Love in France : from Middle Ages to Nowadays 3304-2DXW-WM-MFSD
The lecture is devoted to the analysis of representations of love in French culture from the Middle Ages to the present day and their location in the historical and social context.
The analysis of cultural texts (literature, art...) will allow the audience to understand how the attitude of the French to marriage, free relationships, homosexuality, prostitution, rape, etc. has changed over the centuries, what influenced these changes and what consequences they had.
The following specific topics will be covered during the course:
1) Love in the Middle Ages (influence of the Church and the classification of sins)
2) Love in the 16th century (different faces of humanism)
3) Love in the 17th century (depravation of the rich and persecution of the poor)
4) Love in the 18th century (libertinism facing (?) reason)
5) Romantic love
6) Love in the 19th century (white geese, angels and brothels)
7) Love in the 20th Century (great changes)
8) Love in the 21st century (and what next?)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course students will be able to:
- explain the basic terms related to the subject of the classes (cohabitation, cohabitation, "natural" and "unnatural" sins, PACS...)
- list the most important features of depictions of love in a given age.
- compare the discussed performances with the historical and social situation.
- show the reasons and consequences of changes in depictions of love in different eras.
- briefly characterize the depiction of love in a given, discussed text of culture.
To the extent limited to the issues relevant to the presented topic, the subject implements the following learning outcomes from the Romance philology study program: K_W01, K_W02, K_W03, K_W04, K_W05, K_W06, K_W09, K_U03, K_U05, K_K03
Assessment criteria
- Attendance: only two absences without consequences in the form of a supplementary presentation.
- Two tests (open questions): the first in the middle of the term, the second - at the end.
Chosen bibliography:
Philippe ARIES, Georges DUBY (dir.), Histoire de la vie privee, Seuil, 1985.
Georges DUBY, PERRET Michel (dir), Histoire des femmes, Plon, 1991.
Alain CORBIN, Les filles de noce, Gallimard, 2015.
Alain CORBIN, Histoire du corps, Le Seuil, 2005, t. 1-2.
Jean-Louis FLANDRIN, Le sexe et l'Occident, Le Seuil, 1981.
Elisabeth BADINTER, L'Amour en plus, Flammarion, 1980.
Michel FOUCAULT, Histoire de la sexualite, Gallimard, 1984.
Guy RICHARD, Annie RICHARD-LE GUILLOU, Histoire de l'amour, Editions Privat, 2002.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: