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Study programmes > Second-cycle studies > Radiogenomics > Radiogenomics, full-time, second cycyle programme

Radiogenomics, full-time, second cycyle programme (S2-PRK-RAD)

(in Polish: Radiogenomika, stacjonarne, drugiego stopnia)
second cycle programme
full-time, 2-year studies
Language: Polish

Studia prowadzone są w języku polskim

Dziedzina: nauki ścisłe i przyrodnicze, dyscyplina: nauki chemiczne

Liczba semestrów: 4

Liczba punktów ECTS konieczna do ukończenia studiów na danym poziomie: 120

Tytuł zawodowy nadawany absolwentom: magister

Zajęcia odbywają się na Kampusie Ochota, na Wydziale Chemii UW, przy ulicy Pasteura 1.

Szczegółowy program studiów: tutaj

Radiogenomika koncentruje się na odnajdywaniu korelacji pomiędzy danymi molekularnymi uzyskiwanymi z technik genetycznych, np. sekwencjonowania genomu, z informacjami uzyskiwanymi w wyniku diagnostyki pacjenta z wykorzystaniem technik obrazowania molekularnego, np. MRI, PET, CT. Uzyskiwane dane analizowane są przy pomocy opracowanych do tego celu algorytmów obliczeniowych, w szczególności wykazujących cechy samouczenia. Radiogenomika otwiera nowe możliwości w diagnozowaniu, planowaniu leczenia i monitorowaniu postępu leczenia wielu chorób.

Kierunek studiów Radiogenomika łączy efekty kształcenia z zakresu nauk chemicznych, biologicznych i fizycznych i dlatego prowadzony jest przez Wydział Chemii, Wydział Biologii oraz Wydział Fizyki.

W ramach studiów dla wyróżniających się studentów będą możliwe wyjazdy naukowe, szkolenia specjalistyczne z zakresu badań przedklinicznych oraz międzynarodowe konferencje naukowe. Absolwenci tego kierunku studiów będą posiadali unikatową/interdyscyplinarną wiedzę i umiejętności praktyczne predysponujące ich do kontynuacji nauki w ramach szkół doktorskich, a w przyszłości działalności naukowej..

Absolwent kierunku Radiogenomika będzie posiadał następujące kompetencje:

  • specjalistyczną wiedzę z zakresu biologii, chemii, fizyki związanych z diagnostyką m.in. chorób na poziomie komórkowym;
  • umiejętność przeprowadzenia podstawowych badań biochemicznych;
  • umiejętność planowania procedur eksperymentalnych;
  • umiejętność łączenia i interpretacji wyników uzyskiwanych w ramach procedur biologicznych i fizycznych;
  • wiedzę w jaki sposób promieniowanie jonizujące oddziałuje z materią ożywioną oraz umiejętność jakościowego i ilościowego określenia jakie są tego skutki;
  • znajomość technik pomiarowych takich jak NMR, IR, SPECT, CT, PET;
  • wiedzę na temat podstaw modelowania właściwości układów biologicznie czynnych.

ECTS Coordinators:

Qualification awarded:

Second cycle degree - magister - in Radiogenomics

Access to further studies:

doctoral school, non-degree postgraduate education

Learning outcomes

The graduate has achieved the learning outcomes defined for master’s degree program Radiogenomics.

The graduate can critically evaluate the results of experiments carried out independently within his specialty, as well as discuss the uncertainty of measurements. The graduate can independently plan and perform theoretical and practical research, as well as innovatively solve practical problems not described in the available sources.
The graduate has an in-depth knowledge and skills to analyze issues related to chemistry, biology and physics, particularly in the aspects with a reference to Radiogenomics, and can evaluate this knowledge using professional literature, databases and other sources of information, and can assess the reliability of the information obtained.
Knowledge – the graduate knows and understands:
- detailed chemical, physical and biological methods used in the testing of biological material;
- basic terms in dosimetry, principles of radiation protection and applicable legal regulations;
- relationships between the structure and reactivity of chemical molecules and biomolecules;
- mechanisms of action of drugs and radiopharmaceuticals, and processes they undergo in the body;
- methods and particular steps of synthesis and separation of organic compounds, including compounds labelled with radioisotopes;
- methodology and principle of operation of modern apparatus used in animal and human research;
- basic algorithms, IT tools and databases used in research and scientific calculations;
- principles and ethical standards related to scientific and didactic activities;
- technical and operational aspects of modern measuring equipment supporting research;
- basic principles of functioning organs in the human body and medical effects of metabolic disorders;
- the role and place of chemistry and biochemistry in the structure of exact and natural sciences and its contribution to the development of medicine;
- basic aspects, including legal ones, related to conducting clinical trials;
- application of nuclear techniques in chemistry, medicine and industry;
- fundamentals of genetics and proteomics of eukaryotic cells, and the use of microarrays and next-generation sequencing in genomic and transcriptomic studies;
- basic tools and methods of data acquisition, processing and presentation;
- health and safety rules in laboratory work;
- general principles of creation and development of forms of individual entrepreneurship, using the knowledge from the field of natural sciences;
- basic concepts in the field of intellectual property protection and patent law.
Skills - the graduate can:
- conduct advanced experiments in chemistry, biology and physics and develop the obtained results using computer methods;
- prepare and control radiation protection procedures in an organizational unit, conduct dosimetry control – both individual and of the working environment;
- design and synthesize organic compounds and radiolabelled compounds;
- use English (at B2+ level) to the extent necessary to communicate and use basic professional literature in chemistry, biology and physics;
- apply appropriate methods, techniques, research and IT tools necessary to explain the research problem posed;
- assess the quality of the diagnostic tests and the possible risks resulting from conducting them;
- plan, perform simple bioinformatics or data mining analyses and assess their results;
- independently acquire knowledge and develop their professional skills using professional literature, databases and other sources of information, also in a foreign language, and assess the reliability of the information obtained;
- prepare oral presentations and written works in Polish and English on topics related to selected chemical, physical or biological issues, including a description and justification of the purpose of the work, the adopted methodology, results and their significance with a reference to other similar scientific/research works using basic theoretical approaches, as well as using various sources;
- work in a team, also of an interdisciplinary nature, with awareness of the responsibility for jointly performed tasks;
- plan and execute experimental studies or observations and analyze the results and
assess their reliability;
- use mathematical methods to solve selected chemical, physical and biochemical problems and use statistical methods to analyze and verify experimental data in chemical and biochemical experiments;
- plan and define the research goal, plan and carry out its implementation, as well as collect and interpret empirical data.
Social competences - the graduate is ready to:
- carry out continuous education and independent search for information in literature, including foreign language literature;
- assess the importance of the interdisciplinary approach in chemical, physical, technical and medical applications;
- critically evaluate scientific and popular science content;
- determine the scope of own knowledge and skills and improve professional and personal competences;
- fulfill social and professional obligations, co-organize activities for the benefit of the social environment;
- critically assess the level of advancement of own knowledge and is ready to independently undertake and initiate simple research activities;
- comply with the rules of professional ethics and require others to do so, with the conviction of the importance of behaving in a professional manner;
- think and act in an entrepreneurial way.

Admission procedures:

Visit the following page for details on admission procedures: https://irk.uw.edu.pl/