Sustainable Development Strategy 4030-STR
1. Basics of ecology.
2. Properties of ecosystems.
3. Functioning of the biosphere as a system.
4. Environmental impact assessment.
5. Classification of natural environment resources.
6. The rules of managing natural resources.
7. Validation of the natural environment.
8. Theoretical foundations of sustainable development.
9. The idea of sustainable development on the international forum.
10. Institutionalization of the idea of sustainable development.
11. Main directions of activities for sustainable development.
12. Premises for sustainable development in the future.
13. Indicators of sustainable development.
14. Aggregate indicators of sustainable development.
15. Indicators of sustainable economic well-being.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A. Knowledge
1. The student knows the basics of ecology and the functioning of the biosphere as a system: ecosystem, trophic chains in the biosphere, circulation of matter and biogeochemical cycles, energy supply, evolutionary and adaptation processes.
2. The student has knowledge about the impact of economic activities on the functioning of ecosystems: degradation of the natural environment, violation of the balance of ecosystems, the limits of traditional forms of economic development.
3. Student knows and understands the classification of natural resources: non-renewable and renewable resources. Knows the principles of managing natural resources: the principle of maximum sustainable income for renewable resources, the Hotelling rule for non-renewable resources.
4. The student knows the direct and indirect methods of economic valuation used to value non-market goods and services of the natural environment. Knows the possibilities of extended economic cost-benefit analysis.
5. The student knows and understands the theoretical foundations of sustainable development. Knows the problem of depreciation of natural capital and substitution of non-renewable resources.
6. The student has knowledge about sustainable development in the international forum, and in particular knows the key documents "Brundtland Report" and "Agenda 21".
7. The student knows the problem of measuring the sustainability of development and the concepts contained in the solutions proposed by the OECD, UNCSD, EU.
8. The student knows the national indicator systems developed for Great Britain, Germany and Norway. He also knows selected indicator systems for local communities.
9. The student has knowledge of the modification of national accounts and aggregate indicators of sustainable development, such as: GDP modifications, Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare, Genuine Savings, Total Material Requirement, Ecological Footprint.
(S2A_W02; S2A_W03; S2A_W05; S2A_W07; S2A_W08; S2A_W09)
B. Skills
1. The student is able to interpret and correctly assess projects and socio-economic policy from the perspective of the concept of sustainable development.
2. Student is able to create new and interpret existing systems for measuring sustainable development.
3. The student has the ability to make an indicative assessment of socio-economic phenomena in terms of their compliance with the principles of sustainable development.
(S2A_U01; S2A_U03; S2A_U05; S2A_U06; S2A_U08)
C. Social competences
1. The student is aware that long-term development will be possible only if practical implementation of recommendations and solutions in line with the concept of sustainable development.
2. Student is able to make choices in his life that contribute to strengthening the durability of the system composed of the economy, society and the environment.
(S2A_K03; S2A_K04; S2A_K05; S2A_K06)
Assessment criteria
Assessment is based on individual presentation and its text. Attendance control: maximum number of excused absences is 3.
Borys T. (red.), 2005. Wskaźniki zrównoważonego rozwoju. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, Białystok.
Kośmicki E., 2010. Zrównoważony rozwój w warunkach globalizacji gospodarki. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, Białystok.
Scruton R., 2017. Zielona filozofia. Jak poważnie myśleć o naszej planecie. Zysk i S-ka Wydawnictwo, Poznań.
Borys T. (red.), 1999. Wskaźniki ekorozwoju. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i środowisko, Białystok.
Carley M., Spapens P., 2000. Dzielenie się światem. Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju, Białystok-Warszawa.
Dasmann R.F., Milton J.P., Freeman P.H., 1980. Ekologiczne podstawy rozwoju ekonomicznego. PWN, Warszawa.
Kozłowski S., 2000. Ekorozwój. Wyzwanie XXI wieku. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
Nasza wspólna przyszłość, 1991. PWE, Warszawa.
Peterson del Mar D., 2010. Ekologia. Zysk i Ska Wydawnictwo, Poznań.
Śleszyński J., 2000. Ekonomiczne problemy ochrony środowiska. Aries, Warszawa.Borys T. (red.), 1999. Wskaźniki ekorozwoju. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i środowisko, Białystok.
von Weizscker E.U., Lovins A.B., Lovins L.H., 1999. Mnożnik cztery. Polskie Towarzystwo Współpracy z Klubem Rzymskim - Wydawnictwo Rolewski, Toruń.
Wilson E.O., 2016. Znaczenie ludzkiego istnienia. Wydawnictwo Aletheia, Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: