Teory of literature 3221-S2-FBA-TL11
The issue of literariness (areas falling within the scope of literary theory, Various schools of understanding of literary theory, theory and history of literature and literary critic)
Ontological structure and ontological status of a literary work of art.
Semiotics of the work. Model of literary communication, semiotic interpretative concepts.
The concept of imitation; distinction between mimesis and diegesis.
Fictionality and presentation. The concept of mapping reality and realism, secondary modeling of the presented world. Literary fiction as a constitutive feature of the work
Functioning of language in the literary work of art. Elements of the structure of the literary expression, modeling of the expression.
Elements of genology.
Rhetoric (stylistic figures) in combination with poetics; the concept of lyricism.
Drama in the context of communication theory; performative language in drama, theatrical and literary theory of drama.
The concept of narrative. Model of the narrative situation.
Elements of the theory of narrative; poetics of the story.
Time and space of a literary work.
Student workload:
30h participation in classes
45h preparation for classes, including reading texts
15h preparation for the exam
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes
shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools, most likely Google
Meet and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows:
to a greater extent the specific and methodological specificity of literary studies
in a deepened degree, literary terminology, also in the field of advanced detailed knowledge
to a greater extent appropriate to the various research schools rules for the interpretation of cultural products
to a deeper extent the main directions of development of literary studies and the most important contemporary trends
The student can
formulate and analyze research problems in the field of literary studies, select innovative research methods and tools, and develop and present results, also in unpredictable conditions
to a greater extent appropriate to the various research schools rules for the interpretation of cultural products
to a deeper extent the main directions of development of literary studies and the most important contemporary trends
The student is ready:
formulate and analyze research problems in the field of literary studies, select innovative research methods and tools, and develop and present results, also in unpredictable conditions
formulate and test hypotheses related to simple research problems in the field of literary studies
Assessment criteria
Oral exam
Number of questions: 3.
II. Scoring questions: from 3 to 0.
III. Point conversion for ratings:
4.5-5 points - dst (3.0)
5.5-6 points - dst + (3.5)
6.5-7 points - db (4.0)
7.5-8 points - db + (4.5)
8.5-9 points - very good (5.0)
9+ points - very good! (5!)
Pts. 3
Student: characterizes issues with the use of various determinants (philosophical, world-view, poetological etc.), calls on the names of representatives (including secondary ones), has detailed knowledge of the content of the readings, conducts a comprehensive analysis, gives various research positions. The statement is spontaneous, comprehensive, thoughtful, the student uses specialist terminology extensively.
Pts. 2
Student: characterizes the issue, shows knowledge of the content of the reading, analyzes. The statement is fluent, the student uses specialist terminology.
Pts. 1
Student: to a limited extent, after asking additional questions, he characterizes the subject, shows a basic knowledge of reading content, conducts analysis at the elementary level (referring only to content), lists only some representatives, indicates only constitutive features. The statement is broken; consists of unrelated information, the student requires guidance by the examiner.
Requirements for the assessment of 5!
- 3 points for every question,
- meeting the requirements for 3 points and in addition: knowledge and skills from outside the curriculum, reading knowledge from outside the reading list, references to world literature.
1. R. Wellek, A. Warren, Teoria literatury, tłum. M. Żurowski, Warszawa 1976.
2. J. Culler, Teoria literatury, tłum. M. Bassaj, Warszawa 1998.
3. A. Burzyńska, M. P. Markowski, Teorie literatury XX wieku. Podręcznik, Kraków 2006.
4. R. Ingarden, Szkice z filozofii literatury, Kraków 2000.
5. A. Compagnon, Demon teorii. Literatura a zdrowy rozsądek, tłum. T. Stróżyński, Gdańsk 2010.
6. D. Korwin-Piotrowska, Poetyka – przewodnik po świecie tekstów, Kraków 2011.
7. T. Eagleton, Teoria literatury. Wprowadzenie, tłum. B. Baran, Warszawa 2015.
8. D. Zdunkiewicz-Jedynak, Wykłady ze stylistyki, Warszawa 2008
9. Teorie literatury XX wieku. Antologia, red. A. Burzyńska, M. P. Markowski, Kraków 2006.
10. Problemy teorii literatury, S. 1–4., Wrocław 1987-1998 [wydania późniejsze].
11. Sztuka interpretacji, wybór i opracowanie H. Markiewicz, Kraków 1971-1973, t. I-II.
12. Teoria badań literackich za granicą. Antologia, oprac. S. Skwarczyńska, Kraków 1965-1986, t. I-VI.
Additional information
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