- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
The European Union of Arts before the French Revolution 3105-LEAR-OG
The general introduction, setting out the rules for student participation, assessment criteria and the bibliography, will be followed by a series of encounters (lectures) with artistic Europe on the move throughout the 18th century, on the threshold of modernity, at a time when institutions such as the public museum, the art academy and the art market, as well as modern attitudes and customs (such as tourism and interest in national heritage) were being formed. Also the concept of the Europe of nations itself took shape in the 18th century, the century of the great migrations of artists, craftsmen and tourists.
At that time, the European artistic union was not only that of painters, sculptors, musicians, actors and architects; patrons, collectors and all that ‘Art World’ circulated across the continent.
During this journey, Europeans discovered their own Europe: its unknown landscapes, neglected natural phenomena (volcanoes, glaciers, high mountains, etc.), the remains of ancient cultures, etc.
On the cultural map of Europe, in addition to imperial Vienna and papal Rome, new major centers appeared: London, Dresden, Naples and above all Paris. But also those small international centers where wealthy patrons, collectors, artists, writers and theorists gathered: Zurich, Berne, the "Kurort" Karlsbad or Spa.
The lecturer, who has been working in this field of research for 30 years, has devoted two books to the subject, as well as several studies and lectures (e.g. in Berne, Marseille, Paris), concerning both particular artists and general and methodological problems. Professor Pieńkos deals with the problems of national identity in modern European history, regionalism in modern culture, the history of landscape, and the presence of Italian, Swiss and French artists in Poland; he is also reviving his research on Swiss Enlightenment culture. These fields of reflection will find their place in the course of the proposed lecture.
Among the main problems addressed, the following ones should be emphasized:
- the search for national identity in the history of modern Europe ;
- artistic migration and the search for the market;
- the new attitude towards nature, and the birth of the tourist phenomenon.
Main topics:
- historical introduction, generalities on the cultural and scientific discovery of Europe in the Age of Enlightenment;
- the Grand Tour, generalities;
- Grand Tour: archaeological and natural discoveries in Italy;
- the great common discovery of Europe: glaciers, Alps, volcanoes, regional neighboring landscapes;
- on the way to Italy: Karlsbad, Vienna;
- on the way to Italy: the Alps, the intellectual milieu of Zurich, Geneva;
- International and ... Nordic Rome;
- Dresden international - Polish, Italian, French;
- vagabond portraitists (J.-E. Liotard, A. Kauffmann, M. Bacciarelli);
- vagabond landscape painters (Canaletto family, A.L. Ducros, J.Ph. Hackert, J. Pillement);
- the role of new visual media: the circulation of images and information through graphic reproductions.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands the symbolic and visual side of culture, recognizes the specificity of symbolic culture, the instrumentalization of the visuality (e.g. shaping the image as an element of politics); can correctly interpret cultural and artistic phenomena.
Can foresee and perceive cultural processes.
Has the ability to understand, analyze and describe cultural and social phenomena in their international dimensions.
1. is aware of the existence of political and visual symbolism and the role of the political image in Europe and beyond;
2. can engage dialogue with representatives of other cultures and civilizations
3. is a competent participant in European and world culture, using various forms and media of cultural life widespread in Europe and beyond its borders.
Lecture systematizes the main lines of reflection on European culture; broadens knowledge of social relations at the birth of modern European societies; students should be able to follow the mechanisms of artistic migration;
The course provides a working knowledge of the basic terminology of modern art history as well as other areas of cultural knowledge; the ability to understand the relationship between the phenomena of the defined artistic and historical-political epoch.
It also provides a deeper understanding of art-historical and cultural-historical research methods and techniques, and enhances professional knowledge of cultural research tools.
Assessment criteria
Final assessment based on written text at the end of the
cycle (in June) - an essay (approx. 2 pages), the subjects
will be proposed at the last meeting.
Bibliographie provisoire, non obligatoire [« further reading... »]
L’Académie de France à Rome. Le palais Mancini : un foyer artistique dans l’Europe des Lumières (1725-1792), dir. M. Bayard, É. Beck Saiello, A. Gobet, Rennes 2016.
L'Aigle Blanc. Stanislas Auguste, dernier roi de Pologne collectionneur et mécène au siècle des Lumières, cat. exp., dir. E. Starcky, A. Rottermund, Paris 2011.
P.-Y. Beaurepaire, Le Mythe de l’Europe française. Diplomatie, culture et sociabilités au temps des Lumières, Paris 2007.
P.-Y. Beaurepaire et P. Pourchasse (dir.), Les circulations internationales en Europe, années 1680-années 1780, Rennes 2010.
É. Beck Saiello, Napoli e la Francia: i pittori di paesaggio da Vernet a Valenciennes, Rome 2010.
A. Brilli, Le voyage d’Italie, Paris 1989. [versions en plusieurs langues].
E. Chaney, The Evolution of the Grand Tour. Anglo-Italian Cultural Relations since the Renaissance, Londres 1998.
Dresde ou le rêve des princes: la Galerie de Peintures au XVIIIe siècle, cat. exp. Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dijon 2001.
Eighteenth-century art worlds :
global and local geographies of art, dir. S. Sloboda, M. Yonan, Londres-New York 2019.
M. Fumaroli, Quand l'Europe parlait français, Paris 2001.
M. Fumaroli, La République des Lettres, Paris 2015.
Globalizing Cultures : Art and Mobility in the Eighteenth Century, « Ars Orientalis» 2010, https://www.jstor.org/stable/23075922.
Grand Tour. The Lure of Italy in the 18th Century, cat. exp., Tate Gallery, Londres 1996.
W. Hauptman, La Suisse Sublime vue par les peintres voyageurs 1770-1914, Lugano-Milan 1991.
Y. Hersent, Grand Tour et Lumières, in : Les Voyages. Rêves et réalités, dir. J. Pigeaud, Rennes 2008.
Intorno a Marcello Bacciarelli. Italiani nella Varsavia dei Lumi, dir. A. Pieńkos et M. Smoliński, Varsovie 2019.
B. Joyeux-Prunel, Les transferts culturels. Un discours de la méthode, « Hypothèses », 1 (6), 2003.
P. Kirby, The Grand Tour in Italy 1700-1800, New York 1982.
A. Pieńkos, Le Grand Tour d’Europe des artistes. Croquis d’une carte des voyages artistiques au XVIIIe siècle, in : Entre Pologne et France. Le cosmopolitisme des Lumières. Colloque pour l’inauguration de «L’Archivio Piattoli» on-line, Rome 2018.
K. Pomian, Collectionneurs, amateurs et curieux. Paris-Venise, XVIe-XVIIIe siècle, Paris 1987. [versions en plusieurs langues].
K. Pomian, L’Europe et ses nations, Paris 1990. [versions en plusieurs langues].
K. Pomian, Le Musée. Une histoire mondiale, vol. 1 : Du trésor au musée, Paris 2020 [versions en plusieurs langues, polonais etc.].
K. Pomian, Th. Gaehtgens, Histoire artistique de l’Europe. XVIIIe siècle, Paris 1998.
Le rayonnement français en Europe centrale du XVIIe siècle à nos jours, dir. M. Figeac, O. Chaline, J. Dumanowski, Bordeaux 2009.
C. Reichler, R. Ruffieux (dir.), Le Voyage en Suisse, Paris 1998.
C. Reichler, La découverte des Alpes et la question du paysage, Genève-Paris 2002.
D. Roche, Humeurs vagabondes. De la circulation des hommes et de l’utilité des voyages, Paris 2003.
D. Roche, Circulation et cosmopolitisme en Europe, Paris 2004.
C. de Seta, L'Italia del Grand Tour da Montaigne a Goethe, Naples 1996 (II ed.).
Spa, Carrefour de L’Europe des Lumières. Les hôtes de la cité thermal au XVIIIe siècle, dir. D. Droixhe, M. Collart, Paris 2013.
Splendeurs de la cour de Saxe - Dresde à Versailles, cat. exp. Musée National des Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, dir. Th. Gaehtgens, Paris 2006.
Stanislas Auguste dernier roi de Pologne. Collectionneur et mécène dans l’Europe des Lumières, dir. M.M. Grąbczewska, Paris 2012.
J. Starobinski, 1789 : Les Emblèmes de la Raison, Paris 1973.
L. Tissot, Naissance d’une industrie touristique. Les Anglais et la Suisse au XIXe siècle, Lausanne 2000.
Transferts. Les relations interculturelles dans l’espace franco-allemand (XVIIIe-XIXe siècles), dir. M. Espagne, M. Werner, Paris 1988.
The lecturer will also propose other texts in French or English concerning the places and artists analyzed.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: