- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
(in Polish) Gen AI w akademii: od podstaw do zastosowań praktycznych 3700-AL-GAI-OG
This course has not yet been described...
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Crawford K., Atlas sztucznej inteligencji. Władza, pieniądze i środowisko naturalne, Wydawnictwa UJ 2024.
Nazarewicz A. (red.), PoznAI przyszłość. Opowiadania o umyśle i nauce, Poznań 2023.
Przegalińska A., Oksanowicz P., Sztuczna inteligencja. Nieludzka, arcyludzka, Znak 2023.
Przegalińska A., Trantoro T., Converging Minds: The Creative Potential of Collaborative AI, CRCPress 2024.
Searle J., Umysł. Krótkie wprowadzenie, Rebis 2010.
Suleyman M., Bhaskar M., Nadchodząca fala. Sztuczna inteligencja, władza i najważniejszy dylemat ludzkości w XXI wieku, Szczeliny 2024.
Wybrane odcinki podcastów "Radio Naukowe", "Nauka. To lubię" i "Alexa Stage".
Wybrane teksty spekulatywne (opowiadania) autorów takich jak B. Chambers, T. Chiang, J. Dukaj, N. Kritzer, S. Lem, J. Scalzi, A. Reynolds.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: