Proseminars for Mathematics
- (in Polish) Nowe problemy topologii geometrycznej 1000-1L20PTG
- (in Polish) Analiza matematyczna i układy dynamiczne 1000-1L22AMUD
- (in Polish) Matematyka w finansach i ubezpieczeniach 1000-1L23MFU
- (in Polish) Uczenie maszynowe 1000-1L24UM
- Biomathematics and Game Theory 1000-1L12BTG
- Decision support systems 1000-1L00SD
- Differential equations in natural sciences 1000-1L00RR
- Groups, rings and their applications 1000-1L03GP
- Numerical methods 1000-1L09MN
- Probability theory 1000-1L00RP
- Stochastic models in biology 1000-1L13MSB