Detection and analysis of radioactive substances 1200-2ENDASPRW1M
The lecture contains the following topics:
Principles of safe work with sources of ionizing radiation. Statistics of nuclear radiation
- distributions: binomial, Poisson, Gauss, chi2
- calculation and propagation of experimental unertainty
- rules of radioactive decays, radioactive decay chains
Interaction of ionising radiation with matter - basic knowledge
- sources if ionisation radiation
- cross section, differential cross section
- reaction rate
- mean free path
Interaction of gamma radiation with matter
- photoelectric effect
- Compton effect
- effect of pair creation
- absorption coefficient
Interaction of charged particles with matter
- interactions of electrons and positrons
- interactions of heavy charged particles, range, range dispersion
Interaction of neutrons with matter
- elastic scattering, moderation
- capture reactions
Detectors of ionising radiation - basic knowledge
- response function
- resolution
- yield / efficiency
- response time and dead time
- calibration procedures - energetic and efficiency calibration
- calibration sources, source - detector configurations
Detection of gamma radiation
- semiconductor detectors
- scintillation detectors
- gaseous dtectors
Detection of charged particles
- semiconductor, scintillation and gaseous detectors
- electromagnetic spectrometers
- methods of particles identification
Detection of slow and fast neutrons
- nuclear reactions applicable for neutrons detection
- detectors applying reaction with boron, 3he, other reactions
Chemical effects of ionisation radiation
- elements of radiation chemistry
- water radiolysis
- chemical methods of dosimetry of ionising radiation
Elements of isotopes chemistry (including radioactive isotopes)
- chemistry of hot atoms
- isotope effects
- isotope composition of elements and influence of isotope effects on isotope composition of elements
- methods of isotopes separation
Elements of instrumental analysis
- meaning of: analyte, matrix, inrferent, analytical signal, sensitivity, selectivity, detection and determination limit
- classical and instrumental methods of analysis
- analysis of main components, trace analysis, speciation
- reference and certified materials
- collection and preparation of samples, ucertainty and errors in analytical determination
- criteria of choice of instrumental methods
- spectroscopic methods: UV/Vis spectroscopy, absorption and emission atomic spectrometry, fluorescence analysis
- mass spectrometry as a method of separation and detection of isotopes
- electroanalytical methods: potentiometry, current based techniques: voltammetry, amperometry, conductometry, electrochemical sensors
- chromatographic and electromigration methods, complex methods, miniature analytical devices
Chemical analysis involving radioactivity measurements
- application of natural radioactivity of elements
- method of isotope dilution
- radiometric titration
- activation analysis
- radionuclides in environmental and biological analysis
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
Ability of: selecting of measuremts procedure relevant to the aim of investigation, carrying out simple measurements using radioactive isotopes, analysis of obtained data, selecting working conditions with radioactive isotopes, choice of isotope kind and activity, learning about different methods of radiation detection, ways of of radiation interactions with matter (physical nad chemical effects) and methods of safe work with ionising radiation.
Acquiring knowledge on methods of instrumental analysis, ability of selecting the proper method, depending on analyte kind, its amount in the sample and kind of matrix
Assessment criteria
Final written test
A. Strzałkowski, „Wstęp do fizyki jądra atomowego”, PWN 1079
G. Knoll, “Radiation Detection and Measurement”, John Wiley & Sons 2000
W. Leo, “Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments: A How-to Approach”, Springer Verlag
K. Debertin, R. Helmer, “Gamma and X-ray Spectrometry with Semiconductor Detectors“,Elsevier Science 2001
J. Sobkowski, M. Jelińska-Kazimierczuk, „Chemia jądrowa”, Adamantan, 2006
G.C. Lowenthal, P.L. Aires, „Practical Applications of Radioactivity and Nuclear Reactions”, Cambridge University Press, 2001
D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch "Podstawy chemii analitycznej", PWN, 2006
W. Szczepaniak "Metody instrumentalne w analizie chemicznej", PWN, 1996
J. Minczewski, Z. Marczenko "Chemia analityczna", PWN
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