- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Epigram - sonnet - ballad - fable. Minor poetic genres in early modern literature (from the 15th to the 17th century). 3001-ESB-OG
When is a fable born? Who invented the sonnet? Does Mickiewicz's ballad have anything in common with the ballads of medieval troubadours? Is an epigramme the same as a fraszka? What are the connections between epigram and shotr humourous stories (facetiae)? Why did the sonnet appear in Polish literature only in the 16th century? Are epitaph and epigram the same genre? We will seek answers to these and other questions during a monographic lecture devoted to minor poetic genres (epigram, sonnet, ballad and fable) and their "career" in the early modern period. Together we will consider the definitions of these genres, lean into their concrete realizations by authors such as Dante, Petrarch, Ronsard, Marot, Shakespeare, Marino, Morsztyn, Kochanowski, de La Fontaine). We will also unearth the classical, ancient roots of these genres (e.g., the poetry of Martialis, Aesop, Phaedrus). We will look for connections between literary texts and philosophical tradition and iconography, and consider such phenomena as dolce stil novo poetry, Petrarchism, Mannerism, metaphysical poetry.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student:
- has a basic knowledge of the epigram, ballad, sonnet and fable, taking into account the dynamics of the development of these genres in a broad European context,
- accurately recognizes the relationship between minor genres and the philosophical currents, aesthetic conventions and cultural and social phenomena characteristic of them (such as dolce stil novo poetry, the theory of courtly love, Petrarchism, Marinism, French classicism)
- understands the meaning of such terms as epigram, epigramme, fraszka, figlik, facetiae, ballad, fable, sonnet, Petrarchism, Marinism, classicism, troubadour,
- knows the basic verse measures of early modern European lyricism,
- analyzes literary texts created in the period from the 15th to the 17th century, finds the appropriate literary, historical and cultural context for them
- critically analyzes the literary and cultural phenomena discussed in the lecture,
- formulates thoughts and judgments in correct Polish, successfully engages in discussion, demonstrates the ability to argue and exemplify logically.
Assessment criteria
Conditions for passing:
1) attendance at lecture,
2) writing a short essay on a selected poem representing the genres discussed in class and written in the period from the 15th to the 17th century. Necessary conditions for the acceptance of the essay:
- selection of a work,
- formal conditions: 2 pages of formalized typescript (Times New Roman font, interlines 1.5, font size 12),
- submission of the work by the deadline to be given at the first lecture.
1. A student is allowed two unexcused absences per semester.
2. If a student has more unexcused absences, he/she will not receive credit for the course.
3. If a student wishes to excuse absences, he/she must document objective reasons for the absences (e.g. a medical release) within one week.
4. The student is obliged to make up any over-excused absences on the instructor's duty. The date of the consultation will be indicated during the first class.
Regulamin studiów na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim:
a. pkt. 17 par. 2,
b. pkt. 5 par. 17,
c. par. 33.
Use of AI tools:
1. If a student wishes (for the purposes of a course credit paper or a dissertation) to use artificial intelligence tools, they must: a) obtain the instructor's permission to do so, b) agree with the instructor on the objectives and scope of the use of AI tools.
2. A student may not use artificial intelligence tools to edit papers in Polish unless the instructor agrees.
3. If a student uses artificial intelligence tools:
a. without the consent of the instructor orb. in a manner not agreed with him/her, the instructor shall apply procedures analogous to those used in the anti-plagiarism procedure. These procedures are described by the University Learning Council in Resolution 14.
1. Uchwała nr 170 Rady Dydaktycznej dla kierunków studiów: filologia bałtycka, filologia klasyczna i studia śródziemnomorskie, filologia polska, filologia polskiego języka migowego, kulturoznawstwo – wiedza o kulturze, logopedia ogólna i kliniczna, slawistyka, sztuka pisania, sztuki społeczne z dnia 27 lutego 2024 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących korzystania z narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji w procesie kształcenia na Wydziale Polonistyki
2. Uchwała nr 98 Uniwersyteckiej Rady ds. Kształcenia z dnia 8 grudnia 2023 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących korzystania z narzędzi sztucznej inteligencji w procesie kształcenia
3. Uchwała nr 14 Uniwersyteckiej Rady ds. Kształcenia z dnia 13 lipca 2020 r. w sprawie wytycznych dotyczących standardów i procedur postępowania w przypadku przygotowywania prac zaliczeniowych i dyplomowych z naruszeniem prawa na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim.
Workload hours converted into ECTS credits:
- lecture attendance: 30 hours (1 ECTS),
- lecture preparation: 30 hours (1 ECTS),
- preparation of the essay: 30 hours (1 ECTS).
Practical placement
not applicable
Note: Only studies of a synthetic nature and anthologies are provided in this section.
Syntheses and dictionaries
G. Lanson, P. Tuffrau, Historia literatury francuskiej w zarysie, Warszawa 1965.
M. Cytowska, H. Szelest, Historia literatury starożytnej, Warszawa 2007 (lub inne wyd.).
P. Salwa, K. Żaboklicki, Historia literatury włoskiej, t. 1, Warszawa 1998.
Słownik literatury staropolskiej, red. T. Michałowska, Warszawa 2002 (lub inne wydanie). Stąd hasła: Petrarkizm, Marinizm, Epigramat, Sonet.
Słownik terminów literackich, red. J. Sławiński, Wrocław 1989 (lub inne wyd.).
Słownik literatury polskiego oświecenia, red. T. Kostkiewiczowa, Warszawa 1977 (lub inne wyd.). Stąd hasło: Bajka.
Słownik rodzajów i gatunków literackich, red. G. gazda, S. Tynecka-Makowska, Kraków 2006 (lub inne wydanie).
Detailed studies
M. Brahmer, Petrarkizm w poezji polskiej XVI w., Kraków 1927.
E. Porębowicz, Teorya średniowiecznej miłości dwornej, "Pamiętnik Literacki" 1904, 3/1/4.
J. Miszalska, Sonet w Polsce od XVI do początków XIX wieku a przekłady z języka włoskiego, "Italica Vratislaviensia" 2020, 1.
A. Nowicka-Jeżowa, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn i Giambattista Marino. Dialog poetów europejskiego baroku, Warszawa, Stąd: Petrarkizm polski, W ogrodzie sonetu.
Antologia bajki polskiej, wybór i oprac. W. Woźnowski, Wrocław 1983.
Antologia Palatyńska, wybór, tł., oprac. Z Kubiak, Warszawa 1978 (lub inne wyd.)
Antologia poezji francuskiej, oprac. J. Lisowski, t. 1-2, Warszawa 2001.
Antologia polskich przekładów poezji włoskiej od wieku XVI do końca XIX stulecia, oprac. M. Gurgul. J. Miszalska, Kraków 2006.
Brewiarz miłości: antologia liryki staroprowansalskiej, oprac. i tł. Z. Romanowiczowa, Wrocław 1963.
Przed Petrarką. Antologia trzynastowiecznej poezji włoskiej, oprac. M. Woźniak, Kraków 2005.
Sonet polski. Wybór tekstów, oprac. W. Folkierski, Kraków 1925.
Term 2024Z:
Useful websites https://polona.pl |
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: