Courses at
Institute of Applied Social Sciences
- Media customs 3402-10OPBME
- Mediation 3402-01-MED
- Mediation in Social Conflicts 3402-10MWKS
- Mediation in Social Conflicts 3402-30MWKS
- Methodology of Social Sciences with Elements of Philosophy of Science 3402-31MNSE
- Methodology of the Social Sciences with elements of philospophy of science 3402-01-MNSEFN
- Methods and tools of human resources management (workshop) 3402-20MINZK
- Methods and tools of human resources management (workshop) 3402-10MINZK
- Modern anthropology: theories, methods, research program 3402-31-AWTM
- Modern cities 3402-01WSM
- Modern cities 3402-20WSM
- Negotiations 3402-10NEGO
- Negotiations 3402-30NEGO
- Non-Governmental Organizations 3402-00ORGPOZ-OG
- Non-governmental organizations 3402-20OPRL
- Non-governmental organizations 3402-10OPRZE
- Obligatory Practice 3402-10PRAK
- Old Age in Theories and Sociological Studies 3402-20STBS
- Participatory planning of public spaces 3402-10PPPP
- Participatory planning of public spaces 3402-10PPPP-OG
- Politics and Assassination. Case Studies 3402-00-PZSP
- Politics and Assassination. Case Studies 3402-00-PZSP-OG
- Population Processes 3402-21PRLU
- Postcolonialism 3402-00POST-OG
- Postcolonialism 3402-00POST
- Power, Churches, and Politics 3402-01WKP
- Power, Churches, and Politics 3402-01WKP-OG
- Preparation and Realisation of Social Research 3402-10PRPB
- Preparation for studying 3402-11PDS
- Preparation for studying 3402-11PDS-OG
- Problem Solving in the Situation of Essential Conflict of Interests 3402-10RPWSIRI
- Problem Solving in the Situation of Essential Conflict of Interests 3402-20RPWSIRI
- Problem Solving in the Situation of Essential Conflict of Interests 3402-10RPWSIRI-OG
- Procedures of Evaluation Research 3402-10PBE
- Project Management 3402-20ZAPR
- Psychology of Conflict 3402-10PKNZ
- Psychology of conflict 3402-20PKNL
- Psychology of politics 3402-00-PSYCHP-OG
- Psychology of politics 3402-01-PSYCHP
- Psychology of politics 3402-20PSYCHP
- Public Opinion Research 3402-10BOP
- Public Opinion Research 3402-20BOP
- Quantitative Research Characteristic and Specificity 3402-31CISBI
- Queer Sociology 3402-10SOCQUEER
- Queer Sociology 3402-01-SQUEER-OG
- Research process design 3402-01-PPB
- Resolving alcohol problems 3402-00RPALZ-OG
- Secondary and primary data: visual research 3402-20DZIW
- Secondary data: exploring spatial data 3402-01DZEP
- Secondary data: text analysis - from expressions to narratives 3402-01DZBT
- Sexology - chosen aspects 3402-10SZLZ
- Social Campaigns and Civil Education 3402-01KSEO
- Social Dialog. Practical Aspects 3402-20PDS
- Social Differentiation Theories 3402-10TZSP
- Social Differentiation Theories 3402-31TZSL
- Social movements and Ideologies 3402-01RSII
- Social policy 3402-11POSZD
- Social policy with the elements of demography 3402-21PSDZ
- Social psychology 3402-11PSPZ
- Social psychology 3402-21PSPL
- Social research methods 3402-11MBS
- Social Research Methods 3402-21MBS2
- Social Security Systems 3402-11SZS
- Social Theory of Law 3402-01STP
- Social Theory of Law 3402-01STP-OG
- Social Theory of Law 3402-31STP
- Socio-legal research 3402-10BSPL
- Socio-legal research 3402-20BSPL
- Sociolgy of public administration 3402-20-SOCADM
- Sociological Theory III 3402-10TSTL
- Sociological Theory III 3402-21TSTL
- Sociology and the City 3402-01SOCM
- Sociology and the City 3402-30SOCM
- Sociology of Addictions 3402-10SU
- Sociology of Addictions 3402-31SU
- Sociology of associations - from Tarde to Latour 3402-10SWOTDL
- Sociology of associations - from Tarde to Latour 3402-31SWOTDL
- Sociology of close relationships 3402-31SBZ
- Sociology of custom 3402-11SOCOBW
- Sociology of custom 3402-11SOCOBĆ
- Sociology of custom 3402-20SOCOBW
- Sociology of custom 3402-20SOCOBĆ
- Sociology of Dwelling 3402-01-SOCZAM
- Sociology of Dwelling 3402-20SOCZAM
- Sociology of emotions 3402-10SE
- Sociology of emotions 3402-31SE
- Sociology of global processes 3402-01SPG
- Sociology of global processes 3402-31SPG
- Sociology of locality 3402-10SLOL
- Sociology of Locality 3402-20SOCL
- Sociology of morality 3402-21SCML
- Sociology of Morality 3402-11SMOR
- Sociology of Public Affairs 3402-10SSP
- Sociology of Public Affairs 3402-30SSP
- Sociology of social movements 3402-10SRS
- Sociology of social problems 3402-01-SPS
- Sociology of the family 3402-01SROL
- Sociology of the family 3402-21SROR
- Sociology of Work 3402-10SCPZ
- Sociology of Work 3402-00-SCPZ-OG