Nuclear Power Engineering and Nuclear Chemistry full time 2 year programme leading to M. Sc. Degree (S2-ECHJ)(in Polish: Energetyka i chemia jądrowa, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia) | |
second cycle programme full-time, 2-year studies Language: Polish | Jump to: Opis ogólnyLimit miejsc: 3, w tym: 2 miejsca dla kandydatów kwalifikowanych na podstawie wyników z dotychczasowych studiów oraz 1 miejsce dla kandydatów kwalifikowanych na podstawie egzaminu. Studia prowadzone są w języku polskim.
Do podjęcia studiów II stopnia na kierunku Energetyka i Chemia Jądrowa nie jest wymagane ukończenie studiów I stopnia na tym kierunku, konieczny jest jedynie licencjat z chemii, fizyki lub nauk pokrewnych, zdobyty na dowolnej uczelni. Na studiach II stopnia dostępne są dwie ścieżki kształcenia:
Ścieżka ta obejmuje głównie zagadnienia fizyki reaktorowej, jak neutronika i zagadnienia cieplno-przepływowe oraz zaawansowanej fizyki jądrowej. W toku studiów odbędą się ćwiczenia laboratoryjne przy reaktorze jądrowym oraz pracę z symulatorami reaktora i oprogramowaniem do symulacji procesów zachodzących w reaktorze.
Ścieżka chemiczna obejmuje zagadnienia z obszaru energetyki jądrowej, chemii analitycznej izotopów promieniotwórczych, zaawansowanej fizyki jądrowej, wykorzystania źródeł promieniotwórczych w nauce, przemyśle i medycynie jak również problemy bezpieczeństwa jądrowego, w tym kwestie bezpiecznej pracy ze źródłami promieniowania jonizującego oraz sposoby postępowania w sytuacji kryzysowej związanej z wypadkami radiacyjnymi. Wyboru specjalności dokonuje się po pierwszym semestrze. Na obu ścieżkach student ma dużą swobodę wyboru przedmiotów. Absolwent studiów II stopnia kierunku Energetyka i Chemia Jądrowa:
Uzyskana wiedza pozwoli absolwentowi na podjęcie pracy w instytucjach związanych z wykorzystaniem energetyki jądrowej, chemii jądrowej, radioanalityką, medycyną jądrową oraz na kontynuowanie nauki, w tym podjęcia studiów 3 stopnia. |
ECTS Coordinators:
Qualification awarded:
Access to further studies:
Learning outcomes
The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for master’s degree program of the Energetics and Nuclear Chemistry study.
The graduate has the knowledge and skills allowing for an in-depth analysis of issues in the field of physics, chemistry, nuclear science and techniques. The graduate can present issues related to the field of reactor physics and the nuclear fuel cycle. The graduate knows the basic concepts and principles of the protection of industrial property and copyright and is familiar with the need to manage intellectual property resources. The graduate knows the legal and ethical conditions related to scientific and didactic activities.
- the graduate knows and understands physics and chemistry at an advanced level; knows their historical development and significance for the progress of exact and natural sciences and for cognition of the world and human development;
- the graduate understands in-depth concepts of advanced mathematics and mathematical methods
- the graduate is familiar with safety rules for working with radioactive isotopes;
- the graduate is familiar with advanced experimental and observation techniques and is familiar with the operation of equipment which utilises nuclear techniques and which is used for scientific and research purposes and, to a lesser extent, for industrial applications
- the graduate knows and understands advanced concepts in physics and chemistry in the field of nuclear science and techniques;
- the graduate is familiar with current directions of development and the latest discoveries in the field of physics, chemistry as well as nuclear sciences and techniques;
- the graduate is familiar with currently applicable nuclear law;
- the graduate understands basic concepts of reactor physics and chemistry of the nuclear fuel cycle;
- the graduate is familiar with physical issues related to the operation of a nuclear reactor
- the graduate has the ability to plan and perform observations, experiments, and calculations in physics, chemistry, and nuclear science and techniques;
- the graduate has the ability to interact and work in a group, assuming various roles, including managerial ones
- the graduate has the ability to critically evaluate results of experiments and theoretical calculations and has the ability to analyze their accuracy;
- the graduate has the ability to find the necessary information in professional literature, databases and other sources;
- the graduate knows how to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and methodology of physics and chemistry to solving problems in related fields;
- the graduate has the ability to present the knowledge and to report research results and scientific discoveries in a clear and systematic way. The graduate correctly identifies and highlights the most important aspects of the issue under consideration and presents the adopted methodology, as well as discusses the significance of the obtained results in comparison to other similar studies;
- the graduate possesses the skills of effectively communicating with specialists and non-specialists in physics, chemistry, nuclear science and techniques and related fields. The graduate has the ability to start a scientific discussion or to contribute to the popularization of knowledge;
- the graduate has the ability to prepare various written works, including a poster, description, article and an intermediate research report in the field of physics, chemistry, nuclear science and techniques and related fields. The graduate prepares texts in Polish and English, with the use of computer text editors and graphical visualization of the results
Social competences:
- the graduate is ready for a further training and has the ability to find required information in the literature, including foreign languages texts;
- the graduate possesses the skills of appropriate defining priorities for the implementation of the tasks set by oneself or others;
- the graduate possesses the skills of correct identification and resolution of substantive, methodological, organizational and ethical dilemmas related to the performance of the profession,
- the graduate has a habit of systematic reading of scientific and popular science literature in order to deepen and expand knowledge. The graduate is aware of the risks involved in using unverified sources, including the Internet;
- the graduate takes over responsibility for the undertaken research, experiment or observation initiatives;
- the graduate is ready for fulfilling social and professional obligations, co-organizing activities for the benefit of the social environment;
- the graduate has the ability to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner
Course structure diagram:
Abbreviations used in tables: | |
lect - Lecture cl - Classes | e - Examination g - Grading |
1M Semester Nuclear power engineering and nuclear chemistry | ECTS | lect | cl | exam |
Nuclear Physics | e | |||
Advanced Quantum Mechanics with elements of quantum chemistry and molecular spectroscopy | e | |||
Intellectual property and entrepreneurship | g | |||
Detection and analysis of radioactive substances - laboratory | g | |||
Detection and analysis of radioactive substances | g | |||
3 | ||||
Total: | 3 |