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Study programmes > All studies > Macro-field of Study, Inter-Faculty Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences > Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, full time, first cycle programme

Inter-faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, full time, first cycle programme (S1-MSMP)

(in Polish: Międzyobszarowe Indywidualne Studia Matematyczno-Przyrodnicze, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia)
first cycle programme
full-time, 3-year studies
Language: Polish

Limity miejsc na poszczególne kierunki: 

  • astronomia – ;
  • biofizyka – ;
  • biologia – ;
  • biotechnologia – ;
  • chemia – ;
  • chemia medyczna – ;
  • filozofia – ;
  • fizyka – ;
  • geografia – ;
  • geologia poszukiwawcza - ;
  • geologia stosowana (studia inżynierskie) - ;
  • gospodarka przestrzenna – ;
  • informatyka – ;
  • International Studies in Philosophy – ;
  • kognitywistyka – ;
  • matematyka – ;
  • ochrona środowiska – ;
  • psychologia (Psychology) – ;
  • socjologia – ;

Przyjęcie na studia będzie możliwe pod warunkiem uruchomienia kierunku na danym wydziale.

ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

First cycle degree - inżynier – in Medical Chemistry within MISMaP
First cycle degree - licencjat - in astronomy within Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in biology within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in biology within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, speciality: biology of the cell and organizm
First cycle degree - licencjat - in biology within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, speciality: environmental biology
First cycle degree - licencjat - in biotechnology within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in chemistry within Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in cognitive sciences within MISMaP
First cycle degree - licencjat - in environmental protection within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in environmental protection within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, spec. : biological foundations of environmental protection
First cycle degree - licencjat - in geography within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in geography within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, speciality: applied physical geography
First cycle degree - licencjat - in geography within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, speciality: applied social-economic geography
First cycle degree - licencjat - in geography within Inter - Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, speciality: geoinformatics
First cycle degree - licencjat - in geology within Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in informatics within Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in International Studies in Philosophy within MISMaP
First cycle degree - licencjat - in mathematics within Inter-Faculty Individual Sudies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in philosophy within MISMaP
First cycle degree - licencjat - in physics within Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences
First cycle degree - licencjat - in physics within Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Individual Studies
First cycle degree - licencjat - in sociology within MISMaP
First cycle degree - licencjat - in Spatial development within MISMaP
First cycle degree-engineer-in applied geology within MISMaP
First cycle degree-licencjat-prospecting geology within MISMaP

Access to further studies:

second cycle programme

Professional status:

MISMaP College graduates receive a Bachelor's (licencjat) or Master's degree( magister) within one or more fields of studies. They show creativity, independence in choosing their own path of academic development, active attitude and ability to organise their work efficiently. They are well equipped to conduct scientific research, detect and solve theoretical and practical problems both within their own field of studies and those of interdisciplinary character. MISMaP graduates are oriented at continuous self - development and education.

Learning outcomes

A unique curriculum is prepared according to the Resolution of the University Council for Education no. 94 of 8 September 2023 concerning the Rules of Studying at the College (MISMaP).
An individual study programme for a student of the College should embrace courses in at least two fields, i.e. it should include
main courses in the principal specialisation and courses in at least one additional specialisation offered by the Faculties participating in the College (other than Faculty of the principal specialisation).
The programme requirements for Bachelor's or Master's degrees for the principal specialisation are defined by the resolution of the Faculty Council of the Faculty conducting the specialisation, displayed at http://www.mismap.uw.edu.pl
- Alumnus of MISMaP College demonstrates knowledge and qualifications broader than for a single academic discipline.
- He knows basic concepts of higher mathematics and understands the role of mathematics as a foundation of science.
- Due to specific way of teaching at individual program of study he demonstrates creativity and autonomy in decision making process, activity and ability to organize his own work.
- He understands the need and knows the possibilities of permanent self learning. He can autonomously perform literature search, including foreign literature.
- He is prepared to do scientific research and can autonomously perceive and solve theoretical and practical problems of his field of knowledge (at least one of: mathematics, informatics, physics,
astronomy, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, applied geology , engineering geology, prospecting geology, geography,spatial development, environment protection, cognitive science, philosophy, sociology, psychology),as well as interdisciplinary problems.
- He is able to present results of his own research as an autonomously prepared elaboration or dissertation in writing, containing description and reasoning of the research target, used
methodology,results, as well as discuss and analyze the meaning of the obtained results in view of similar research.
- Detailed learning outcomes of MISMaP students are achieved within the frames of learning programs of particular field of study provided by faculties participating in MISMaP.
- The other information of learning outcomes of MISMaP students depend on their particular field of study.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/