Contrastive grammar of the German and the Polish language 3200-L2-0GKN
Theoretical introduction to the problems of contrastive linguistics. Description of the main contrasts of German and Polish language with some elements of English language.
Theoretical introduction to the problems of contrastive linguistics and description of the main contrasts between German and Polish language with some elements of English language. Comparison of chosen grammatical categories of German language with those of Polish: parts of speech such as noun and articles; verbs with stress put on auxiliary and reflexive verbs, constructions with empty verbs, subjunctive I and II, passive voice, tenses; adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions and numerals. Morphology: compounds; syntax: constructions with infinitive and extended attribute. Analysis and comparison of grammar theories, which are contained in the works of U. Engel. G.Helbig/J.Buscha and J. Czochralski. Testing of acquired knowledge in translation exercises.
Student’s workload:
1 point ECTS in total
Class attendance = I semester = 15h = 1/2 ECTS
(25-30h = 1 ECTS)
Self study = I semester= 25h = 1/2 ECTS
home assignments = 15h
preparation for 3 tests during the semester and final test = 10 h.
Term 2023Z:
Theoretical introduction to the problems of contrastive linguistics. Description of the main contrasts of German and Polish language with some elements of English language. Student’s workload: |
Term 2024Z:
Theoretical introduction to the problems of contrastive linguistics. Description of the main contrasts of German and Polish language with some elements of English language. Student’s workload: |
Type of course
Remote learning
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
The student knows the main contrasts between German and Polish language with some elements of English language (K_W04).
The student is able to use and apply theoretical knowledge from the field of contrastive grammar both in communication situations requiring the use of German language and in the case of creation of written and oral specialist and non-specialist texts, as well as translating written or oral texts from German or into German (K_U04); can identify, analyse and solve problems from the field of contrastive linguistics (S_U06, K_U04); translate into Polish and German, eliminate the negative transfer from the mother tongue, avoid interference errors (S_U07, K_U04, K_U05).
Socio-cultural competency:
The student can interact and work in a group (K_K01); properly identify and resolve the dilemmas of interlingual communication caused by asymmetry between the systems of German and Polish language (K_K04).
Assessment criteria
Methods of student’s work assessment:
Evaluation of students’ homework: students are currently preparing for classes on the base on materials provided to them, during the semester three mid-semester tests. Final test with gaps to fill with the constructions learned during the course.
Assessment criteria:
Continuous assessment 50%, final written test 50%.
The final grade - according to acquired knowledge.
The overall result is established in accordance with the following scale:
51%-60% = 3
61%-70% = 3+
71%-80% = 4
81%-90% = 4+
91%-100% = 5
Passing requirements:
Absence - three unauthorized absences allowed in the semester.
Czochralski, J., Gramatyka niemiecka dla Polaków, Wiedza Powszechna Warszawa 1992.
Engel, U. (red.), Deutsch-polnische kontrastive Grammatik, Julius Gross Verlag Heidelberg 1999.
Helbig, G., Buscha J., Deutsche Grammatik. Ein Handbuch für den Ausländerunterricht, München, Klett-Langenscheidt, 2013
Helbig, G., Buscha J., Übungsgrammatik Deutsch, München, Klett-Langenscheidt, 2013
Kątny, A., Olszewska, D., Socka A., Kontrastive Linguistik und interkulturelle Kommunikation. Studia Germanica Gedanensia 31, Gdańsk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2014
Königs, K., Übersetzen Englisch-Deutsch, R. Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien, 2004
Rein, K., Einführung in die kontrastive Linguistik, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt, 1983
Term 2023Z:
Czochralski, J., Gramatyka niemiecka dla Polaków, Wiedza Powszechna Warszawa 1992. |
Term 2024Z:
Czochralski, J., Gramatyka niemiecka dla Polaków, Wiedza Powszechna Warszawa 1992. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: