- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Politics and Society in Middle East and Africa 2100-MON-PSBW-OG
Thematic scope:
I. Relations between the state and religion in the Middle East and Africa.
1. Islam and democracy and civil society.
2. Pan-Islamism and postcolonial nation-states.
3. ideological and political potential of the Christian elite.
II. The idea of the caliphate: doctrinal foundations and historical tradition.
1. Is there a universal model of a modern state based on Islam?
• Evolution of the idea of the caliphate since the Muslim conquests by Baghdad, Damascus, Istanbul, European caliphates, e.g. Cordoba to the times of ISISL - "anti-caliphate"?
• Divine order on earth or an efficient tool for legitimizing power among the followers of Islam?
• Al Farabi's "perfect state" and the reality under the Daesh rule - aspects: legal and moral. The perfect head of state - the ideal of the caliph.
2. Islam in the constitution, legislation, sharia and statutory law, the specificity of the moral police.
III. Religious factor in undemocratic systems, the specificity of Arab authoritarianism.
Totalitarianism and authoritarianism: the Middle East approach, Libyan and Iraqi systems as the most ideologized in the region.
Types of authoritarianism: similarities and differences. Monarchies and republics.
1. Model of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey - comparative characteristics.
2. Traditional sources of legitimizing power in Arab and African cultures and their contemporary forms.
3. Hamas and Hezbollah as a contemporary implementation of the idea of Az-Zaim in the institutional and social context.
4. "Arab Spring" - diagnosis of the condition of Arab systems - a renaissance of religiosity?
5. Old and new authoritarianism: changing the nature of the relationship between the regime and the army and capital; populist strategy versus liberal strategy, social support, party structure, regime legitimacy,
IV. Middle East and African elites; leadership problem:
1. The characters of Saddam Hussein, Muammar Kadaffi, Omar al-Bashir and their influence on MS in the region
2. Gulf Monarchies.
V. The role of religious fundamentalisms - Muslim fundamentalism - its genesis and manifestations.
1. Definition, the genesis of the term, typology. For example, state, political, ethnic and religious fundamentalism.
Muslim fundamentalism - the concepts of salafija, neosalafija
Famous ideologues: Maududi- the concept of hakamija, Hassan al Banna, Said Qutb.
2. Examples of fundamentalist groups: Association of Muslim Brothers, Hamas.
The Organization for the Liberation of Palestine and Hamas - two faces of Palestinian nationalism. Refusal of Palestinian Self-Determination as a Source of Terrorism Escalation in the Region.
PLO - official representative of Palestinian interests, exponent of Palestinian nationalism, guardian of identity.
Socio-political determinants of Hamas success, Hamas Charter, Hamas' Anti-Semitism
3. Al-Ka'ida and its emanations
4.Shiite fundamentalism (Hezbollah)
• Iranian security strategy - concepts: Shi'ite crescent, strategic depth, strategic ballistic arc - real influences of the Islamic Republic or their projection?
• Hizbullah's activities in response to the implosion of state structures in Lebanon:
• open letter of 1985, UN resolutions 1701, 1559.
• Relations between organizations: Hamas and Hezbollah, Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brothers.
VI. Socio-economic problems.
1. Social contestation of the established order, protest movement 2011-2020.
2. Religion and Arab socialism. Definitions, differences, views - an ideological element.
3. Middle East and Africa in the face of globalization.
4. Global Islam - multinational.
5. Fundamentalism and globalization.
VII Multicultural Israel:
1. Socio-political divisions of Israeli society.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
W01 has knowledge about the evolution of state systems in the region (including theoretical assumptions and examples of practical implementation of the idea of the caliphate), as well as the specificity of nation states in the Middle East and Africa.
W02 has in-depth knowledge of the theory and practice of political and economic decision making.
W03 Knows the solutions of socio-political structures and institutions specific to the region.
U01 is able to accurately, clearly and coherently express himself orally and in writing on socio-political phenomena in the Middle East and Africa; prepares written papers that meet the basic criteria of a scientific study in the field of specific issues in the field of international relations science and related disciplines, and is able to comprehensively justify his views orally.
U02 Critically analyzes information, news and media coverage about the Middle East and Africa.
U03 Analyzes and interprets the socio-political phenomena in the region from the perspective of various paradigms, such as constructivism, post-colonialism.
Assessment criteria
Grading scale:
From 60% satisfactory
From 75% good
From 80% good +
From 90% very good
Practical placement
Not applicable.
Oz, Almog, Wielokulturowy Izrael, Warszawa 2011
Robert, Blackburn, Arab burden of corny capitalism, www.financialworld.co.uk, May 2011, s 28-29. ( PDF. udostępniony mailowo).
Gunning, Jeroen, Hamas in Politics, Londyn 2007 (pdf)
Ramadan, Tarik, A curious historical shift, The need for an Arab Cultural Revolution, 2013. (Proszę przeczytać artykuł dostępny online: http://www.tariqramadan.com/spip.php?article12797&lang=fr
Upgrading Authoritarianism in the Arab World, ANALYSIS PAPER, Number 13, October 2007 ( PDF. udstępniony mailowo).
Karta Hamasu ( jest dostępna w Internecie, posiadam format word)
Abu Zaid, Nasr, Reformation of Islamic Thought: A Critical Historical Analysis, Scientific Council for Government Policy, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam 2006
Abu Zaid, Nasr, Rethinking of the Qur’an: Towards a Humanistic Hermeneutics, Humanistic University Press, Amsterdam 2004
Danecki, Janusz, Podstawowe wiadomości o islamie, tom 2., Dialog, Warszawa 1997 ( Zwłaszcza strony: 51-87, 119-150).
Danecki, Janusz, Polityczne funkcje islamu, Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 1991
Danecki, Janusz, Muzułmańscy fundamentaliści a Europa. Koncepcja islamu w dziele Mustafy As Siba’iego, [w:] Pochwała historii powszechnej, Warszawa 1996
Dziekan, Marek, Irak. Religia i Polityka, Warszawa 2007
Gunning, Jeroen, Hamas in Politics, London 2007 (pdf)
Gulf monarchies may update power structures, https://dailybrief.oxan.com/Analysis/DB227726/Gulf-monarchies-may-update-power-structures.
Harik , Hezbollah the changing face of terrorism, 2004 (pdf.)
Islamic Activism a social movement theory approach, Indiana Series in Middle East Studies, Indiana 2004 ( pdf)
Kirdar. M. J,. AL QAEDA IN IRAQ, 2011( pdf)
Litvak, Mehr, The Anti-Semitism of Hamas ( pdf.)
Landau, Jacob, The Politics of Pan-Islam: ideology and organization, Clarendon Press, Oksford 1992
Mrozek-Dumanowska, Anna, Religia a globalizacja, Warszawa 2014
Najjar, Fauzi, The Arabs, Islam and Globalization, Middle East Policy, Vol. XII, no. 3, jesień 2005, www.policyinnovations Islam and globalism
Norton, Angus Richard, Hezbollah a short story,2009, (pdf)
Ramadan, Tarik, Western Muslims and the Future of Islam, Oxford University Press, Londyn 2004
Ramadan, Tarik, A curious historical shift, The need for an Arab Cultural Revolution, 2013
Strindberg , Realities of Resistance Hizballah, the Palestinia, 2005 ( pdf)
Tibi, Bassam, Fundamentalizm religijny, Państwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, Warszawa 1997
Turner, Bryan, S., Orientalism. Postmodernism & Globalizm, Routledge 1997
Xavier, Raufer, Atlas radykalnego Islamu, Dialog, Warszawa 2011 ( Zwłaszcza Radykakny sunnizm: strony 19-30, radykalny szyizm: strony 377-451)
Mrozek-Dumanowska, Anna, Zdanowski, Jerzy (red.), Islam a globalizacja, Wydawnictwo Naukowe ASKON, Warszawa 2005
Zdanowski, Jerzy, Współczesna muzułmańska myśl społeczno-polityczna. Ruch Braci Muzułmanów, Warszawa 2009
Zdanowski, Jerzy, Bracia Muzułmanie i inni, Glob, Szczecin 1986
Literatura do zajęć dotyczących idei kalifatu:
Al-Farabi, Państwo doskonałe. Polityka, Biblioteka Klasyków Filozofii, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1967r.,s. 49-118
KATARZYNA WASILEWSKA – ZEMBRZUSKA, Teoria państwa doskonałego Al-Farabiego i jej greckie źródła.,
Mirosław Sadowski, Ze studiów nad wczesnomuzułmańską doktryną państwa, w: Politeja, Pismo Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, nr 2, Kraków 2004, ss. 243-278.
Stefaniuk T., Al-Farabi i początki filozofii politycznej w świecie islamu, [w:] Nowoczesność, Europa,
Islam. Religia a dylematy obywatelstwa i wykluczenia, (red.) Chazbijewicz S., Turowski M., Skarbek,K., Wrocław 2012, s. 21-36.
Additional information
Information on level of this course, year of study and semester when the course unit is delivered, types and amount of class hours - can be found in course structure diagrams of apropriate study programmes. This course is related to the following study programmes:
- Inter-faculty Studies in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Computer Science
- Bachelor's degree, first cycle programme, Mathematics
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Computer Science
- Master's degree, second cycle programme, Mathematics
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: