- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Language play is an indicator of the language creative potential. Structure and semantics of the Russian language enables „playing” with its formal and semantic peculiarities for the deeper understanding of the linguistic and aesthetic language possibilities.
Next topics for the term projects and papers as well as final examination are suggested:
1) Notion of the Language Play
2) Language Play as the Linguistic Expirement
3) Lexical Aspects of the Language Play: Word Ambiguity
4) Lexical Aspects of the Language Play: Synonymy
5) Lexical Aspects of the Language Play: Homonymy
6) Lexical Aspects of the Language Play: Paronymy
7) Lexical Aspects of the Language Play: Phraseologisms and Antiproverbs
8) Stylistic Aspects of the Language Play: Low and High
9) Stylistic Aspects of the Language Play: Euphemisms
10) Stylistic Aspects of the Language Play: Cliches
11) Morphological Aspects of the Language Play
12) Syntactical Aspects of the Language Play
13) Word-Formation Aspects of the Language Play
14) Notion of Calembour (Wordplay, Pun)
15) Entymological Dictionary
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
On the completion of the „RUSSIAN LANGUAGE IN THE CONTEXT OF LANGUAGE PLAY” discipline students must
- Comic nature of the language
- Traditional and modern directions of the linguistic challenges/concerns
- Stylistic, phonetic, grammatical and lexical aspects of the language play
- Language role in the national mentality and national-cultural peculiarities of metaphorization in the Russian language
Be Able To:
Use principles and methods of the language play in reading of the Russian literature, as well as in linguistic and translational research.
- The student is ready to the capture new information in a certain context and to the creative thinking
- The student must learn to understand a language game and metaphorical values of words and expressions-
- The student must show understanding of the quality of linguistic research labours in didactic aims and for society in general.
Assessment criteria
Discipline „Russian Language in the Context of Language Play” involves:
- intermediate control: making practical exercises with linguistic tasks
- writing and defending of a report (course project) on one of the suggested topics
- oral examination.
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course. The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be conducted using distance communication tools, most likely Google Classroom and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Practical placement
not applicable
Левина Г.М., Васильева Т.В. Русская грамматика в анекдотах - СПб: Златоуст, 2006 - 96 с.
Лингвистика в задачах - М.: Индрик, 1995 - 208 с.
Лингвистические задачи турнира им. М.В.Ломоносова с решениями (1994-1999) - М., 1999 - 48 с.
Норман Б.Ю. Игра на гранях языка - М.: Флинта, 2006 - 344 с.
Норман Б.Ю. Лингвистические задачи - М.: Флинта, Наука, 2006 - 272 с.
Одинцов В.В. Лингвистические парадоксы - М.: Просвещение, 1988 - 172с.
Санников В.З. Русский язык в зеркале языковой игры - М.: Язки славянской культуры, 2002 - 552 с.
Седов К.Ф. Психолингвистика в анекдотах - М.: Лабиринт, 2005 - 112 с.
Шмелёва Е.Я., Шмелёв А.Д. Русский анекдот. Текст и речевой жанр - М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2002 - 144 с.
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: