji. Posibnyk. Wyd 2. Serija „Nwczalni ta naukowi wydania profesorsko-wykładaćkoho składu Lwiwśkoho nacionalnoho uniwersytetu im. I. Franka”, Lwiw 2005.
10. Media a komunikowanie polityczne, red. nauk. M. Sokołowski, Toruń 2009.
11. Mitczuk O., Nowa suspilno-polityczna leksyka suczasnyh ZMI [w:] Telewizijna j radiozurnalistyka: Zb. nauk.-metod. prać, Lwiw 2003.
12. Serbenśka O. Aktualni problemy ekologii ukrainśkoji mowy ta suczasni zasoby masowoji komunikaciji [w:] Ukrajinśka periodyka: Istorija i suczasnist: Dopowidi ta powidomlennia 7 Wseukrajinśkoji naukowo-teoretycznoji konferencji, red. M. Romaniuk, Lwiw 2002.
13. Serbenśka O., Efirne mowlennia u wzajemynah z usnoju mowoju [w:] Telewizijna j rado żurnalistyka: Zbirnyk naukowo-metodycznyh prać, Lwiw 2001.
14. Serbenśka O., Surżyk: „nyźka mowa”, bezład czy mowna patolohija [w:] Telewizijna j radiozurnalistyka: Zb. nauk.-metod. prać, Lwiw 2001.
15. Szturnak O., Poruszennia mownyh norm na ukrajinśkyh telekanalah (YT 1, 1+1, INTER) [w:] Telewizijna j radiozurnalistyka: Zb. nauk.-metod. prać, Lwiw 2003.
16. Tekst w mediach, pod red. K. Michalewskiego, Łódź 2002.
18. http://www.telekritika.ua/
Term 2023Z:
Submission of a work: the deadline will be set at 1-2 classes. Failure to return your work within the prescribed period results in the loss of the first date of the pass. Putting the work later, set on 1-2 classes, is treated as an approach to the exam in the retake session. The presence during the classes is obligatory. Two unexcused absences are permitted. For each new absence an excuse is required. Each absence is to be accepted by the lecturer. If the joint amount of unexcused and excused absence hours is greater than a half of the total class hour amount it may be the basis of not granting a course credit. In order to make up for the absence during one class a student is obliged to present the outline of the class and present the material from the class during the duty hours not later than two weeks after the class they did not attend to took place. If a student does not make up for the absence during the class within the given period they are not permitted to be granted a course credit at the first attempt. A student has the right to make up for their absences and obtain a course credit at the second attempt. |
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: