Environmental and Resource Economics 4030-ESZN
1. Relations of economy and economics with the environment.
2. Market economy. Market efficiency in conditions of perfect competition and its unreliability in the occurrence of external costs and public goods.
3. Correcting external effects. Coase theorem, Pigou taxes, transferable permits.
4. Decisions related to environmental management. Collective decisions. Undertaking in a situation of uncertainty.
5. Intertemporal choice. Discount rate. Public projects.
6. Exploitation of non-renewable resources. The Hotelling rule.
7. Exploitation of renewable resources. The concept of maximum permanent income.
8. Economic valuation of non-market goods.
9. Economic valuation methods.
10. Welfare meters and the database of environmental resources. Modifying national accounts.
11. Sustainable development and its measures.
12. Enterprise and environmental protection.
13. Regulations in the field of environmental protection. Instruments and mechanisms.
14. Open economy. International trade. Economic integration.
15. Overview of global environmental problems.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
A. Knowledge
1. The student has a basic knowledge of the relationship between the economy and the natural environment. He knows the contribution of economic thought to describing and solving problems arising during the management of natural resources (S1A_W01, S1A_W04).
2. The student knows the principles of rational management of limited resources and methods of comparing the benefits and costs of projects and projects under consideration (S1A_W06).
3. The student knows the basic rights and advantages and disadvantages of the market mechanism. He knows the reasons that make the market fail (market failures). Among the most important causes of market imperfections, it distinguishes externalities (externalities) and the specificity of public goods. The student has knowledge of the methods and mechanisms of intervention in the functioning of the market. He knows Coase's theorem and its assumption, knows the role and the possibility of using Pigou tax to internalize the external cost. He knows that there is a wide spectrum of regulatory mechanisms (legal and administrative and economic) that allow the market mechanism to be adjusted (S1A_W07, S1A_W08, S1A_W09).
4. The student has a basic knowledge of the difficulties of making collective decisions related to the management of the environment and the implementation of public projects. He knows the rules governing the taking up of a situation in conditions of uncertainty. He has knowledge of the inter-period selection, knows the essence and application of the discount rate.
5. The student understands the specific nature of natural resources, in particular in the division of exhaustible resources into non-renewable and renewable resources. He knows the Hotelling rule determining the optimal rate of consumption of exhaustible resources, and the concept of maximum sustainable yield used in the analysis of renewable resources (S1A_W05).
6. The student has a basic knowledge of methods of economic valuation of non-market benefits derived from the natural environment: Travel Cost Method, Hedonic Price Method, Contingent Valuation Method or Choice Experiment method ).
7. The student knows the limitations of the Gross Domestic Product as a measure of well-being and knows the proposals for alternative and complementary measures formulated in the spirit of the concept of sustainable and sustainable development (Sustainable Development); for example: well-being measures, material inputs, Ecological Footprint and others. With regard to the indicators used, the student has sufficient knowledge to assess their strengths and weaknesses.
8. The student knows the instruments and mechanisms of environmental policy, by means of which the behavior of business entities is influenced (S1A_W02, S1A_W03). In particular, the student knows and combines the operation of the enterprise and the operation of typical prescriptive and economic instruments, such as fees and tradable permits
B. Skills
1. The student can express problems related to the use of environmental resources in economic terms, and thus indicate the costs and benefits that connect with them (S1A_U01, S1A_U03). Can formulate the conditions necessary to achieve environmental protection on a scale justified by social preferences (S1A_U06).
2. The student is able to choose the appropriate method of description and measurement of the problem, appropriate to determine the natural and economically justified level of benefiting from the environment (S1A_U02, S1A_U04). He is able to propose instruments of interference in the market appropriate for a given problem (S1A_U05, S1A_U07).
3. The student understands the limitations of economics in justifying socio-economic decisions regarding the appropriate level of environmental protection (S2A_U08). He understands that the economic value does not exhaust the entire complexity of the relationship between man and the natural environment.
C. Social competences
1. Student is able to think and act in the field of environmental protection, appreciating the importance of economic sciences (S1A_K01). Can propose a solution which will be interdisciplinary but supported by arguments and instruments that take into account natural conditions, social preferences and economic criteria (S1A_K04).
2. The student is aware of the limitations of economic analysis, but is equipped with the knowledge and skills sufficient to correctly formulate the problem of environmental protection, in which proper and necessary economic knowledge is required.
Assessment criteria
Oral exam.
Grade assessment from poor to very good.
Practical placement
Śleszyński J., 2000. Ekonomiczne problemy ochrony środowiska. Aries, Warszawa.
Żylicz T., 2004. Ekonomia środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. PWE, Warszawa.
Anderson D.A., 2010. Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management. Routledge, Oxon.
Anderson G., Śleszyński J. (red.), 1996. Ekonomiczna wycena środowiska przyrodniczego. Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, Białystok.
Budnikowski A., 1998. Ochrona środowiska jako problem globalny. PWE, Warszawa.
Chapman D., 2000. Environmental Economics: Theory, Application, and Policy. Addison-Wesley-Longman, Reading.
Fiedor B. (red.), 2002. Podstawy ekonomii środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck, Warszawa.
Folmer H., Gabel L., Opschoor H. (red.), 1996. Ekonomia środowiska i zasobów naturalnych. Krupski i S-ka, Warszawa.
Pearce D.W., Turner R.K., 1990. Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment. Harvester Wheatsheaf, London.
Winpenny J.T., 1995. Wartość środowiska. Metody wyceny ekonomicznej. PWE, Warszawa.
Żylicz T., 1989. Ekonomia wobec problemów środowiska przyrodniczego. PWN, Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: