(in Polish) Contemporary Imperialism 2105-M-D4COIM
The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the basic theories of imperialism in various theoretical approaches and to analyze selected contemporary events and problems using them.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, students:
EK.Know main classical theories of imperialism (K_W02, K_W08)
EK.2 Recognize the most important theoretical traditions in relation to the theory of modern imperialism (K_W02, K_W08)
EK.4 Refer to the main current debates concerning the issue of contemporary imperialism. (K_W04, K_W05, K_W06)
EK.6 They have the ability to critically interpret the problem of contemporary imperialism (K_U01)
EK.7 They are prepared to participate in debates on problems related to the manifestations of imperialism in the contemporary world (K_K01)
Assessment criteria
Assessment based on activity during classes and student presentations
1. Organizational classes
2. Classical liberal theories of imperialism in capitalist system
J. A. Hobson, Imperialism: A Study, New York 1902, http://files.libertyfund.org/files/127/Hobson_0052_EBk_v6.0.pdf, Introduction, Part I: ch. IV; J. Schumpeter, "Sociology of Imperialism", Imperialism and Social Classes, New York 1955 (1919), http://mises.org/books/imperialism.pdf, pp. 3-7, 64-98
3. Classical Marxist theories of capitalist imperialism
K. Kautsky, "Imperialism and the War", "Ultra-Imperialism", Die Neue Zeit 1914, http://www.marxists.org/archive/kautsky/; V. Lenin, Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism, 1916, http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/pdf/Lenin_Imperialism_the_Highest_Stahe_of_Capitalism.pdf, ch. VII; N. Bukharin, Imperialism and World Economy, 1915, http://archive.org/stream/cu31924013841154#page/n5/mode/2up, ch. V, X;
4. Newest theories of contemporary imperialism – theories of empire (1)
M. Hardt, A, Negri, Empire, 2000, ch. 1; F. Ilkowski, Capitalist Imperialism in Contemporary Theoretical Frameworks, 2017, pp. 15-106
5. Newest theories of contemporary imperialism – theories of imperialist rivalry (2)
D. Harvey, The New Imperialism, 2003, ch. 1, 4, F. Ilkowski, Capitalist Imperialism in Contemporary Theoretical Frameworks, 2017, pp. 107-186
6. Newest theories of contemporary imperialism and empire – echoes of dependency theory (3)
S. Amin, “Contemporary Imperialism”, Monthly Review, 01. 07. 2015 https://monthlyreview.org/2015/07/01/contemporary-imperialism/; J. Smith, “Imperialism in the Twenty-First Century”, Monthly Review, 01. 07. 2015, https://monthlyreview.org/2015/07/01/imperialism-in-the-twenty-first-century/
7. Case studies/student presentations
8. Case studies/student presentations
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: