Studia drugiego stopnia na kierunku filologia polska umożliwiają zdobycie zaawansowanej wiedzy z zakresu literaturoznawstwa i językoznawstwa oraz pogłębienie umiejętności i kompetencji społecznych pozwalających na wykorzystanie wiedzy z tych dziedzin w dalszych badaniach naukowych lub w działalności zawodowej.
Opracowana koncepcja kształcenia pozwala studentom na podjęcie specjalistycznych studiów obejmujących z jednej strony zagadnienia dotyczące m. in. najnowszej literatury polskiej, literatury popularnej, badań i metodologii teoretycznoliterackich, z drugiej zaś językoznawstwa ogólnego, historii języka polskiego i leksykografii. Na studiach drugiego stopnia studenci wybierają jeden z dwóch modułów: tradycja lub nowoczesność, dzięki czemu mają możliwość takiego wyprofilowania własnej ścieżki edukacji akademickiej, aby w jak największym stopniu odpowiadała ona ich potrzebom naukowym. W ramach każdego z modułów studenci mogą skorzystać z szerokiej oferty konwersatoriów, które są zgodne z ich zainteresowaniami i spójne z działalnością naukową prowadzoną (również w ramach grantów) przez wykładowców. Daje to studentom możliwość włączenia się w badania naukowe związane z interesującą ich dziedziną wiedzy. Na studiach magisterskich studenci nabywają umiejętności pozwalające na samodzielne przygotowanie rozprawy naukowej, obejmujące zgromadzenie materiału, wybór metody badawczej, postawienie i obronę tezy, selekcję bibliografii, a także krytyczne ustosunkowanie się do wiedzy na dany temat. Absolwenci studiów drugiego stopnia na kierunku filologia polska są gotowi do podjęcia dalszego kształcenia w szkołach doktorskich oraz do zawodowego angażowania się w życie społeczne, naukowe i kulturalne.
Studia na kierunku filologia polska pozwalają także na pogłębienie kompetencji i umiejętności zawodowych zdobytych podczas studiów pierwszego stopnia, jednak w odróżnieniu od studiów licencjackich wybór specjalizacji nie jest obowiązkowy. Na studiach drugiego stopnia przewidziana jest kontynuacja specjalizacji nauczycielskiej, która pozwala uzyskać pełne uprawnienia pedagogiczne, pozwalające na podjęcie pracy w szkole podstawowej lub ponadpodstawowej.
Wszystkie zajęcia polonistyczne odbywają się w soboty i niedziele na terenie Kampusu Głównego Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28), w gmachu Wydziału Polonistyki. Studenci mają w nim do dyspozycji w pełni wyposażone sale dydaktyczne, dwie biblioteki i czytelnie wydziałowe. Dostęp do literatury i niezbędnych narzędzi badawczych zapewnia też bliskość Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie.
Aktualny program studiów można znaleźć na stronie Wydziału Polonistyki, w zakładce „Studia”.
Qualification awarded:
Second cycle degree - magister - in Polish philology
Second cycle degree - magister - in Polish philology, speciality: Literary Studies and Linguistics
Second cycle degree – magister – in Polish philology, speciality: Language – Literature – Culture
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A GRADUATE Possesses profound knowledge of culture-shaping role of literary and linguistic reflection, with particular reference to contemporary culture. Possesses extended knowledge of the position and importance of Polish philology amidst other academic disciplines and of the recent subject matter and methodological specificity of the Polish philology. Possesses comprehensive knowledge of literary and linguistic terminology in Polish, with particular reference to terminology applied in recent research papers of these disciplines. Possesses comprehensive knowledge of interrelations between Polish philology and other academic fields and disciplines. Can independently acquire extended knowledge and develop advanced research skills essential for participation in academic research under the supervision of a tutor. Can make advanced use of theoretical background, research paradigms, and terms suitable for Polish philology in academic discourse. Can choose advanced and innovative informative and communication techniques and use them to discuss his/her field of specialisation with a varied group of listeners. Can define, both in writing and verbally, research questions characteristic of Polish philology, formulate theses and articulate his/her own opinions on social, literary and ideological matters. Can conduct extended research work under the supervision of a tutor or head of a research team. Can initiate teamwork, is open to new ideas and ready to change his/her opinion based on available data and arguments. Can comprehensively apply innovative search tools suitable for Polish philology. Is ready to recognize the importance of humanistic reflection in shaping social ties.
A GRADUATE Possesses profound knowledge of culture-shaping role of literary and linguistic reflection, with particular reference to contemporary culture. Possesses extended knowledge of the position and importance of Polish philology amidst other academic disciplines and of the recent subject matter and methodological specificity of the Polish philology. Possesses comprehensive knowledge of literary and linguistic terminology in Polish, with particular reference to terminology applied in recent research papers of these disciplines. Possesses comprehensive knowledge of interrelations between Polish philology and other academic fields and disciplines. Can independently acquire extended knowledge and develop advanced research skills essential for participation in academic research under the supervision of a tutor. Can make advanced use of theoretical background, research paradigms, and terms suitable for Polish philology in academic discourse. Can choose advanced and innovative informative and communication techniques and use them to discuss his/her field of specialisation with a varied group of listeners. Can define, both in writing and verbally, research questions characteristic of Polish philology, formulate theses and articulate his/her own opinions on social, literary and ideological matters. Can conduct extended research work under the supervision of a tutor or head of a research team. Can initiate teamwork, is open to new ideas and ready to change his/her opinion based on available data and arguments. Can comprehensively apply innovative search tools suitable for Polish philology. Is ready to recognize the importance of humanistic reflection in shaping social ties.
Field of study: Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, second cycle programme (full-time and part-time)
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
possesses profound knowledge of the role of literary and linguistic reflection in culture shaping
possesses extended knowledge of the position and importance of the Polish Philology amidst other academic disciplines and of the subject matter and methodological specificity of the Polish Philology
possesses comprehensive knowledge of the terminology, theories and methodology applied in literary and/or linguistic studies
possesses extended knowledge of the interrelations between the major sub-disciplines of the Polish Philology
can read, interpret and analyse literary texts in their historical and cultural contexts; the same applies to academic papers
can make advanced use of theoretical background, research paradigms and notions relevant for the Polish Philology
defines in a deepened manner, in writing and verbally, research problems specific for the Polish Philology, formulates theses and articulates his/her own opinions on the social, literary and ideological matters
conducts extended research work under the supervision of a tutor or head of a research team
can initiate team work, is open to new ideas and ready to change his/her opinions in view of the available data and arguments
is profoundly aware of the importance of the humanistic reflection in shaping social bonds
ECTS credit points required for the studies: 120, number of terms: 4.
A student must score the total of 102 ECTS credit points at classes in core subjects to which the learning outcomes of a full- and part-time second cycle programme in the field of the Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, apply.
The number of free-choice ECTS credit points is 45 ECTS.
Field of study: Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, second cycle programme (full-time and part-time), specialisation: Teaching
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
possesses profound knowledge of the role of literary and linguistic reflection in culture shaping
possesses extended knowledge of the position and importance of the Polish philology amidst other academic disciplines and of the subject matter and methodological specificity of the Polish philology
possesses comprehensive knowledge of the terminology, theories and methodology applied in literary and/or linguistic studies
possesses extended knowledge of the interrelations between the major sub-disciplines of the Polish philology
can read, interpret and analyse literary texts in their historical and cultural contexts; the same applies to academic papers
can make advanced use of theoretical background, research paradigms and notions relevant for the Polish philology
defines in a deepened manner, in writing and verbally, research problems specific for the Polish philology, formulates theses and articulates his/her own opinions on the social, literary and ideological matters
conducts extended research work under the supervision of a tutor or head of a research team
can initiate team work, is open to new ideas and ready to change his/her opinions in view of the available data and arguments
is profoundly aware of the importance of the humanistic reflection in shaping social bonds
ECTS credit points required for the studies: 120, number of terms: 4.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
A student must score the total of 102 ECTS credit points at classes in core subjects to which the learning outcomes of a full- and part-time second cycle programme in the field of the Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, apply.
The total number of ECTS credit points a student can score at practical classes is 26. These points are associated with the teaching specialisation, available within the quota of extracurricular ECTS credits that are free of charge.
The number of free-choice ECTS credit points is 45 ECTS.
The teaching practice embraces a 150-hour (6 ECTS) didactic practice at a junior high school and a high school. The length and structure of the practice is compliant with the guidelines of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
Field of study: Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, second cycle programme (full-time and part-time), specialisation: Teaching
The learning outcomes of the programme:
A graduate:
possesses profound knowledge of the role of literary and linguistic reflection in culture shaping
possesses extended knowledge of the position and importance of the Polish philology amidst other academic disciplines and of the subject matter and methodological specificity of the Polish philology
possesses comprehensive knowledge of the terminology, theories and methodology applied in literary and/or linguistic studies
possesses extended knowledge of the interrelations between the major sub-disciplines of the Polish philology
can read, interpret and analyse literary texts in their historical and cultural contexts; the same applies to academic papers
can make advanced use of theoretical background, research paradigms and notions relevant for the Polish philology
defines in a deepened manner, in writing and verbally, research problems specific for the Polish philology, formulates theses and articulates his/her own opinions on the social, literary and ideological matters
conducts extended research work under the supervision of a tutor or head of a research team
can initiate team work, is open to new ideas and ready to change his/her opinions in view of the available data and arguments
is profoundly aware of the importance of the humanistic reflection in shaping social bonds
ECTS credit points required for the studies: 120, number of terms: 4.
The standards of teacher training are based on the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
A student must score the total of 102 ECTS credit points at classes in core subjects to which the learning outcomes of a full- and part-time second cycle programme in the field of the Polish Philology, specialty: Literary and Linguistics Studies, apply.
The total number of ECTS credit points a student can score at practical classes is 26. These points are associated with the teaching specialisation, available within the quota of extracurricular ECTS credits that are free of charge.
The number of free-choice ECTS credit points is 45 ECTS.
The teaching practice embraces a 150-hour (6 ECTS) didactic practice at a high school. The length and structure of the practice is compliant with the guidelines of the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of January 17, 2012, on the standards of training which prepares students for the teaching profession.
A graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program:
Possesses profound knowledge of the culture-shaping role of literary reflection, with particular reference to contemporary culture.
Possesses comprehensive knowledge of the terminology, theories and methodologies in literary history, literary theory and comparative studies, with particular reference to terminology, theories and methodologies used in recent literary studies as well as main directions of this discipline.
Possesses comprehensive knowledge of the terminology, theories and methodologies in diachronic and synchronic linguistics, with particular reference to terminology, theories and methodologies used in recent linguistic studies as well as main directions of this discipline.
Knows and understands the legal and ethical conditions of enterprise, research and professional activities related to Polish philology as well as the management of intellectual property rules.
Can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills essential for participation in academic research under the supervision of a tutor as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select and integrate information from written and electronic sources and use them in their research projects in literary studies.
Can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills essential for participation in academic research under the supervision of a tutor as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select and integrate information from written and electronic sources and use them in their research projects in linguistic studies.
Can comprehensively use advanced informative and communication techniques and independently conclude, choose argumentative strategies using the views and theses of other authors, form a response to criticism, take part in and lead the debate as well as be prepared to change their opinion in the light of the available data and arguments and discuss specialist topics in literary studies with a diverse audience.
Can comprehensively use advanced informative and communication techniques and independently conclude, formulate research hypothesis, choose argumentative strategies using the views and theses of other authors, form a response to criticism, take part in and lead the debate as well as be prepared to change their opinion in the light of the available data and arguments and discuss specialist topics in linguistic studies with a diverse audience.
Can plan their intellectual development path and guide others in this regard.
Is willing to take ethical responsibility for the accuracy of the conveyed knowledge, uphold professional ethos, demonstrate scientific honesty and integrity in the conduct of scientific and ideological disputes as well as recognise the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and seek expert advice when having difficulty solving the problem.
A graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for the study program:
Possesses profound knowledge of the culture-shaping role of literary reflection, with particular reference to contemporary culture.
Possesses comprehensive knowledge of the terminology, theories and methodologies in literary history, literary theory and comparative studies, with particular reference to terminology, theories and methodologies used in recent literary studies as well as main directions of this discipline.
Possesses comprehensive knowledge of the terminology, theories and methodologies in diachronic and synchronic linguistics, with particular reference to terminology, theories and methodologies used in recent linguistic studies as well as main directions of this discipline.
Knows and understands the legal and ethical conditions of enterprise, research and professional activities related to Polish philology as well as the management of intellectual property rules.
Can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills essential for participation in academic research under the supervision of a tutor as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select and integrate information from written and electronic sources and use them in their research projects in literary studies.
Can independently acquire knowledge and develop research skills essential for participation in academic research under the supervision of a tutor as well as search, analyse, evaluate, select and integrate information from written and electronic sources and use them in their research projects in linguistic studies.
Can comprehensively use advanced informative and communication techniques and independently conclude, choose argumentative strategies using the views and theses of other authors, form a response to criticism, take part in and lead the debate as well as be prepared to change their opinion in the light of the available data and arguments and discuss specialist topics in literary studies with a diverse audience.
Can comprehensively use advanced informative and communication techniques and independently conclude, formulate research hypothesis, choose argumentative strategies using the views and theses of other authors, form a response to criticism, take part in and lead the debate as well as be prepared to change their opinion in the light of the available data and arguments and discuss specialist topics in linguistic studies with a diverse audience.
Can plan their intellectual development path and guide others in this regard.
Is willing to take ethical responsibility for the accuracy of the conveyed knowledge, uphold professional ethos, demonstrate scientific honesty and integrity in the conduct of scientific and ideological disputes as well as recognise the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and seek expert advice when having difficulty solving the problem.