- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Austrian and Swiss Literature and Culture 3302-AiSKiL-OG
The following topics will be discussed during the classes:
- customs in Austria and Germany;
- the importance of Vienna, Salzburg and Zurich in the development of culture;
- selected contemporary Austrian and Swiss writers;
- travel reports;
- selected museums, theatre and opera stages.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
- are able to analyse and compare the works of various writers in terms of their form and content and the connections between them;
- are familiar with examples of cultural texts in both German-speaking countries;
- are familiar with the research methods used in comparative studies;
- are familiar with selected works in the field of aesthetics, history of literature and history of art;
- are able to present their position in the group forum and participate in the discussion.
Assessment criteria
1) regular participation in online classes (google meet, every two weeks)
2) completing short tests via google classroom (every two weeks);
3) submitting an essay or a review.
Fragments of selected films
Selected press articles and websites
Literature (selection):
- Allenspach, Christoph: Architektur in der Schweiz: Bauen im. 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Zurich 1998.
- Bernhard, Thomas: Zimowy dzień w Alpach; Matczyny krajobraz. In: idem, 38 opowiadań, Warszawa 2024, pp. 384-988 and 398-401.
- Cesco, Federica de: Schweizer Feste und Bräuche. Bern 1977.
- Czaike, Felix/Brauneis, Walther: Wien und Umgebung. Kunst, Architektur und Geschichte der Donaumetropole. Köln 1978. Instytut Germanistyki, K-878.
- Domándl, Hanna: Kulturgeschichte Österreichs. Von den Anfängen bis 1938. Wien 1982.
- Dreissinger, Sepp: Im Kaffeehaus: Gespräche, Fotografien. Biblioteka Austriacka BUW, 83/630-28289.
- Dulewicz, Andrzej: Encyklopedia historii sztuki. Austria, Niemcy, Szwajcaria. BUW, free access, N6859.D84 1993.
- Egli, Emil: Die Schweiz: eine Landeskunde. Bern 1970. Biblioteka Wydziału Geografii UW.
- Flüeler, Niklaus: Von der Rebe zum Wein. Weinbau in der Schweiz. Zürich 1980.
- Fritzsche, Bruno [et al.]: Historischer Strukturatlas der Schweiz: die Entstehung der modernen Schweiz. Baden 2001.
- Galon, Rajmund: Alpy, Austria, Szwajcaria. Warszawa 1958.
- Gogut, Anna [red.]: Historia sztuki świata. Warszawa 1998.
- Góralski, Zbigniew: Maria Teresa. BUW, free access, DB71.G67 1995.
- Größing, Sigrid-Maria: Cesarzowe Habsburgów. Warszawa 2018. BUW free access, DB 362.G76165 2018
- Hamann, Richard: Geschichte der Kunst. Berlin 1963. Instytut Germanistyki UW, K/s 5029/1.
- Hausner, Ernst: Wien. Wien 1999. Biblioteka Austriacka BUW, 909/650-28561.
- Heise, Ulla: Kaffee und Kaffeehaus: Ein Bohne macht Kulturgeschichte. Instytut Goethego; BUW, free access GT2918.H47 1987.
- Kamińska, Agnieszka: Szwajcaria, podróż przez raj wymyślony. Poznań 2021. BUW, DQ36 .K35 2021.
- Kaszyński, Stefan H.: Legenda wiedeńskiej kawiarni literackiej, in: idem, W cieniu habsburskich krajobrazów. Poznań 2006, S. 63-79. BUW, free access, PT 3818.K387.
- Kirchhoff, Hermann: Christliches Brauchtum: Feste und Bräuche im Jahreskreis. München 2004. BUW, free access, BV43 .K57 2004.
- Köchli Y.-D.: Themen in der neuen schweizerischen Literatur. Peter Lang: Bern/Frankfurt am Main 1982.
- Kospach, Julia: Wien. Eine Melange. Oasen für die Sinne. Wien 2009.
- Leyko, Małgorzata/Pełka, Artur/Prykowska-Michalak, Karolina (red.): Felix Austria - dekonstrukcje mitu? Kraków 2011. BUW, free access, PT 3821.F45 2012.
- Lichtenberger, Elisabeth: Österreich. Darmstadt 1997. Wydział Geografii 56034; 62277.
- Luba, Iwona: Berlin, szalone lata dwudzieste, nocne życie i sztuka. Warszawa 2013.
- Makłowicz, Robert: Café Museum. Wołowiec 2010. BUW, free access, GT 2853.E8 M35 2010.
- Magris, Claudio: Mit habsburski w literaturze austriackiej moderny [fragmenty]. BUW, free access, PT 3812.M27165 2019.
- Musil, Robert: Człowiek bez właściwości [fragmenty]. Warszawa 2022. BUW, free access, PT 2625.U8 M3165 2002.
- Nigg, Werner: Schweiz: Land, Volk, Wirtschaft in Stichworten. Wien 1975.
- Persönlichkeiten Europas: Schweiz. Luzern 1974. BUW, free access, DQ52 .P47 1974.
- Sagner, Karen: Secesja (z niem. przeł. Piotr Taracha). Warszawa 2007. BUW, N6465.A7 S34165.
- Schönhoff, Sybill: Feste & Bräuche im Jahreskreis. Ravensburg 1980.
- Tęcza, Krzysztof: Szwajcaria: notatki z podróży. Jelenia Góra 2021.
- Thüler, Margrit: Feste im Alpenraum. Zürich 1997.
- Wolf, Helga Maria: Österreichische Feste & Bräuche im Jahreskreis. St. Pölten/Wien/Linz 2003.
- Zurich. [Konzept: Albert Ernst]. Zürich 1990. Biblioteka CKNJOiEE .
- Zweig, Stefan: Świat wczorajszy [fragmenty]. BUW, 198301.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: