Course in Health and Safety, providing instruction in first aid and the responsibilities of a legal guardian 4103-3M3S-ZBUPPOPO
The course is meant for participants without any medical education background. It is designed to address the specific work environment and threats pertaining to the teacher, tutor or guardian of a group of children or adult people. The classes are run according to the recent guidelines by the European Resuscitation Council as of 2010 (ERC 2010). They answer the requirements of the amendments to the Labour Code which came into force on 18 January 2009.
Subjects contents of classes:
Legal regulations
Motivation for offering aid
Securing the accident place
Evacuation from a threatened place
Effective calling for help
Essentials of anatomy and physiology
Controlling basic vital functions
Loss of consciousness, fainting, awareness disorders
Circulatory-respiratory resuscitation in adults, children and infants
Restoration of respiratory patency, a foreign body in air passages, choking
Wounds, heamorrhages
Fractures, dislocations, joint torsion
Burns: thermal, chemical, electric
Poisoning: food, chemicals, detergents or drugs
Emergencies: cardiac infarction, asthma, epilepsy, diabetes
Victim’s safety
Contents and ways of using first aid kits in cars, at home and in companies
Type of course
Learning outcomes
K_W03 has acquired an organised compendium of knowledge in the subject area of the course: safety and first aid procedures
K_W03 knows the basic terms pertaining to safety and first aid procedures
K_U01 is able to find, analyse, evaluate, select and use information from various sources and in different ways
K_U20 can evaluate the usefulness of typical methods and procedures in first aid procedures
K_U24 is capable of effective team work, ready to perform different roles in the group; (s)he knows how to accept and appoint tasks and has acquired basic organisation skills towards implementing professional tasks and achieving projected aims
K_U25 is able to analyse his/her own work and indicate any particular areas which might require modification in her/his further activities
K_K07 is aware of his/her level of knowledge and skills and understands the necessity of continued self-development, both professional and personal, consistently self-evaluating her/his competence and developing skills, thus appointing her/his paths of development and education
Assessment criteria
100% attendance; the practical task correctly performed.
Andres J.: (2006) Pierwsza Pomoc i i resuscytacja krążeniowo-oddechowa. Podręcznik dla studentów wyd. Polska Rada Resuscytacji.
Buchfelder M., Buchfelder A: (2005) Podręcznik pierwszej pomocy. Warszawa PZWL
Budynek M. Nowacki C (2008) Opatrywanie ran. Wiedza i umiejętności. wyd. Makmed
Chrząszczewska A (2002) Bandażowanie wyd. PZWL
Hettiaratchy S. (2007) ABC oparzeń wy. Górnicki
Kokot F.(2008) : Ostre stany zagrożenia życia w chorobach wewnętrznych. wyd. PZWL
Krzywda J.(2007) : Pierwsza pomoc w nagłych wypadkach. wyd. KaBe
Zawadzki A. (2008) Medycyna ratunkowa i katastrof. wyd. PZWL
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: