History of Belarusian literature - 20th century (1970-2000) 3221-S1-FBA-HLB32
In class historical processes are considered that occured in Belarus in the 1970's-1990's. There is also taken into account both the development of literature genres (especially fables and various genres of prose), the development of poetics (individual tendencies romantic, realistic, and modernistic), and the change in the perception of reality by contemporary artists. Much of the seminar is devoted to the dynamic development of Belarusian prose, in particular, there is discussed Uladimir Karatkevich's historical prose („Parom na burnaj race", "Czorny zamak Alszanski”), a psychological Vasil Bykau's war prose („Znak biady”, „Pakachaj mianie, sałdacik”), and based on facts, the prose of Ales Adamowicz ("Chatynska apowieść"), the sociological prose of Ivan Mielez ("Zawiei, śnieżań") and Wasil Bykau ("Abława"), the biographical prose of Alyaksiej Karpiuk ("Danuta"), Kastusia Akuły ("Hfrawatka") and the poetic prose of Michaś Stralcou ("Adzin Łapać, adzin czuń","Smalennie wiepruka","Siena na asfalcie"), dramaturgy by Alyaksiej Dudarau ("Wieczar"), poetry by Pimien Panczanka, Niła Hilewicz, Ryhor Baradulin, Jauhenia Janiszczyc, Alesia Razanawa. There is also taken under consideration the issue of a change in attitudes and understanding communism (critic of collectivization, the change of reality after the Twentieth Congress of the CPSU). There are discussed the changes taking place in the short forms of prose (fables and short stories), new themes emerging in the literature (environmental issues - "Lwy" by Iwan Ptasznikau, critical literature issues - essays of Mihas Stralcou and Barys Sachanka)
Student workload:
30 hours - 1 ECTS point participation in the lecture
30 hours - 1 ECTS point participation in exercises
45 hours - 1.5 ECTS points. Preparation for classes
15 hours - 0.5 ECTS points. Preparation for the exam
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands
K1_W02 at an advanced level, subject and methodological specificity of literary studies
K1_W04 with an advanced degree of literary terminology
K1_W07 at an advanced level, the historical and literary process and understands the impact of historical and cultural changes on its development
K1_W12 to an advanced degree theories and concepts in the field of the history of ideas
Skills: the graduate can
K1_U01 search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information with the use of multilingual sources, including internet sources
K1_U03 formulate and analyze research problems in the field of literary studies, select research methods and tools K1_U05 use theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to literary studies when communicating with the environment and during debates and discussions
K1_U06 recognize various types of literature products and conduct their critical analysis and interpretation in a broader context
K1_U08 substantively argue and formulate conclusions using views
K1_U11 prepare oral presentations in Polish and a foreign language on specific issues, using theoretical approaches, as well as various sources of other authors in Polish and a foreign language
K1_U14 plan and organize individual work and cooperate in a team (also as part of interdisciplinary tasks)
K1_U15 independently plan and implement own learning throughout life
Social competences: the graduate is ready to
K1_K01 critical evaluation of knowledge and content received
K1_K02 recognition of the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and reaching for expert opinions
K1_K04 correct identification and resolution of professional dilemmas in accordance with the traditions and principles of professional ethics
Assessment criteria
In the final evaluation will be taken into account the activity of a student in the class, and oral response, given at the end of the semester, for three randomly selected by the student questions concerning the material discussed in class. While in the case of evaluation activity the attention will be paid mainly on the thoroughness of analysis carried out that during oral answer - on the meaning of the literature processes discussed and knowledge of literary contexts.
Four absences are allowed during the semester.
Completion in the second term is based on the first term.
1. „Historyja biełaruskaj litaratury XX st.”, t. 4, cz.1: 1966-1985, Mińsk 2002
2. „Historyja biełaruskaj litaratury XX st.”, t. 4, cz.2: 1986-2000, Mińsk 2003
3. „Historyja biełaruskaj litaratury XX st.”, t. 4, cz.3, Mińsk 2014
4. Uładzimir Karatkiewicz, „Zbor tworau u 8 tamach”, Mińsk 1987-1991
5. Wasil Bykau, "Pouny zbor tworau", Mińsk 2015
6. Iwan Mieleż, Zbor tworau, Mińsk 1979-1988
7. Michaś Stralcou, „Na uspamin ab radasci. Wybranaje”, Mińsk 1974
8. Barys Saczanka, „Śniacca sny ab Biełarusi…”, Mińsk 1990
9. Aleś Adamowicz, „Chatynskaja apowieść”, Mińsk 1976
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: