Master's Seminar III 3221-S2-FBA-SEM21
During the seminar there are discussed the relationship between language and human identity in the social conditions of multilingualism with particular emphasis on differences in the areas of use of two state languages: Belarusian and Russian. Russian language exists primarily as a language of administration, and Belarusian - as a language of family and domestic relations. These languages are the carriers of cultural, regional, class identity, but not the national one. But the literary Belarusian language is now perceived as a carrier of national values, a sense of national dignity and independence from Russia.
The identity of the indyvidual consists of the features arising from his belonging to social groups (cultural), defined by the audited entity and the environment, allowing to isolate the social identity oneself and social identity of the individual. In the ontogenic pattern of identity is a definite place for the language, as for an important or even a basic component of culture and as an essential tool of communication between people.
In Belarus there are significant regional and social differences that cause diglossive blilingualilty or leading to the formation of a third linguistic quality - "trashanki" which may pose a danger to the transition from blilingualilty to momolinguality, but not Bielarusian, Russian.
Undoubtedly one of the elements of the spiritual life is a religious practice, but in different confessions the Belarusian language has a completely different role, which is the primary language of the Uniate Church, takes an important place in the Catholic Church, while in the Protestant Church and the Orthodox Church have not taken its rightful place so far, what particularly emphasis Belarusian emigration, saying that you can not talk about national liberation of the Belarusians, when they still remain in the Russian spiritual bondage. The problem of national languages in religious practice can be seen especially clearly in the ethno-cultural borderlands, such as the Polish-Belarusian-Lithuanian.
Russification processes in Belarus include various parts of life and particularly sharply manifest themselves at different levels of language: phonetic, grammatical, lexical, phraseological, which was reasoned not only by interference processes, but above all by language policy both in the BSSR, and now - in the independent Republic of Belarus.
Student workload:
30 hours - classes in the room, 2 ECTS;
30 hours - preparation for classes, 1 ECTS;
15 hours - preparation to pass, 1 ECTS.
Term 2023Z:
During the course, the basic concepts, trends and theories in literary research of the 20th century are discussed. The course includes a review of the history of Belarusian literature and monographic studies of the works of individual writers (M. Czarot, M. Zarecki, K. Czorny, A. Kulaszou, P. Panczanka, M. Tank). Interpretation of literary works, issues of poetics and problems, historical context. Familiarizing students with the specificity of literary translation. Analysis of translations of literary works from Belarusian into Polish and from Polish into Belarusian |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
After completing the course,
1. KNOWLEDGE: student understands and has an in-depth knowledge of
- subject and methodological characteristics of research in Belarusian studies as well as terminology used in this area
- main theories of literary and language studies and linguistics-based research methodologies
- basic trends in Belarusian studies
- the role of Belarus in the modern world and its influence on the development of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language
- the process of the development of the literary language in Belarus
- the influence of politics and history on the development of the Belarusian literary language
- regional reasons for developing varieties of the Belarusian language
- characteristics of Belarusian literature or the Belarusian language in connection with other languages or literature of other countries
- subject and methodological characteristics of research in translation studies as well as terminology used in this area
- the significance of émigrés for the development of Belarusian culture and the Belarusian language
-the most significant notions and rules pertaining to the problem of copyright as well as the need to manage resources of intellectual property
2. SKILLS: student can
- use an advanced terminology of language studies in the process of analysing linguistic occurrences
- prepare comparative literary or linguistic analyses on his or her own, using relevant methods and research tools
- evaluate the correct usage of language structures in various utterances
- recognise complex language structures and assess them in terms of their correct usage
- evaluate the role of particular linguistic occurrences from the diachronic and synchronic perspective
- evaluate the role of particular linguistic occurrences against the background of the current socio-political situation in Belarus and its borderland
- present theories of researchers of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language as well as draw conclusions about the development of the language and literature and present synthetic overviews
- use an advanced terminology of translation studies in the process of analysing translated works
- individually prepare analyses of translated works, following and comparing the latest research in the area
- evaluate the role of particular translators of Belarusian and Polish in the context of the process of the Polish and Belarusian cultural exchange
- identify the role of specific historical events for the development of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language in the context of European history
- evaluate the role of Belarusian émigrés in shaping the language and literature as well as present conclusions, following the latest research in the area
- individually gain knowledge and broaden his or her research skills as well as increase competencies for the professional career
3. SOCIAL COMPETENCES: student is ready to
- identify and solve dilemmas about the profession
- identify and solve dilemmas about the profession
- take regular part in cultural life, including the cultural life of Belarus, using various media and its forms
Assessment criteria
- presence and activity in the classroom,
- current preparation for classes,
- having written at least 50% of dissertation.
Assessment of the next fragment of the MA thesis and bibliography: 30% assessment of the thesis and bibliography.
30 hours (2 ECTS) - seminar
30 hours (2 ECTS) - student's own work:
20% - library query
30% - material analysis
50% - preparation of 30% of the essay and bibliography
Two absences are allowed.
The conditions for passing the resit are the same.
1. Barszczeuskaja N., Belaruskaja emihracyja - abaronca rodnae movy, Warszawa 2004.
2. Barszczeuskaja N., Klopat "Baćkauszczyny" pra czysciniu belaruskaj movy, w: Belarusika-Аlbaruthenica, № 15, Mińsk 2000.
3. Barszczeuskaja N., Reforma 1933 hodu i stan nacyjanalnae movy u Belarusi, w: Innowacje w językach wschodniosłowiańskich, t.II, Zielona Góra 2002.
4. Barszczeuskaja N., Rusyfikacyja belaruskae movy u aśvjatleńni czasapisu "Belarus", w: Acta Albaruthenica, № 3, Mińsk 2003.
5. Barszczeuskaja N., Rusyfikacyjnyja pracesy u Belarusi u acency Stanislava Stankevicza, w: Roczniki Humanistyczne, t. LIII, z. 7, Lublin 2005.
6. Barszczeuskaja N., Stanoviszcza nacyjanalnae movy u Respublicy Belaruś u acency sluchaczou Belaruskaj redakcyi Polskaha radyjo, w: Pogranicza języków. Pogranicza kultur, Warszawa 2003.
7. Barszczeuskaja N., Suadnosiny pamiż movaj i nacyjanalnaj toesnaściu u aśvjatleńni hazety "Belarus", w: Belaruś - XXI stahoddze. Nacyjanalna-kulturnae i duchounae razviccjo, Mińsk 2004.
8. Barszczewska N., Język a tożsamość narodowa Białorusinów w ujęciu emigracji białoruskiej, w: Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000.
9. Bembel A., Rodnae slova i nacyjanalna-estetyczny prahres, London 1985.
10. Kipel V., Belarusy u ZSZA, Mińsk 1993.
11. Maźko E., Mova relihii jak vyznaczalnik nacyjanalnaj svjadomasci, w: Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000.
12. Mironowicz E., Świadomość narodowa ludności prawosławnej Białostocczyzny, w: Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000
13. Pranczak L., Belaruskaja Ameryka, Mińsk 1994.
14. Radzik R., Język jako wyznacznik tożsamości Białorusinów, w: Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000.
15. Radzik R., Kim są Białorusini, Toruń 2002.
16. Sadowski A., Miejsce języka w strukturze tożsamości osobniczej na pograniczu kultur, w: Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000.
17. Smułkowa E., Dwujęzyczność po białorusku: bilingwizm, dyglosja czy coś innego? w: Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000.
18. Smułkowa E., Problem języków narodowych w praktyce religijnej na polsko-białorusko-litewskimpograniczu etniczno-kulturowym, w: Białoruś i pogranicza. Studia o języku i społeczeństwie, Warszawa 2002.
19. Smułkowa E., Wokół problemu poczucia tożsamości mieszkańców Białorusi, w: Białoruś i pogranicza. Studia o języku i społeczeństwie, Warszawa 2002
20. Stankevicz J., Zbor tvorau u dvuch tamach, Mińsk 2002.
21. Stankevicz S., Rusifikacyja belaruskae movy u BSSR, Mińsk 1994.
22. Stankevicz S., Rusifikacyja belaruskae movy u BSSR i supraciu rusifikacyjnamu pracesu, w: "Zapisy", № 1, Monachium 1962.
23. Straczuk J., Język a tożsamość człowieka w warunkach społecznej wielojęzyczności, Warszawa 1999.
24. Szuba P., Mounaja belaruska-ruskaja amanimija i paranimija, w: Pytanni bilinhvizmu i uzaemadzejannja mou, Mińsk 1982.
25. Zaprudski S., Belaruskaja mova u jae kantaktach z rasijskaj: u ciskach adnimalnaha bilinhvizmu, w: Letopis 50 (2003), 1.
26. Zaprudski S., Laużal H., Życcjovasć belaruskaj nacyjanalnaj i mounaj supolnascjau: merkavanni "ruskamounych" belarusau vs. merkavannjau "belaruskamounych" belarusau vs. merkavannjau ruskich, w: Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000.
And additional readings suggested by the teacher.
Term 2023Z:
1. Biełaruskija piśmienniki: Bijabiblijagraficzny słounik: U szasci tamach. Mińsk 1992-1995. |
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