Introduction to literary studies 3221-S1-FBA-WL11
As part of the course, selected issues of literature science are discussed with particular emphasis on stylistics and verifications. The course will focus on the understanding of the main tendencies of literature science in the 20th century: Formalism, New Criticism, linguistic and semiotic theories, sociological theories, Psychoanalysis, reader-centric theories (phenomenological, hermeneutic and deconstructivist theories), as well as post-colonial and feminist theories. A supplement to the message in the field of genology is the discussion of the criteria for division into literary genres and genres, the solution of difficult issues of species systematization. Particular emphasis is put on the practical application of knowledge in the field of poetics (interpretation and analysis of the work). If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools, most likely Google Meet and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands:
- to a high degree of subject and methodological specificity of research
literary studies (K1_W02),
- advanced degree in literary terminology (K1_W04)
- to an advanced extent, the historical literary process and understands the impact of historical and cultural changes on its development (K1_W07)
- to an advanced extent, the main directions of development of literary studies and the most important contemporary trends (K1_W10)
- to an advanced degree theories and concepts in the history of ideas (K1_W12)
The student can:
- formulate and analyze research problems in the field of literary studies, select research methods and tools (K1_U03)
- use theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts appropriate for literary studies while communicating with the environment and during debates and discussions (K1_U05)
- recognize different types of literature products and conduct their critical analysis and interpretation in a broader context (K1_U06)
- substantively argue and formulate conclusions using the views of other authors in Polish and foreign (K1_U08)
- plan and implement your own lifelong learning (K1_U15)
The student is willing to:
- critical assessment of knowledge and content received (K1_K01)
- recognition of the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive problems
and practical and reaching for expert opinions (K1_K02)
- correct identification and resolution of professional dilemmas in accordance with traditions and principles of professional ethics (K1_K04)
Assessment criteria
A final written work on the analysis of a literary text in the form of an essay.
Percentage thresholds necessary to obtain individual grades:
3.0 - from 50%
3.5 - from 60%
The student characterizes the subject to a limited extent, demonstrates a basic knowledge of the content of the readings, performs basic analysis (referring only to the content), lists only some representatives, and indicates only constitutive features.
4.0 - from 70%
4.5 - from 80%
The student characterizes the subject appropriately, shows knowledge of the content of the reading, and carries out an analysis. The text is logical, the student uses specialist terminology.
5.0 - from 90%
The student characterizes the subject various determinants (philosophical, ideological, poetological, etc.), mentions the names of representatives (also secondary), shows a detailed knowledge of the content of the reading, carries out a comprehensive analysis, and gives various research positions. The text is logical, comprehensive, well-thought-out, the student widely uses specialist terminology
5! - to obtain this assessment, the student must demonstrate knowledge beyond the framework of the program
2 ECTS Lecture - 30 h
Preparation for the final assignment - 30 hours
1. Dobie, A. Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism. Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont 2014.
2. Booth W.C., Rodzaje narracji, "Pamiętniki Literackie" 1971, z. 1. 3. Chrząstkowska B., Wysłouch S., Poetyka stosowana, Warszawa 1987.
4. Dłuska M., Próba teorii wiersza polskiego, Kraków 1980.
5. Dłuska M., Wiersz [w:] Problemy teorii literatury, oprac. H. Markiewicz, Wrocław 1969.
6. Głowiński M., Okopień-Sławińska A., Sławiński J., Zarys teorii literatury, Warszawa 1991.
7 Markiewicz H., Główne problemy wiedzy o literaturze, Kraków 1980.
8. Miodońska-Brookes E., Kulawik A., Tatara M., Zarys poetyki, Warszawa 1978.
9. Handke, R.Poetyka dzieła literackiego, PWN, Warszawa, 2008.
10. Eagleton, T. Teoria literatury. Wprowadzenie, Aletheia, Warszawa 2015
11. A. Burzyńska, M. P. Markowski, Teorie literatury XX wieku. Podręcznik, Kraków 2006.
12 Mitosek Z., Teorie badań literackich, Warszawa 2004.
13. Kaniewska B., Legeżyńska A., Teoria literatury. Skrypt dla studentów, Poznań 2002.
14. Słownik wiedzy o literaturze, pod red. Cudak R., Pytasz M., Katowice 2005.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: