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Study programmes > First-cycle studies > Physics Education > Physics Education, full-time first cycle programme

Physics Education, full-time first cycle programme (S1-PRK-FZN)

(in Polish: Nauczanie fizyki, stacjonarne, pierwszego stopnia)
first cycle programme
full-time, 3-year studies
Language: Polish

Program studiów

  • dyscyplina wiodąca: nauki fizyczne, pozostałe dyscypliny: pedagogika;
  • kształcenie w zakresie fizyki oparte o światowej klasy badania naukowe prowadzone na Wydziale Fizyki UW;
  • dostęp do pracowni komputerowych i bogato wyposażonych bibliotek specjalistycznych;
  • możliwość wykonywania własnych projektów i prototypów w pracowni Makerspace@UW;
  • praktyki zawodowe w ramach studiów;
  • przygotowanie do uzyskania uprawnień nauczycielskich zgodnie ze standardami kształcenia (tj. po magisterium z fizyki);
  • zajęcia na Wydziale Fizyki UW (ul. Pasteura 5).

Studia skonstruowane są w nowoczesny sposób, mający na celu zapewnienie absolwentom solidnych podstaw w zakresie fizyki, matematyki oraz innych dziedzin związanych z wykonywaniem zawodu nauczyciela przedmiotów fizyka i matematyka na poziomie szkoły podstawowej.

Sylwetka absolwenta


  • ma gruntowną wiedzę w zakresie podstaw fizyki klasycznej i kwantowej, matematyki wyższej i metod matematycznych oraz technik informatycznych i metod numerycznych stosowanych w fizyce i naukach pokrewnych;
  • zna zasady działania prostych układów pomiarowych i elektronicznych;
  • potrafi posługiwać się aparatem matematycznym przy opisie i modelowaniu podstawowych zjawisk i procesów fizycznych;
  • zna język angielski na poziomie B2 lub wyższym;
  • potrafi twórczo wykorzystać zdobytą wiedzę przy projektowaniu i realizacji prostych doświadczeń fizycznych, opisie i interpretacji uzyskanych wyników oraz oszacowaniu niepewności pomiarowych;
  • ma niezbędne kompetencje społeczne do pracy w zespole, w różnych, również kierowniczych rolach;
  • dostrzega potrzebę ciągłego pogłębiania zdobytej wiedzy i dalszego doskonalenia nabytych umiejętności, posiada wypracowany nawyk ustawicznego samokształcenia;
  • potrafi korzystać z literatury specjalistycznej, przygotować i wygłaszać referaty, również w języku angielskim;
  • ma kompetencje pedagogiczne i psychologiczne odpowiednie do podjęcia pracy w placówce oświatowej po uzyskaniu tytułu zawodowego magistra fizyki;
  • potrafi nauczać fizyki oraz matematyki, korzystając z różnych metod dydaktycznych;
  • jest gruntownie przygotowana/y do podjęcia kształcenia na studiach drugiego stopnia.

Qualification awarded:

First cycle degree - licencjat - in Physics Education

Access to further studies:

second cycle programme

Learning outcomes

Upon the completion of the study program, the graduate achieves the learning outcomes specified in Resolution No. 414 of the Senate of the University of Warsaw of May 8, 2019 on study programs at the University of Warsaw (Monitor UW of 2019, item 128 as amended d.). The graduate has the following qualifications in terms of knowledge, skills and social competences:
Regarding knowledge, the graduate
• knows and understands the basic laws and concepts of classical and quantum physics, understands their historical development and importance for the progress of exact, natural and technical sciences, understanding the world and human development
• knows and understands the basics of knowledge about the basic components of matter and the interactions that govern them, understands the manifestations of these interactions in physical phenomena on various scales from subatomic to astronomical, knows the characteristic time and energy scales associated with these phenomena
• knows and understands basic knowledge of higher mathematics and mathematical methods as a language that enables quantitative considerations in physics
• knows and understands basic information techniques, numerical methods and software necessary to solve physical problems
• knows and understands the basic experimental techniques necessary to plan and perform simple physical experiments and the principles of description and interpretation of their results
• they know the basic principles of occupational health and safety, in particular to the extent that allows for safe participation in didactic classes at the physical lab
• has basic knowledge of legal and ethical conditions related to research and teaching
• knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of industrial property and copyright protection and the need to manage intellectual property resources; can use patent information resources
• knows and understands the elementary terminology used in pedagogy and understands its sources and applications within related scientific disciplines
• knows and understands the basics of knowledge about upbringing and education, its philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, biological, psychological and medical foundations
• knows and understands the basic knowledge about human development in the life cycle, both in biological, psychological and social aspects
• they know and understand the basics of the methodology of performing typical tasks as well as the standards and procedures used in various areas of pedagogical activity

Regarding skills, the graduate:
• is able to use higher mathematics and the mathematical methods of physics to describe and model basic physical phenomena and processes, can independently recreate theorems and equations describing basic phenomena and laws of nature, can prove these theorems and laws
• is able to plan, carry out and interpret physical experiments of an average degree of complexity
• is able to deliver a critical analysis of the results of measurements, observations or theoretical calculations along with a quantitative assessment of the accuracy of the results
• is able to use numerical methods, use numerical libraries, databases and basic software used in physics
• is able to present and explain the basic facts about the phenomena and laws of physics in an accessible way and to communicate effectively with both specialists and non-specialists in these sciences, noticing the need to popularize exact sciences in society
• is able to find the necessary information in professional literature, databases and other sources and to critically evaluate information from unverified sources
• is able to independently and in a team carry out a project in the field of physics, prepare a report presenting the results of this project in writing, orally, as a multimedia presentation or as a poster, both in Polish and English
• is able to use English at the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, allowing for independent use of basic English-language literature and communication with specialists in the field of physics
• is able to use basic theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy and related disciplines in order to analyze and interpret educational, care, cultural and support problems, as well as motives and patterns of human behavior
• is able to analyze their own actions and indicate possible areas requiring modification in the future action
• is able to use information and communication technologies, in particular to access knowledge resources on the Internet

Regarding social skills, the graduate:
• is ready for lifelong learning
• is ready to work in a team and fulfill various roles; accepting and assigning tasks, organizing activities and achieving goals related to the design and undertaking of professional activities
• is ready to properly define priorities in order to accomplish the task set by himself or others
• is ready to engage in honest intellectual activity, undertaking research with an awareness of ethical issues; experimental verification of the theory and application of the scientific method in the accumulation of knowledge
• is ready to systematically read basic scientific and popular science journals in the selected area of physical sciences in order to expand and deepen the knowledge and to verify sources, including online
• is ready to conduct research, experiments or physical observations, taking into account the social aspects of the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills and the related responsibility
• is ready to behave in a professional manner, reflect on ethical issues and adhere to the principles of professional ethics
• is prepared to actively participate in groups, organizations and institutions implementing pedagogical activities and is able to communicate with people who are and are not specialists in a given field
• prepares responsibly for their work, designs and carries out pedagogical activities

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/