History of Belarusian literature - Old Belarusian literature 3221-S1-0HL12K
Medieval in the Eastern and Western Europe. Medieval monuments of religious and secular literature of Kievan Rus with consideration to the Belarusian territories, such as homilies by Kiryl Turovski, The life of Eufrozyna Polotskaya, Apovesc of Merkuriush Smolenski, Slovo o vyprave Igorar, Primary Chronicle, Wedrovka Ihnacyya Smalanina do Constantinopola i Yerosolimy: the main literary motives, language and style, typical elements of poetics. Literature of the period of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Republic are discussed in relation to the development of historical events (the Battle of Grunwald, the Union of Lublin, Union of Brest). Renaissance, its aims and creators in GDL: their works, literary genres, trends. On the example of chosen texts there is discussed the genesis and development of old Belarusian language and literature, the evolution of chronicle genress (in the direction of local, diary records). Old Belarusian culture and literature is discussed in the context of European culture (such as philosophy of the Renaissance and activity of F. Skoryna, the Reformation and its significance for the development of culture and education in the territories of Belarus, the influence of Baroque culture in literature and art of Belarus). In addition, attention is drawn to political writing (Statute of the GDL, reports, polemics), development of new literary genres (poems, panegyrics, political satire, mystery plays, interludes, etc.). It is also noted for the prestigious position of Belarusian language in GDL and its position in the Commonwealth.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
The graduate understands and has an advanced knowledge of:
subject and methodological characteristics of research in Belarusian studies as well as terminology used in this area,
the development process of Belarusian literature,
events from the history of Belarus.
The graduate can:
present theories of researchers of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language as well as draw conclusions about the development of the language and literature,
identify the significance of specific historical events for the development of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language.
The graduate is ready to:
respect other cultures, views and attitudes.
Assessment criteria
Presence and activity in the classroom, current preparation for classes, lecture preparation, analysis, or a short performance, written tests during the semestr, oral examination.
1. Barszczewski A., Historia literatury białoruskiej: okres Rusi Kijowskiej i Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Warszawa 1981.
2. Starażytnaja biełaruskaja literatura: Zbornik, układannie L.S. Kurbieka, U.A. Maruk, Mińsk 2002.
3. Antałohija dauniaj biełaruskaj litaratury XI - pierszaja pałowa XVIII stahoddzia, Minsk 2003.
4. Majchrowicz S. K., Narysy starażytnaj biełaruskaj literatury XIV-XVIII st., Mińsk 1980.
5. Łojka A. A., Starabiełaruskaja literatura, Mińsk 2001.
6. Sawierczanka I.W., Symon Budny: Humanist i refarmatar, Mińsk 1993.
7. Sawierczanka I. W., Aura mediocritas: Kniżna-piśmowaja kultura Biełarusi. Adradżennie i ranniaje baroka, Mińsk 1998.
8. Panasiuk N., Unia brzeska w historycznej relacji Kroniki barkałabowskiej, "Roczniki Humanistyczne"1993, t. XLI, z. 7, s. 65-74 i in.
9. Historyja biełaruskaj literatury XI-XIX stahoddziau u 2 tamach, T. 1 Nawukowy red. toma W. A. Czamiarycki, Mińsk 2006.
10. Swiażynski U. M., Histarycznyja zapiski F. Jeułaszeuskaha, Mińsk 1990.
11. Nie chyliłem czoła przed mocą. Antologia poezji białoruskiej od XV do XX wieku, Kolegium Europy Wschodniej im. Jana Nowaka-Jeziorańskiego, Wrocław 2008.
12. Tomasz Hodana, Najnowsze spory o autentyczość Słowa o wyprawie Igora, "Przegląd Rusycystyczny" 2011, nr 3 (135), s. 5-32.
Additional information
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