Courses at
Studies in Eastern Europe
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- (in Polish) Język hebrajski - egzamin certyfikacyjny, poziom samodzielności językowej niższy B1 0000-HEBB1EC
- (in Polish) Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne regionu 3620-PDPL-BER
- (in Polish) Geopolityka 3620-PDPL-G
- (in Polish) Historia bloku komunistycznego i ZSRR 3620-PDPL-HBKZ
- (in Polish) Konwersatorium polityki zagranicznej. Teoria i praktyka dyplomacji. Dyplomacja na Wschodzie 3620-PDPL-KPZTPD
- (in Polish) Współpraca gospodarcza Polski ze Wschodem. Praktyka biznesu na wschodzie 3620-PDPL-PBNW
- (in Polish) Problematyka bezpieczeństwa zbiorowego. Współczesne konflikty w regionie 3620-PDPL-PBZ
- (in Polish) Przemiany w Europie Wschodniej po 1991 ( Cz. I 1991-2000) 3620-PDPL-PEW
- (in Polish) Przemiany w Europie Środkowej i na Bałkanach po 1989 r. 3620-PDPL-PEŚB89
- (in Polish) Przemiany na Kaukazie i w Azji Środkowej po 1991 r. 3620-PDPL-PKAS91
- (in Polish) Polska polityka wschodnia 3620-PDPL-PPW
- (in Polish) Przemiany w Rosji po 1991 r. (cz. 1, 1991-1999) 3620-PDPL-PR9199
- (in Polish) Rosja i jej sąsiedzi po 1991 r. Polityka zagraniczna Rosji 3620-PDPL-RJS
- (in Polish) Seminarium dyplomowe 3620-PDPL-SD
- (in Polish) Sytuacja gospodarcza na obszarze postsowieckim 3620-PDPL-SGOP
- (in Polish) UE i USA wobec świata postkomunistycznego 3620-PDPL-UEUSAWSP
- (in Polish) Warsztat: Polskie media o Wschodzie (Rosyjska przestrzeń medialna) 3620-PDPL-WPMW
- (in Polish) Zagadnienia narodowościowe, demograficzne, geografia polityczna Europy Wschodniej, Środkowej i Bałkanów 3620-PDPL-ZNESB
- (in Polish) Wykład gościnny: Tatarzy Krymscy wobec rosyjsko-ukraińskiego sporu o Krym 3620-MGR2-WG-TK
- (in Polish) Zagadnienia narodowościowe, demograficzne, geografia polityczna Rosji, Azji Środkowej i Kaukazu 3620-PDPL-ZNRASK
- (in Polish) Vilnius/Wilno. One City and many Histories 3620-VWOC-H-OG
- (in Polish) Publiczna i kulturalna dyplomacja Polski 3620-PDPL-DPKP
- (in Polish) Koncentracja na kwestiach różnic kulturowych wschód zachód 3620-PDPL-KNKRKWZ
- (in Polish) Służby specjalne we współczesnym świecie 3620-PDPL-SPWWS
- (in Polish) Stadium przypadku. Organizacje Międzynarodowe w Azji Środkowej. Polityka, Gospodarka, Prawa Człoweka 3620-PDPL-SDOM
- (in Polish) Praktyczna nauka języka rosyjskiego dla poziomu C1 3620-LC-PNJROS-C1
- (in Polish) Przemiany w Europie Wschodniej po 1991 (cz. II po 2000 r.) 3620-PDPL-PEW2000II
- (in Polish) Przemiany w Rosji po 1991 r. (cz. II po 2000 r.) 3620-PDPL-PR2000II
- (in Polish) Wykład gościnny: Czarnobyl: Społeczno-polityczne, gospodarcze i kulturowe konsekwencje katastrofy 3620-LIC3-WG-CSP
- (in Polish) Wykład gościnny: Historia relacji polsko-ukraińskich 3620-LIC2-WG-HR
- “Russian world” as a concept and strategy of Russian neo-imperialism 3620-RMK-SP-OG
- 1989 - The Autumn of Nations 3620-JN-SP-OG
- Analytical Workshop of Eastern Studies 3620-PDPL-WABW
- Anthropology of Azerbaijani culture. The phenomenon of borderland heterogeneity 3620-AAKF-H-OG
- Atheism and Soviet Anti-Religious Propaganda 3620-ARP-H-OG
- B.A. seminar 3620-LIC3-SL-L
- B.A. seminar 3620-LIC3-SL-Z
- Basics of the Social Sciences 3620-LIC1-WNS
- Behind the Scenes of Authoritarianism in Eastern Europe 3620-KAEW-OG
- Belarus2020 3620-B2020-SP-OG
- Belarusian nationalism against the background of nation-building processes in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries 3620-BNTPN-H-OG
- Belarusian political elites: from homo sovieticus to the national elite 3620-BEP-SP-OG
- Belarusians and the idea of East Slavic unity in the 19th-21st centuries 3620-BIJ-H-OG
- Between Islam and secularism - Azerbaijan in search of a new cultural identity at the turn of the 19th and 20th c. 3620-PISA-H-OG
- Can a dictatorship be held accountable? Central Europe and the burden of memory 3620-DMR-SP-OG
- Caucasian conflicts - causes, course and effects 3620-KKPPS-SP-OG
- Caucasian nations in search of their own identity after 1991 3620-NK-H-OG
- Causes, course and political and military significance of wars and armed conflicts after the Cold War in Europe and the world 3620-PPZ-SP-OG
- Central and Eastern Europe in the social and humanistic thought of the 20th century 3620-ESW-SP-OG
- Cinematic Visions of Eastern Europe: History, Identity, and Culture 3620-MGR1-WMJA-FC-CV
- Cities of Ukraine 3620-MU-SP-OG
- Civil Society in post-Communist Ukraine and pre-Communist Hong Kong 3620-LIC3-WMJA-CS
- Collective and cultural memory. Analysis of the Soviet past in the southern Caucasus 3620-PZK-SP-OG
- Colonialism, post-colonialism and decolonization in the Russian (Soviet) context 3620-KPD-H-OG
- Communism and religion in the Soviet Union. Conflict and cooperation 3620-KRZSRR-H-OG
- Community & Initiative 3620-CI-SP-OG
- Confessional cultures in the East of Europe (1500-1800) 3620-LIC2-WG-KW
- Contemporary Culture and Intellectual Life of the Region’s Society 3620-MGRZ-WKZI
- Contemporary Culture and Intellectual Life of the Region’s Society 3620-MGRL-WKZI
- Contemporary Georgia. Everyday life, society, culture, politics 3620-WG-SP-OG
- Culture of Azerbaijan – a guide to the most important traditions, customs and monuments 3620-KA-H-OG
- Czechoslovak dissidents during the communist period 3620-CSD-SP-OG
- Czechoslovakia - history, culture, society. 1918-1992 3620-CHKS-H-OG
- Disputed Land, Forgotten People: Examining the Right to Nationality Amid Protracted Conflict 3620-MGR1-WG-DL
- Domestic sources of US foreign policy in the post-Soviet era 3620-DSUS-SP-OG
- East Central Europe and Current Challenges 3620-ECE-SP-OG
- Eastern European horror: Horror culture of the post-Soviet countries 3620-HEW-H-OG
- Eastern Prussia – Forgotten Country 20th-21st c 3620-PW-H-OG
- Economies of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in the light of economic theories 3620-EBRU-SP-OG
- Electoral geography of Central and Eastern Europe 3620-GWESW-SP-OG
- Empire’s Echoes: Decolonial Dialogues in Film 3620-LIC3-WMJA-EE
- Ethnography – theory and practice in the study of Central and Eastern Europe 3620-LIC2-WG-EES
- Europe – Russia. Geopolitical relations in historical perspective 3620-ERSG-H-OG
- Examination in Albanian - B1, intermediate level 0000-ALBB1EC
- Examination in Arabic - A2, Waystage User 0000-ARAA2EC
- Examination in Arabic - B1, intermediate level 0000-ARAB1EC
- Examination in Arabic - B2, upper intermediate level 0000-ARAB2EC
- Examination in Arabic - C1, advanced level 0000-ARAC1EC
- Examination in Azerbaijani - B1, intermediate level 0000-AZEB1EC
- Examination in Chineese - A2, Waystage User 0000-CHIA2EC
- Examination in Chineese - B1, intermediate level 0000-CHIB1EC
- Examination in Georgian - B1, Threshold User 0000-GRUB1EC
- Examination in Greek - B1, Threshold User 0000-GREB1EC
- Examination in Greek - B2, Independent User 0000-GREB2EC
- Examination in Hebrew - A2, Waystage User 0000-HEBA2EC
- Examination in Japanese - A2, Waystage User 0000-JAPA2EC
- Examination in Japanese - B1, Threshold User 0000-JAPB1EC
- Examination in Japanese - B2, upper intermediate level 0000-JAPB2EC
- Examination in Kazakh - B1, Threshold User 0000-KAZB1EC
- Examination in Korean Language- A2, Waystage User 0000-KORA2EC
- Examination in Korean Language- B1, Threshold User 0000-KORB1EC
- Examination in Korean Language- B2, Independent User 0000-KORB2EC
- Examination in Persian - B1, intermediate level 0000-PERB1EC
- Examination in Romanian - B1, Threshold User 0000-RUMB1EC
- Examination in Turkish - A2, Waystage User 0000-TURA2EC
- Examination in Turkish - B1, Threshold User 0000-TURB1EC
- Federation projects in Central and Eastern Europe (late 18th century - early 20th century): A comparative study 3620-LIC3-WG-PF
- First steps with the Russian language – p.1 3620-SJW-PKJR1-H-OG
- Foreign policy seminar 3620-MGR2-KPZ
- From Soviet Domination to Full Sovereignty 3620-LIC2-WMJA-FSDFS
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